American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 324: S: The Great Incident (4)

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The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest supermassive galaxy to the Milky Way, about twice the size of the Milky Way.

When human astronomy was just beginning to develop, this huge galaxy aroused endless curiosity of human beings.

One is that it is very similar in shape to the Milky Way, both of which are spindle-shaped, and secondly, this is a very beautiful galaxy that is brightly visible in the autumn night sky, triggering mankind's best fantasy about the universe.

There are about one trillion stars in the entire Andromeda galaxy. Of course, this includes many old stars that are gradually dying, and newborn constants that have just sprung into life, and there are many more adult stars in their prime than the Milky Way.

At the center of the Andromeda galaxy, the brightest center point, known as the Andromeda Nebula, is the brightest and most prosperous place in the entire Andromeda galaxy.

There are two main cores in the nebula that have been observed by humans. In the center of one core, there is a super black hole, and the other core is the place where civilization was born in the constellation Andromeda.

In the central galaxy of one of the cores of the Andromeda Nebula, there are three main civilizations in this galaxy, one of which is the familiar symbiotic civilization.

Their official name in the interstellar civilization is "Klinta". In their own language, this syllable means "the oldest thing." There are 13 members in total.

The other two civilizations are very interesting. One of them lives in a ruin galaxy two galaxies away from the Klinta star. The reason why it is called the ruin galaxy is because, about 700 million years ago, an advanced civilization here was destroyed. The impact of the evolution of the galaxy was swallowed up, leaving only a ruin, and the remaining descendants of advanced civilizations and new civilizations formed a civilization complex, also known as the "Andromeda complex civilization".

Because this race is composed of intelligent creatures produced in multiple time periods, their members are all kinds of strange, there are high elves who look similar to humans, there are Zerg who look like aliens, and there is an ancient magic race totem Spirit and so on.

The reason to focus on this civilization is because they are the main parasitic objects of the Klinta symbiotes.

Because the composition of the joint civilization is relatively complex, they do not have any idea of ​​racial unity and resistance to foreign enemies. On the contrary, they are very welcome to the parasitism in the symbiotic body.

They believe that this magical creature can more than make up for the shortcomings of their race itself. Therefore, the Andromeda Civilization is actually a part of the Klinta civilization. About 60% of the creatures here have been parasitized by the symbiote. , the leaders and kings of many races are also inextricably linked with cosmic agents.

The third civilization is not so friendly. They are called sulfur dwarves, perhaps affected by some special disturbances. The dwarf races in most galaxies are very good at alchemy and forging.

But the most annoying things about symbiotes are flames and sound waves. Therefore, they have a very bad relationship with the sulfur dwarves, and can even be said to be mortal enemies, but because these three civilizations are far away, they can temporarily maintain Andromeda Stability of the Nebula Core.

But even so, there are constant small frictions. The most recent conflict was when a man in a black and red uniform ran to the Andromeda Star Harbor and slapped **** on the Brimstone Dwarf's spaceship and its members.

Because of the need to guard against symbionts, the brimstone dwarves have long come up with a device to detect parasitic races in living creatures. They saw the parasitic symbionts in the strange man's body, so they characterized this incident as a provocation of dwarf civilization by cosmic agents .

The royal family of the sulfur dwarves conducted a round of voting. Although the war did not start in the end, the turmoil caused an uproar in the society of the dwarves. Most of the people believed that they should teach the group a good lesson.

The civilization of the sulfur dwarves is quite developed. They can be said to be one of the few civilizations in the interstellar space that have an independent industrial system and have reached the level of interstellar roaming without the help of any external force. The consortium civilization and symbiote civilization are Quite close, but the two of them together can only withstand the brimstone dwarves.

"This is the situation now. Our relationship with the dwarves is getting worse and worse. Maybe it won't be long before we go to war, but before that, we must solve the big trouble inside our planet."

"So when the riot was ordered by Gnar to come to Earth to find a new symbiote, almost all the cosmic agents were dispatched. I, Green Thorn, Blue Spirit, Red Bee, and Phantom were some of the most powerful cosmic agents. One, we drove the spaceship to the edge of the nine kingdoms."

"Of course, we first went to Asgard for a visit, and we entered your realm only after obtaining the consent of Odin, the Lord of the Nine Kingdoms."

"Originally we wanted to come together, but later, the cosmic agents made an assessment of the human civilization on earth and found that you are still far away from the level of interstellar civilization. If we fly directly to the sky above your planet, it will be very It might make you panic."

"So we parked the spaceship on the edge of the nine kingdoms, and then let the fastest moving phantom go to Earth alone to hunt down the riots."

In the reception room of S.H.I.E.L.D., Lei Ting, who had six hands and a snake tail on his lower body, sighed, and he continued: "In the beginning, everything was going well, but for some reason, suddenly many mysterious beings have gathered here. , we thought it was going to be a war, so we could only hide our spaceship in the cracks of space..."

"But who knows, the energy from somewhere suddenly exploded, not only collapsing the crack in the universe where we were hiding, but also damaging our spaceship, so that we couldn't fly back to our galaxy at all, and could only stay in here."

"Originally, although the engine of the spaceship was damaged, as long as there is enough material to repair it, who knows, just a few days ago, an unknown dark energy hit our spaceship directly. I didn't have time to open the protective cover..."

"Originally, we wanted to make an emergency landing in Asgard, but who knew that Odin would not respond to our emergency landing request. We did not dare to break in rashly. We could only fly to the more desolate and remote places in the Nine Kingdoms."

The larger green symbiote Green Thorn said: "Actually, before we landed, we sent you many signals, but you didn't respond, so we could only turn on the scanner and scan the earth with the last energy. The most desolate place..."

"And you landed in New Mexico?"

"Yes, there are actually several places to choose from, but at that time the energy of the spacecraft was completely exhausted, and we could only choose a nearby location. Fortunately, no one was hit."

Nick looked at the symbiotes in front of him. Their appearances could not be said to be amiable, they could only be said to be green-faced and fangs.

Among them, the yellow symbiote that calls itself Thunder has an alien upper body and a basilisk-like lower body. The green symbiote is full of thorns. Red Bee and Lan Ling are basically the same style of painting. Looking at them , Nick even thinks that the symbiote named Venom has a good look...

Lan Ling seemed to see Nick's expression, he said in an androgynous neutral voice: "Oh, I know, our appearance is a bit scary for standard humans, but because our current hosts are Andromeda Commonwealth civilization, in their aesthetics, the more ferocious they are, the more powerful they are, so..."

"Well, I can understand. From a human standpoint, I thank you for not crashing in the city center, but what are you going to do now? Your ship probably looks out of repair."

Several colorful symbiotes sighed in unison, and Lei Ting said: "We didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, so, before leaving Andromeda, we didn't choose the racial parasitism that would teleport, and we were getting a new universe. Before the spacecraft, I'm afraid we won't be able to go back."

"Moreover, the phantom told us that she went to a far away place, and I'm afraid it will take some time to come back. We have to wait for her near here."

Lan Ling shrugged and said, "Actually, we don't care. The symbiote does not have the so-called concept of kinship and family, but our parasitic objects have been away from their hometown for too long, and there are relatives and friends waiting for them."

Nick sighed and looked at Strange, Strange turned to look at Schiller next to him, Schiller said to them: "It's better, you parasitize the earthlings, and then we will contact Asgard. The people on the side, send these Andromeda stars back, you stay here and wait for the phantoms to come back."

Several symbiotes glanced at each other, and Lei Ting said first: "If this is the case, it would be great, but according to our genetic catalogue, the standard human race seems to be very disgusted by parasitism."

"But you can guarantee that you will never forcibly manipulate the host's body, nor will it endanger the host's safety, right?"

"Of course, we are cosmic agents. I repeat, cosmic agents are definitely not madmen like Venom. We have a complete set of parasitic standard procedures and tens of thousands of communication guidelines for cooperation with hosts. We are the most professional among the symbiotes. Team, not the wild way of Venom..."

"Okay, let's discuss it and find some suitable hosts for you. You wait here first..."

After Nick, Strange, and Schiller came out, Nick turned back to Schiller and said, "You must have done something good again! Heck, the Hornets, the Blue Spirits, the Green Thorn and the ~It happens to correspond to Spider-Man, Shadow, Crystal and Amplifier, how did you convince Professor X to cooperate with you?"

"This is called cooperation." Schiller walked a few steps to Nick's side and said to him: "The war in the universe is coming. If the mutants want to participate in it, they must have the ability to fight in the universe."

"Some of the powerful mutants among them were dragged on Earth for some reason, and even if they were powerful enough, they didn't know enough about the universe and didn't have enough experience."

"But after I used the cosmic agent symbiote to provide reinforcement to some of their members, they can participate in this incident and contribute to it."

"It's like, I run an amusement park, and the disabled person can't participate in most of the events because of his physical disability, so he chooses to stay at home and lock the door, so how are we going to earn their ticket money?"

"As long as I cure his leg, he will choose to pay for tickets to enter the park, and he will also spend it in the park. Even if the cost of my treatment cannot be recovered in the amusement park, then I will have to drive for a whole time. In a commercial street, there will always be a day to return to the original..."

Nick thought for a moment and said, "This is also good for Professor X, and it can even be said to be a pie from the sky."

"Everyone knows that the mutants are very broken. Since the previous generation has left the academy as adults, the newly recruited mutants are not strong enough, and their growth is very slow. It is difficult to reach the glory of the previous generation. There is an opportunity to strengthen. , Professor X can't ask for anything..."

"Sugar-coated cannonballs?" Strange clicked his tongue.

"It's not a sugar-coated cannonball," Schiller said with a smile. "It's just a little frosting on top of the sugar."

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