American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 334: S: The Shining Event (14)

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"What? Kama Taj has made a large portal?... How big? Can it be as big as the moon?... Okay, I got it, just wait."

Stark hung up the phone and said angrily: "These mages must have run away. They actually solved the problem of material transportation first. Doesn't that mean that my research speed is too slow?"

Banner was still writing the material, and Stark got angry when he saw him. He said, "This is a game, understand? We can't lose to those magicians! I have to prove to them, Mechanical technology is the best way out for mankind!"

Banner yawned and said, "I have already finished the part on the universality and utilization of vibranium materials. The data analysis report of 69 available alloys is placed there. The utilization rate of Mercury's global magnetic field belt is here. It has been transmitted, and there is still one last bit of the geological exploration report and structural reorganization of the crater..."

"Stark, you have time to complain, can you hurry up and finish the part of the exploration robot that you are working on? We are all waiting for you..."

The one next to him pushed Banner's arm with his elbow and whispered to him, "Don't put too much pressure on him, after all, people have limits..."

Just listening to the "whoosh" sound, the mecha flew over from the window, "Katha" smashed the glass, and instantly armed Stark.

Stark pulled the visor off and said to Jarvis: "The life support device is on maximum power! Next, I don't want to waste a little time on solving physiological needs!"

"Limit? Stark was born to define the limit!"

As he turned around, he compared his middle fingers to the two people sitting in front of the experimental table.

Banner looked at the back of him leaving, and he hesitated: "Would it be too much for you to let me stimulate him so much? He won't really stay up late and die suddenly, right?"

"Leave him alone, how are you feeling? Does the medicine work?"

Banner turned his head back, sighed, and said, "I was taking medication as prescribed by the doctor for a while before I came here, but it didn't work much."

"Hulk is immune to all tranquilizers. I finish taking the medicine one second before, and he will come out the next second, and there will be no dullness."

Schiller shook his head and said, "Your situation is too troublesome. The gamma rays strengthen your body, but it is your other personality that can control this power."

Banner also sighed, obviously he has been troubled by this for a long time, and Schiller continued: "Last night, I read all your medical records and psychological consultation reports before, and now I have some inspiration."

"Is that the new therapy you mentioned earlier?"

"Yes, I also brought in an expert who is very good at this. If you want, we will have a consultation tonight. Even if the problem cannot be solved fundamentally, it may be able to improve your condition."

"That's the best." Banner took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and said, "I wish I could end this bad life sooner, but he's like a ghost that haunts me no matter where I go. Wherever, always worry about the damage he may cause..."

"Because you are a good person, you have this psychological burden. Don't worry, even if we can't solve the problem from the psychological level, we can solve the problem from the physical level."

"Physical level? What do you mean?"

"It's not the Hulk that bothers you, it's the damage the Hulk has done, right?"

"Yes, in fact, I know that Hulk is a personality of mine. I have mentioned it in the diagnosis and treatment before..."

"Okay, I know, you don't have to repeat it, the Hulk is a product of your childhood trauma, you came out, but he didn't, so it's normal for you to have sympathy for him."

"I know it's irresponsible, he's so good at destroying, but I don't want to destroy him because he took the shadow of those childhoods for me."

"But I've always lived in fear of the harm he'll cause to others, and like you said, I don't hate him, I hate the damage he's causing."

"I showed you before, there is magic in this world, isn't it?"

Banner looked at Schiller and said, "Actually, I'm also surprised, you're actually a magician, but that's right, no normal psychologist would insist on doing it for me after knowing that there is a monster in me. Psychotherapy."

"It will take a few seconds for you to transform into a Hulk, right? In fact, as long as you carry a mage with you, during your transformation process, you will be teleported to a certain corner of the galaxy, anyway, as long as there is no It's fine in the human zone, and when Hulk's anger subsides, he will teleport you back."

Banner raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect this method. He touched his chin and said, "It seems to be possible. Although Hulk can be very destructive when he is angry, it will not last long. ."

"You should know better than me how vast the universe is, and what no man's land has is that as long as you can use this method to avoid the damage caused by Hulk, alleviate your inner guilt, stabilize your mental state, and then supplement it with long-term With treatment, it may be possible to completely solve the problem.”

Banner nodded and said, "Does the treatment start tonight?"

His tone was obviously more active than before, and then he asked with some doubts: "Why is it at night? My work is basically finished, can't I start now?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "Noon is not a good time to drink."

"Drinking? ... What wine?"

The light outside the window began to gradually weaken, from a dazzling white light to a warm sunset afterglow. Schiller walked to the window of the office of the Arkham Nursing Home and closed the curtains. Banner sat on the sofa, watching the With the glass of wine in front of him, he felt a little dizzy.

"God, what kind of wine is this? Just smelling it makes me a little…"

He shook his head vigorously, put his hand on the glasses, and before he could push it, he felt a white light flashing in front of him, followed by a dim darkness.

Banner felt himself falling in the darkness. As he fell faster and faster, the wind whistled in his ears. After the light flashed again, Banner sat up on the sofa. He turned to look for Schiller's figure, but saw him A bald old man sat across from him.

After Schiller lowered his waist and put away the wine glass in front of him, he introduced to Charles: "This is a patient I mentioned to you before, and his problem is quite big."

Then he introduced to Banner again: "Now, we are in your consciousness space. Simply put, in your dream, the wine just now can make people fall into a dream."

"In a dream?" Banner asked suspiciously: "How is it possible? Isn't this reality? Then why is it so real?"

"Real? Are you sure you have 7 fingers?"

When Banner heard the words, he looked down at his hand and found that there were indeed 7 fingers on his hand, but he didn't feel anything wrong.


In general, Bruce Banner is still an ordinary person. Even if his intelligence is superior, his worldview still stays within the range of ordinary people. He touched his shoulders and chest, and found that the touch was very real. Then he Looking up at Schiller, he asked, "Is this the new therapy you're talking about? This shouldn't belong to the category of psychology, but the category of mysticism, right?"

"No, it's all rigorous and logical, you have to believe me, I'm not a quack."

Charles said, "Can you open up some of your memory permissions to me? I need to find the lesion first before I can think about how to solve it."

"...Well, what am I going to do?"

As soon as Banner finished asking, Schiller snapped his fingers, and Banner disappeared immediately. Schiller explained to Charles: "I blocked his consciousness first, because the root of his psychological problems came from childhood trauma. If I experience it again in a dream, I'm afraid he will have a nervous breakdown."

Charles nodded and said, "It's good to be cautious, and it's also for the safety of the patient."

When the two were talking, the surrounding scene slowly changed. The delicate wooden floor faded away layer by layer and turned into gray tiles. The walls of the room moved forward a little bit, the space became smaller, and the floor-to-ceiling windows became Narrow and small gray window, a little boy crouched in front of the cupboard, a bearded man is beating him.

Schiller and Charles were standing at the door of this small and broken kitchen, looking at the little Banner who was suffering domestic violence, Charles sighed and said, "I knew it would be like this."

"Most of the patients with multiple personality disorder have created a virtual personality because they have been subjected to strong mental stimulation, because their personality cannot resist the damage caused by this kind of stimulation." Schiller looked at Little Banner and said.

The moment he finished speaking, Little Banner, who was squatting on the ground and crying, suddenly turned into a green giant. He roared angrily, crying helplessly, venting his feelings to everything around him. anger.

"Fear." Charles said very firmly: "His anger comes from fear. I can clearly feel that he is very afraid of violence, but only violence can vent the anger caused by this fear."

Schiller and Charles are completely unaffected by the mad Hulk, because this is in the space of consciousness.

Schiller continued: "While he was deeply hurt by violence, he also longed for the authority that violence brought about, which is what most manic personalities have in common, who have been subjected to violence by violence. It hurts, but it brings violence to many more people."

"The reason they can't control themselves is that fear and anger take away all sense of security, so they want to find a way to make them feel safe."

Charles went on to say: "...and this measure is a resort to violence."

"Let's not talk about this, how to solve this problem? With all due respect, with ordinary psychotherapy, I am afraid it is impossible to eliminate this personality, and Banner is not willing to eliminate this personality that represents his childhood trauma."

"I can forcibly delete it, but it doesn't make sense." Charles sighed, he saw Schiller's somewhat interested gaze, he explained: "I can modify people's memory at will, this kind of thing For me it's as simple as eating and drinking."

"I can even delete all the memory of his domestic violence, leaving no trace."

"But people's thinking and consciousness are not that simple. Anyone's thinking has inertia, and when I modified their memory, it was like pulling a building block from the bottom of a very high building block."

"Perhaps the entire building block tower can remain stable at the moment when the building block is pulled out, but if you want to build it up again, there will be a risk of tipping over. The higher you build, the more dangerous it is."

"Deleting and modifying memories violently may not only lead to memory disorder, but also may lead to personality breakdown. People who have forcibly deleted their memories will feel that their behavior patterns and memories are completely incompatible, and the way they think about problems has no root cause. It's going to cause them a mental breakdown."

"It seems that he can only start with himself. My idea is to guide him to build a temple of his own, which can help him control when the Hulk comes out."

Schiller snapped his fingers, and he and Charles returned to his hall of thinking. The two walked out of the room and came to the corridor of the tower. Looking down, Schiller introduced: "Actually, I also have some very dangerous personalities. , once it takes over my body, it might do something crazy."

"But in my hall of thinking, there are traps and levels specifically for them, and they have to climb up layer by layer to come to the vicinity of the conscious mind."

"The level of activity of the personality is also related to the mental strength. The part of the strength allocated to them is consumed by him in the battle of wits and courage with traps and levels. Naturally, he will be calmer and will not interfere with my actions."

Charles, staring inside the bottomless tower, said: "I've never thought of this approach, so I'm not sure if it will work, but I think it can be tried."

"If as you said, his personality is a monster that can cause great damage, even if he can control it a little, it is a great improvement, and the situation will not get worse."

Soon, Banner's consciousness reappeared in Schiller's thinking hall, but this time, the three came to the floor.

Schiller explained his thoughts to Banner. He said: "Next, I will show you my thinking hall, and you can draw some inspiration from it to construct your own."

"As you can see, this is the first floor. This black floor represents the bottom of my consciousness. I have reinforced this place countless times to prevent certain personalities from falling, and then they can never be found again."

"Um..." Banner made a somewhat suspicious nasal voice, and Schiller turned to ask him, "What's the matter, is there anything you don't understand?"

"That's not true. I understand everything, including the theory of the mind hall you just said. I'm just a little strange. What's the matter with the hole in the middle?"

"Uh... This is a question left over from the past, wait..." Schiller took out the phone from his pocket and said, "Hello?... What's the matter with you? Didn't you say it last time? You have to dig up the last time. Fill in the hole that came out, what if someone gets stuck in it?…What? You are on vacation? You go on vacation before you finish your work, you…Hello? Hello???”

Schiller hung up the phone, he curled his lips helplessly, and said: "Don't worry, it's just a temporary passage, it should have been sealed, but the person who came up with this thing is on vacation, and when he comes back, it should be will fill in."

"Let's go up, pay attention to the stairs, and don't touch the handrail, there may be traps on it. Next we come to the first floor, which is also an earlier building. Looking to the left, there are two rooms..."

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