American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 333: S: The Great Incident (13)

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In S.H.I.E.L.D.'s underground experimental base, a man with brown hair and green eyes stepped forward, shook hands with Schiller, and said, "Long time no see, Schiller, since you left the University of California, there has been no news, no news. Think we'll meet here."

"It's been a long time indeed. After I transferred to Harvard, I thought you would leave the University of California soon, but I didn't expect you to stay here for so long, Bruce, how are you doing?" Schiller smiled and shook hands with Bruce Banner a hand.

Schiller's Marvel identity once taught at the University of California, when he and Banner were colleagues, but Schiller stayed there for a short time and left, and Bruce Banner is still at the University of California professor.

"Not bad, but after you left, I have to pay for every psychological consultation." Banner smiled and pushed his glasses.

In fact, there are not only the two of them in this room, and Stark is also standing next to him, but he is busy with his own business, and Schiller and Banner also think that he does not exist.

After Schiller stepped aside and let Banner walk into the laboratory, Banner glanced at Stark, rolled his eyes slightly, and turned to the experimental bench.

Schiller walked up to him, glanced back at Stark, and asked, "Are you two on a bad relationship?"

"You should ask, who would have a good relationship with Stark? At the last global forum, he spoke eloquently on it for three and a half hours, devaluing existing physics theories to nothing..." Banner added again Pushing his glasses, he didn't lower his voice, so Stark could hear it clearly.

Stark made a short breath from his nose, took a stack of documents, and strode out of the laboratory, but Banner showed a puzzled expression, looked at his back and said, "What's wrong with this guy? In the past, he would rush to reason with me for hours."

"People always have to grow up." Schiller shrugged, he asked: "Did SHIELD come to you? Who else did they find?"

"For the time being, I am the only one. Originally, they had already contacted Reed Richards, but his third phase of near-Earth research has not been completed, and he is still hanging in the sky. It is estimated that he will not be able to come back in half a month at the earliest. ."

Banner glanced at Schiller and asked him: "You are the first among us, do you know any inside information? S.H.I.E.L.D. has made a big move this time, as if it wants to get physicists all over the world. come over…"

"I didn't arrive earlier than you, now I'm a psychological consultant for S.H.I.E.L.D., I can only tell you, this time is indeed a big move, if I guess correctly, someone is giving a speech at the World Security Council right now …”

"To sum up, the fact that human beings are not alone in the universe has been confirmed, but it is very regrettable that what awaits us next is not a friendly third type of contact, but a height that is unimaginable for human beings. The aliens with advanced technology, and the enemy is unknown..."

In the center of the semicircle of the Security Council, Steve was standing on the podium, accompanied by his speech, with a picture of the Kree star warship taken by Eddie behind him.

Eddie can become a well-known reporter. His basic skills are impeccable. This picture is very well taken. In the center and top of the picture is an unparalleled giant star warship, emitting a faint light in the vast cosmic starry sky. It is the cosmic agents who appear to be very small, and on both sides of the screen are countless frigates.

Although I don’t know how Eddie happened to capture the photo of the only remaining frigates of the Kree people, but just from this picture, it doesn’t look like the fleet just fled for their lives in a panic, losing most of the frigates and even the company. The defeated army, who can't go home, looks like a majestic division that is ready to go, ready to invade other civilizations.

Steve also glanced back at the picture. He silently praised Eddie's professionalism in his heart, and continued to say in a calm tone: "This is a developed civilization that is unimaginable for human beings. Come down, I will introduce the Kree and their starships..."

Nick was sitting in the audience, and he saw that as Steve spoke, the faces of the council members became more and more solemn, until they became a little pale, and even Pierce, who had always been well-managed and had no expression of emotion and anger, had an expression on his face. They all became very dignified, almost writing shock on their faces.

As Steve just said, the World Security Council has long known about the existence of aliens and has some understanding of Asgard, but their imagination of aliens is still relatively limited. After all, for so many years, human beings have been It is behind closed doors, and there is no intuitive understanding of how far alien technology can develop, but now, the evidence is in front of them.

How developed is a civilization that can transform a planet about the size of the earth into a planetary warship?

Before seeing the real evidence, no one could have imagined it, but now they have seen it, not only they have seen it, they have also learned that the fleet of warships on this civilized planet is now parked on the edge of the galaxy.

It's like a novice guide for some games. It gives you a sword and asks you to kill a chicken. It tells you that you have understood all the gameplay of this game. Let's go save the world. Players go out happily. , facing the full-level ancient **** with more than 180 hands...

Now, human civilization has not even launched the novice village, the tutorial has not been completed, and the final boss has already squatted at the door of the house.

According to the speech, he talked for more than two hours. Even Steve was a little dry and his head was dizzy. In fact, he didn’t really understand the technical terms that Stark summed up, so in most cases They are all rote memorization, rote routines, and have to deal with all kinds of bizarre questions below. If he hadn't received professional training, this would have been carried away.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he walked from the podium to the backstage. He was going to go to Nick, but he saw that Nick was talking to a black-haired man in a uniform, and Steve knew the man, he was a **** The head of the Spear Bureau, Zheng Xian, is always with Nick when he comes to Security Council meetings.

Steve could guess what the two of them were saying by guessing, so he didn't intend to walk over to join the conversation, but walked through the backstage alone, when Pierce, with white temples, stopped him. He stepped forward, shook hands with Steve and said, "Long time no see, Captain America, how are you doing?"

"It's okay, just a little busy."

"Really? Are you busy with an alien invasion?"

"That's not true. Director Nick's superhero team plan is not going well. Although we have found a lot of people, we don't even have a decent base. I have to run around to find a house..."

"In addition, logistical supplies are also a problem. If it depends entirely on S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick will have to worry about funding for the next quarter."

Pierce was all too familiar with this tone, and he immediately squeezed Steve's hand and said, "The superhero squad plan? Actually, I really like this plan. When Nick proposed the original plan to me, I expressed my strong support. he."

"Captain, are you free later? I've invited a few members of Congress to play golf together. They and their families are all your fans. If you can meet the real person, you will be very happy."

"Oh, come on, Director Alexander, we all rely on these hidden heroes..."

"They'll love talking to you about it, Nick should wait a while, let's go first."

Pierce and Steve trotted across the backstage, Nick and Zheng Xian were sitting at the coffee table by the window, watching the two figures walk further and further away, Nick picked up the cup and said, "... Well, as for those things on the surface, we have to wait for official contact."

Zheng Xian raised his cup, touched him and said, "That's it, if there is any change during the official discussion, we will contact you at any time..."

After speaking, he got up and left. Nick took out his mobile phone, called Strange, and asked him: "How are the mages arranged? How many people can be recruited? Our scientists have basically assembled, and they can be ready at any time. start…"

"Listen to me, the plan has changed." On the stairs in front of the Kama Taj Hall, Strange was walking down, holding the phone, and said, "Originally, we expected to find 20 mages and open them separately. Portal, but just now the king told me that the archmages of Kama Taj have developed a kind of large portal..."

"Large portal? How big is it?"

"So far, if you gather the power of all the mages of Kama Taj, plus the power of the earth's magical defense system, it can be opened to a size larger than the moon."

"So big?!" Nick said in surprise.

"That's right, I'm also surprised, but Kama Taj is the magical holy place of the earth after all. Those who can become archmage here are all learned scholars. They are not worse than human scientists, but The direction of research is magic."

Strange sighed and said, "It has to start with the Holy One..."

Originally, Kama Taj, as an ancient magic holy place, their magic technology has not changed for thousands of years, because this is the most practical and stable method to control magic that has been explored by generations of mages, and It is enough to protect the earth.

But recently, the times have developed too fast, first of all, the replacement of the position of the Supreme Mage, Gu Yi is now returning to Kama Taj less and less, and Strange presides over most of the things.

Although they are optimistic about Strange's potential, the current level of Strange's magic is really uncomplimentable. Without the protection of the powerful ancient one, these archmages also have a sense of crisis.

Furthermore, with the development of the Holy of Holies, UU reading www.uukanshu. There are more and more com customers, and the business is getting wider and wider.

The guardians of the temple and the archmages have the help of the ring, and it is easier to open the portal, while other mages are more laborious, but the daily business volume is still very large, Kama Taj overnight from the magic holy land It has become the Holy Land of 996, and the mages are all tired and panting.

Demand always promotes the progress of productivity. During the opening of the Sanctuary, the magic portal has been updated for several generations, and it has become more and more energy efficient and stable.

However, the individual opening the portal is not as easy to use as the fixed large portal, so the archmages of Kama Taj worked overtime to study the large portal that can be fixed in the universe.

Originally, mages need to be extremely careful when using their power, because the essence of Marvel magic is borrowing. Once you borrow too much, you will be in big trouble.

However, the previous incident of Nal serving food caused Gu Yi to show off a feast to all the mages of Kama Taj. Besides everyone was full, there was still a lot of energy left, which was stored in Kama Taj. At the central hub of the world, mages use this energy to research better magical techniques, and the results are outstanding.

In addition to sufficient power, technical support from Demon God is also indispensable. Is there a problem with the way energy is used? Call Mephisto directly, the space is not stable enough? Call Mordo and ask him to ask Dormammu, is the transmission process unstable and easy to get stuck? Pull a crimson ribbon and ask Setorak...

When Stark climbed the technology tree, Kama Taj was also busy lighting up magic skills, and the speed of the two sides was not slow, and it even meant a bit of competition.

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