American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 323: S: The Great Incident (3)

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"Hey, Little Shadow! Attack his left, pay attention to the center of gravity of his right foot, don't miss it!"

In the center of the arena, the black-haired girl who manipulated the shadow finally couldn't help it. She stopped, stared at the Cyclops and said, "Don't call me Little Shadow, I can get my driver's license in one year! Call my codename Shadow Girl. !"

The moment she spoke, a red and blue figure swooped past her side. The girl code-named Shadow reflexively avoided, and she was knocked to the ground. She pulled up and said, "Sorry."

Shadow glanced at Cyclops angrily and said, "I lost, let Crystal come."

At this time, Colossus was explaining tactics to Crystal, and he said, "Don't be nervous, you just need to maximize your ability."

Although Colossus is very strong, his voice and tone are very gentle. The girl opposite him has silver hair. She doesn't look too old, and her expression is a little shy. She nodded hesitantly, and then slowly. Go to the center of the field.

Spider-Man winked and said, "Are you sure she's 16? But she looks a little too skinny, I can't bully kids..."

Spider-Man's voice hadn't fallen. In an instant, the silver-haired girl's crystal hair was flying, and the continuous sound of Kacha resounded throughout the room. In just one second, countless crystal clusters filled the entire room. Spider-Man Also trapped in a huge crystal column, still maintaining his somewhat comical expression.

Nick opened his mouth, and Schiller shook his head and said, "I learned from Charles that mutants don't get stronger with age. On the contrary, some mutants are in their teenage years when they can't control their strength very well. , is the strongest..."

"This is a bit outrageous, is Spider-Man okay?"

After he finished speaking, he heard the sound of shattering "Katha", and the surface of the crystal that trapped Spider-Man began to spread cracked lines.

The crystal face expressionlessly stretched out her hand and squeezed it lightly. A new layer of crystal was covered on the outside of the crystal column. She raised her hand again, and countless layers of crystal were wrapped up and spread upward, almost bursting the ceiling of the training ground.

After doing all this, she withdrew her hand and stared at Spider-Man trapped in the transparent crystal, with a shy and curious look on her face, like looking at a doll in a display cabinet.

"Okay, Crystal, you have already won, let him out, or he should suffocate..." Colossus said to the crystal in the center of the field.

Crystal Steel turned to look at Colossus, and heard a loud "bang", and countless crystal fragments burst open. Then, a red and blue figure patted Crystal on the shoulder, stood behind her and said to her : "Your ability is so cool, so powerful, I am a little careless..."

With a wave of the crystal conditioned reflex, Spider-Man sensitively avoided the crystal cluster that suddenly appeared under his feet.

Colossus and Cyclops' eyes widened, they looked at each other, Colossus asked, "Spider boy, what is your strength limit?"

"I don't know, I haven't tested it specifically, but it should be quite large. When I broke off the street lights and bridge piers before, it didn't take much effort..."

"Could you please come to our school for a medical examination, if you can? You know, we are committed to collecting data on people with all kinds of mutations..."

"Okay, but I'm not sure if you can find something that can handle the upper limit of my power."

"This is indeed a problem." Cyclops touched his chin and said, "The crystal cluster produced by crystal is very hard, and even extremely high and low temperatures cannot destroy it. It is even more difficult to destroy it with pure physical strength. "

"Can't your laser be able to destroy it?" Crystal said, her voice was also very thin and very weak, in stark contrast to that powerful force.

"That's just because your power has not been fully developed. Didn't Professor Beast say it before? After you fully control this power, you can create dense substances with extremely high hardness at will."

Next came a black boy, and before Spider-Man could ask him about his abilities, he was like singing a rap and said quickly: "My code name is Amplifier, any energy that passes through my body will be amplified, But unfortunately, my physique is just an ordinary person, so I can't bear too much power, that's it..."

After speaking, he went down, and the two teachers who were on the sidelines did not criticize him, because this was originally an auxiliary ability.

In short, the discussion between Spider-Man and the mutant students is over. Except for the crystal, the S.H.I.E.L.D. people are not too surprised, but Colossus and Cyclops are quite shocked by the power of Spider-Man.

When they left the training ground, the others walked in front, and Colossus and Cyclops followed. Colossus shook his head and sighed, "That kid in a red and blue tights is a bit outrageous."

"And he is very comprehensive, powerful, fast, and can predict danger, Scott, you know, my biggest weakness is not fast enough..."

Cyclops nodded as he walked, and responded, "Indeed, and didn't you notice? His fighting skills are also very strong, hell, a 16-year-old high school student..."

"And he also knows how to disrupt the opponent with words during the battle, which is quite rare. When the boys in the school fight, they just want to be handsome..."

"But it's good. He can set an example and let the students know that there are people outside people and there are heavens. Didn't you see it just now? The little shadow, who has always been a little conceited, didn't say anything after he was knocked down by him."

"Also, with him and Captain America, we just need to come and check their progress from time to time. Although the one-eyed dragon looks a little malicious, Captain America's character is trustworthy."

Having said that, the two of them took a few steps and walked in front of a few children, saying: "There is still a lot of work waiting for us in the school, we have to leave for a while, remember what we said to you before leaving the school. Do you have to pay attention during the internship..."

"Pay attention to safety, pay attention to courtesy, pay attention to controlling your own power... Don't worry, we have all remembered, you can go." Shadow waved his hand, looking a little impatient, just like all children who go out for a spring outing, they are eager for the teacher Leave quickly.

After Colossus and Cyclops left, the students became excited, and Shadow walked two steps, came to Spider-Man's side, and asked him: "Do you know what mission we are going to perform? Since the beginning of school, I have Haven't been on a mission, my dad told me that missions are dangerous, really, oh yes, he's a retired instructor who used to serve in the Navy..."

She babbled a lot until Crystal pulled her arm and the amplifier stepped forward and bumped Peter's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, she's always like this, a little neurotic..."

"The tasks you are going to perform have not yet been approved, and the documents are already on the way. Now we are going to eat in the cafeteria, come with me..." said Steve, who was walking at the front.

While Schiller and Nick were still in the observation room on the training ground, Nick was about to say something when his phone rang. He picked up the phone and said, "...What? Spaceship?...Crashed spaceship?"

"There are aliens on it? Or colorful aliens, what the **** are you talking about? ... Who does it look like? Venom? Isn't that a symbiote?"

"You mean, a spaceship just crashed over New Mexico, and a few colorful, venom-like alien symbionts came out of the spaceship?"

"Okay, I see, I'll go right over."

Nick called Strange, and soon, a portal appeared in the room, and Strange used magic to bring the two of them to the location of the incident in New Mexico, and a black cloud could be seen in the distance. Smoke is rising.

The three walked over, and found a spaceship with a strange shape lying in a big pit. It looked like a few colored symbiotes whose venom fell into a dye vat. They were shaking their heads and sighing around the spaceship.

Seeing someone coming, one of the smaller, six-legged yellow symbiotes walked towards him, and before Nick could speak, the symbiote opposite said to him in standard English, "Hello, Excuse me, are you the leader of mankind? I am Thunder, the captain of the Space Force, from the Andromeda Nebula Klinta, and we need your help."

Nick walked over and tried to shake his hand, but since Thunder looked a bit like a spider, Nick couldn't find which hand to hold.

The other three symbiotes came The largest green symbiote shook hands with Nick and said, "My name is Green Thorn, this is Blue Spirit, he is Red Bee, we are all space agents A member, also a member of the symbiote in your mouth..."

"You're not the same symbiote I've ever seen," Nick said as he surveyed them.

Wasp covered her head and said, "If the symbiote you've seen is called Venom, then I must say, he's a lunatic, and we're just normal symbiotes!"

Green Thorn also turned his head and said to Thunder: "I told you a long time ago that we should issue a warrant for Venom, and we can't let him ruin our reputation in the universe like this..."

At this moment, Strange said: "I am the agent of the Supreme Mage of the Earth. As an alien race, you broke through the magical defense network of the earth and plunged into the surface of the earth. From the perspective of interstellar diplomacy Speaking of, you belong to illegal invasion..."

"Hey, wait, we are forced to, our spaceship was suddenly attacked by an unknown force and had to make an emergency landing..."

"Let's go back with us first." Nick beckoned and said, several symbiotes looked back at the spaceship that was almost broken into parts, sighed, and followed Nick.

Schiller and Strange walked at the end, and Strange asked him in a low voice: "Is this what you said, the gift of nature?"

"Yes, thanks to nature named Hela."

Strange took a deep breath and said, "Hela beat them down?"

"Don't talk nonsense, he wants to hit Luo Ji."

"Then how could Luo Ji... Oh, what are you doing? You are too immoral."

"Each each other."

------off topic-----

started again.

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