American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 139: R: The Great Bat Incident (End)

"You mean there's something wrong with that reactor on Mr. Stark's chest?" Peter said, looking at Ethan.

"Peter, you are very smart..." Ethan took Peter's shoulders, turned his head to look at him, and said, "Even if you just think about it a little, you should be clear that an energy source that works using this principle is embedded in your body. , how dangerous it would be.”

Peter said very worriedly: "What should we do? We should be able to develop a new thing to replace that thing?"

"Of course, Tony is a genius. If he really wants to do something, of course he can succeed, but what if he doesn't want to?"

"How could he not think about it, this is a matter of his own life..." As soon as Peter finished saying this, he stopped, and Ethan said, "You should have noticed that Tony's mentality is a little negative now, he Always thinking about dying like a hero, not thinking about how to live well."

Peter thought of the figure of Stark flying towards the Highland Building without hesitation at that time. No matter how he persuaded him, Stark would not stop. In addition to being heroic, this attitude did have the taste of going to death.

Peter sighed, sat down in his chair, put one arm on the table, and said, "I have heard from Dr. People are sad."

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Peter said, spreading his hands. "I want to help him, but I may not be able to help with technology."

"Stark doesn't need anyone to help him technically. I think you can persuade him."

Ethan leaned on the bench next to Peter and looked at him and said, "Didn't you notice? Stark treats you differently, we are his friends, but there are some things he never listens to his friends. Persuade, but you may be different."

After Ethan left, Peter, who was alone in the laboratory, was in a daze, and he began to recall the bits and pieces of his relationship with Stark.

In the beginning, at the top of the TV Tower in New York, Stark told him about his experience in Afghanistan.

That day, when they were still strangers, Stark told Peter that it would hurt to want to be a hero.

It wasn't until later that Peter discovered that Stark was not a person who would easily cry in pain.

Peter can imagine that embedding a reactor in his chest, no matter how powerful it is or how powerful a mecha it can drive, will definitely not feel good for the owner of this body.

The lights in the laboratory are very dim, and only the light of the instruments is intertwined on the ground. It is not that Spider-Man is not tired. In such an environment, Peter, who has been fighting for a day, also feels tired and sleepy.

In a trance, he seemed to see Stark sitting on the ground in front of him, leaning his back on the experimental bench, holding a model of a reactor in his hand.

Peter remembers that he asked Stark what the model had been on his desk, and Stark was silent for a long time, but in the end he only said one name - Howard.

Peter had vaguely heard this name from other people. For example, Steve told Peter that Howard was once his old comrade-in-arms, and he was also a genius, but he was also dazzling.

Natasha also seemed to have said this name, but she didn't say anything good anyway. Nick also mentioned Stark's father in his words, but he didn't say anything that impressed Peter.

Like his own father, Peter thought, all he ever heard from Uncle Ben and Aunt May was a name and a vague description.

Father, thought Peter, the word was far enough away for him.

Peter became more and more sleepy, as if in a dream, he saw Stark put the model down, and then closed his eyes, as if asleep.

On each of these late nights, in the empty lab at Stark Tower, Iron Man does, too.

He always said Howard wouldn't be the person he should think of when he was in pain, but in every night like this, who the **** Iron Man thinks of, no one knows.

In Peter's deeper dream, he dreamed that Stark had become his father.

In this dream, there is no Stark Group's advanced equipment, luxurious environment, and none of the extravagance of a rich family that Peter could not have imagined.

His childhood was still trapped in that old house, and his memories were still half-new clothes, toys that could not fill a box, and storybooks that had been turned out of folds.

The only difference is that he has a father, a father who disassembles those toy cars with him and makes all kinds of machinery out of building blocks.

Together they used marbles as planets, laying out a map of the solar system on the somewhat old floor, and in the narrow room, the rays of the setting sun shone on these rudimentary toys, tall Stark and young Peter, they Staring intently at the glass beads on the floor, the father and son seemed to own the entire universe.

The appearance of the two began to change, and Peter saw that Stark became Howard, and himself, became a young Stark.

Howard flicked the marbles gently, and the mysteries of the countless universes were told from his mouth. The light of those glass **** began to become brighter and more dazzling.

Peter saw that a father and son stood hand in hand over the earth, and all the planets in the solar system were controlled by them. Even the sun obeyed his father's command to weaken the light, the planets kept turning, and countless lights flickered.

Mars, Venus, Jupiter...

The knowledge that is quite esoteric to children, just like this, echoes in the silent universe.

Before Peter's consciousness was plunged into darkness, the last image he recalled was when Stark handed him the first-generation War Spider suit, Stark's visor rose, those brown eyes Under the sunlight, the richness is like honey that is about to melt.

Peter was sure that he saw two very different emotions in those eyes, the vicissitudes of a father, and the innocence of a child.

The night began to get deeper and deeper. Stark was lying on the hospital bed. He was indeed very tired, but the biological clock of staying up late all year round made him still unable to sleep.

Just when he felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to turn over, he heard the door handle move slightly, he tilted his head with difficulty, and saw that the door was opened a small crack, and the light from the outside poured in, Peter from the Squeeze in through the crack of the door, and then gently close the door.

As soon as Peter turned around, he saw Stark's bright eyes staring at him. He seemed to be startled, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Uh... Mr. Stark, are you still asleep? I I thought……"

"What are you doing here now? Aren't you going to bed?"

"I... I'm a little insomniac, I just can't sleep, uh, I've actually slept, but I just woke up suddenly..."

"Has anyone ever told you that when you make up lies, you always speak upside down."

Peter bowed his head and said, "I knew that I would never lie since I was a child."

"So what are you doing here? If there's any problem with the experiment, we'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

"I was about to fall asleep." Stark rolled over and turned his back to Peter, indicating that he was going to sleep.

Peter lowered his head, he didn't turn on the light, he just walked to the chair next to the hospital bed and sat down. He was silent for a long time, so long that he thought Stark was asleep.

Then he said in a ghostly voice, "Mr. Stark, can you tell me about your father?"

Stark was silent and did not answer, Peter felt that he was going too far, but he still said: "I have no other meaning, that is... You know, I have not seen my father, when people hear about my life, they will Won't talk to me about their parents again, even Gwen..."

Stark's figure huddled in the hospital bed moved slightly, and he heard Peter say, "Well, actually, I just had a dream, so I couldn't sleep, I dreamed about my father, but maybe not either. My father, I haven't seen him after all, have I?"

Finally, in the long silence, Stark still sighed, he turned back, stared straight at the ceiling, and said, "Howard is an alcoholic, and he gets drunk every day."

"He cursed everything when he was drunk, was a rude bastard, and the most common thing he said to me when he was sober was you don't understand anything."

"Of course, of course I didn't understand anything, I was only a few years old at the time."

"I'm naturally interested in cars and fiddling with those metal parts, but when I make something, he never compliments me, he just says it's a pile of junk."

"Alcohol burned his proud brain." Stark snorted coldly and said, "so much so that he didn't come up with any decent invention in the last stage of his life."

"Look at me now! The Stark Group is better than ever, and I've come up with more inventions that can change the world!"

"He's wrong, it's outrageous, it's not that little Stark doesn't understand anything, it's him who really doesn't understand anything, it's Howard Stark..."

Looking at the silent Peter, Stark turned his face away and said, "You didn't hear the story you wanted, did you? What did you think you would hear? We are father and son, or he taught me knowledge. , teach me to invent and create from a young age?"

Stark lowered his eyes. When he half closed his eyes, his long eyelashes always cast thick shadows in those brown eyes.

Peter bowed his head, he folded his hands together, covered his chin, and said, "Before, I never dreamed of my father, and I never thought of him, because I never saw him, I There is nothing about him in my memory, and I don't even have dreams."

Stark glanced at him, then said, "Well, maybe there were some good times, maybe... long ago, when I can't remember, I remember we were together too. Standing in front of the experimental bench, we...I don't remember exactly what we did, but there was always a time..."

Stark turned his head and turned his head to look at Peter, but he didn't see any sadness on Peter's face, and Peter's somewhat childish eyebrows did not have the loneliness and sadness he imagined.

Stark thought, maybe this is normal, Peter has been like this for more than ten years, and his uncle has played the role of father in his life, but maybe only part of it.

Ben Parker was an ordinary man who did his best to give Peter the best qualities in him, which were strength and kindness.

But Peter is a genius, and Stark knows this all too well. What a genius needs is resonance, communication with opponents, and the collision of thinking sparks.

When Peter and Stark looked at each other, they both thought, which really confirms that sentence, genius is always alone.

Stark saw Peter's eyes fall on the reactor on his chest, and he put his head flat and continued to stare at the ceiling, watching the flash of light outside the window, leaving various shapes on the ceiling.

"If the problem with this reactor isn't fixed, you're going to die, right?" Peter asked him. "I heard Ethan say that."

"They always make a fuss, but I'm fine, I..."

"You don't know how I felt when I saw your death in Spider Sense," Peter said.

Stark heard a tremor in his tone.

"...The laboratory equipment in the Stark Building is very advanced. I like the environment here, and the decoration here is gorgeous. I have never lived in such a good place."

"But more importantly, no one has ever taught me the knowledge of making equipment, the method of experimentation, and no one has ever been with me on the test bench, assembling those parts, and then testing the finished products together..."

"When my spider sense told me that this was about to end, I couldn't accept it at all..." Peter's final voice was very low, and the last syllable fell to the ground, almost collapsed at the touch.

Stark closed his eyes, his Adam's apple twitched, and he said, "What do you want me to say? Let me tell you personally, in a year and three months, maybe it's all over."

In Stark's dark vision, he still began to recall those days that were far away from his memory, to search for the insignificant fragments of memory.

To recall the good times when he and Howard were together.

That night, as he stumbled through the chasm, Stark finally admitted that he was missing.

Tonight, his pain was stronger than any other night, so the miss was stronger.

Howard wasn't the person he should think of when he was in pain, because those good times were never to come, because his father was dead.

It was only then that Stark discovered that when he had gone from a son to a father, he had felt that any father would rather have his own longevity than let his children think of him on painful nights To live, let those good times never end.

Stark feels that his desire to survive has never been stronger than it is now - he doesn't want to be Howard, the person he hates the He doesn't want to use a sudden death to make him The children of my life are constantly reminded that those good times are gone forever and will never come back.

So his children can only be forced to forget, tear up the happiest and most glorious days of their life, hide them in the most marginal corners of memory, and deny their existence.

In this silent night, no one saw that Stark fell asleep, his fingers clinging to his no longer youthful skin lines, clenched the guardrail of the hospital bed, just like holding the model for several late nights .

No one knew that in Peter's next dream, he saw the unfamiliar night sky again. Those residual memories became clear in the dream. He heard two gunshots and saw a string of scattered pearl necklaces.

In his hazy dream, the last dream seemed to come back again, and Peter saw another world, another father and son, holding hands and slowly walking towards the universe.

He saw that behind the black tide, maybe even the bat himself could not find it, those good times.

22600001-R: The Great Bat Incident (End)

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