American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 138: R: Bat Big Event (20)

On the roof of the Stark Building, Schiller fastened the stopper of a jar. The jar contained a mass of black mucus. The gray fog was using brain waves to communicate with Venom. Venom said: "To deceive such a simple boy, you will not Do you feel ashamed?"

"It's like you're not an accomplice. If it weren't for the fact that his inner negative emotions were too low to induce fear of the Kuroshio, I wouldn't be willing to do this."

"And..." Schiller paused and said to Venom, "I found that you have great potential for making movies. The scene you made up of Stark's death really scared Peter a lot."

"I know that rotten guy too well. From the beginning to the end, he only has one move. Sooner or later, it will come true."

Schiller sighed, more like relaxing, and said, "Those guys from the multiverse will come so early, which is really beyond my expectations. Don't use this trick to scare them away, and there will be no peace in the future."

Venom said: "Our deal is complete, now you should be able to let me choose the host myself?"

"Of course, but because of your danger and uncontrollability, you can only choose one of the hosts you have parasitized."

"So, who are you going to pick? Stark? Bruce? Or..."

"Reporter!! I choose that reporter!!" Venom roared simply.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You also parasitized a human reporter. Well, I will deliver you to his house tomorrow."

"But as we said, you'd better not change the host easily, and don't eat people's heads all over the street, or I will let the gray fog bite you."

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Venom made a nasal sound very similar to Stark, full of reluctance.

I stood on the rooftop for a while, and soon, there were footsteps behind me. Nick came over and stood side by side with Schiller. Nick said, "This is a big noise, right?"

"What? It's beyond your expectations? Chief director?"

"I'm not a general director, just like you, do you still want to call yourself a field worker?"

""Is not it? Schiller didn't turn his head to look at Nick, but kept looking at the lights on the New York skyline. He said, "Don't tell me, it's just a coincidence that the belief in the Bat God has become more and more popular among vampires in recent years. . "

"Don't tell me, it's just a coincidence that the prophecy of the coming of the Bat God spread on the eve of the moderates wanting to manipulate the election."

"Who knows, there are so many coincidences in this world."

"Yeah, the exclusive coincidence of S.H.I.E.L.D., all the final interpretation rights belong to you."

"Let's talk about the good news," Nick said with his arms crossed. "The bats infected with the lizard serum can't use it, right?" Raw materials are becoming more and more scarce, and we have encountered difficulties in launching production..."

"Where is the location of the nursing home?"

"It's still Manhattan, you know, it's closer to where they live."

"However, it's too late to build a new nursing home. There is an old bank built in the 1930s. His new owner is out because he can't pay inheritance tax. Construction will start tomorrow."

"How much bat raw material can be used?"

"The police and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents suffered heavy casualties on the battlefield. Fewer than ten people could be sent out to hunt them down. Among them, there were many untrained recruits, even those who couldn't hold their guns steadily. The fuel stock of frozen guns was also Not much, there is nothing we can do..."

"So how much did you report?"

"There are only 12 left. We only have 12 precious bat raw materials with immortality factor." Nick shrugged.

"Too many." Schiller said without thinking, "Let's just leave two, Connors has a good long-term freezing technology, and the remaining 10 are frozen first and put in your S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse , wait until the price is a thousand times higher, and then take it slowly."

"Is it a bit too exaggerated? Thousands of armed police forces and hundreds of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, when the bats were defeated, only captured two?"

"Thousands of agents and hundreds of agents? You underestimate the severity of this war. At the end of the pursuit, there were only 10 armed police and one agent left. Such figures are not too exaggerated. right?"

"Okay, but the question is, Natasha, Coulson, Hawkeye, and Daisy all have to go out for a while, who are you going to sacrifice?" Nick asked.

"Don't think about any reason for injury. Hawkeye has been injured more than 80 times this year, and the medical insurance share has been used up four times. Daisy has also been seriously injured more than 20 times..."

Schiller touched his forehead and said, "It's not even summer yet, so you've reimbursed all their shares, and you really don't plan to leave some redundancy to deal with emergencies?"

"Emergency? S.H.I.E.L.D. is an emergency every day."

"Well, if you're willing to raise my fee a little bit more, I'm going to convince Osborn and Stark to do the Brooklyn Bridge project."

"In the name of charity? There isn't much room for operations here. After all, everyone can see the bridge."

"If a charitable event of this scale can't meet your requirements, then start a larger scale. You should be more familiar with that set than I am..." Schiller said with a wave of his hand.

"Send war correspondents, photograph post-war ruins, publicize the tragic war, launch charitable organizations, set up fund-raising dinners, stars, celebrities, brands, parties..."

"If this is not enough, then announce sanctions against vampires."

Nick sighed and said, "So far, our course of action remains conservative, and for many reasons, the Security Council will not agree to massive sanctions."

"If you are willing to give them one of the only two precious raw materials, I think they will be moved too, right?"

"Are you going to lie to your own people?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there are only two, and the remaining 10 are just the emergency reserve funds of S.H.I.E.L.D., but they haven't had time to realize it."

On the top of Stark's building, Schiller and Nick stared at the brightly lit night view of New York at the same time, while in the Stark Building, Stark was lying on the hospital bed, he was now wrapped like a mummy, he watched Peter in the Walking around in front of him, he said, "Hey, don't turn, you make me dizzy."

"When did the doctor come? There shouldn't be traffic jams at this time?"

As soon as Peter's voice fell, Strange's voice appeared outside the door along with footsteps. He said, "How I wish I was seeing a corpse named Stark now."

He walked in and looked sleepy. He was obviously woken up from the bed in the middle of the night. He straightened the monitoring device next to him in a fit of anger. Peter poked his head from the side and asked, "Doctor Strange, Mr. Stark should Are you alright? He's hurt a little..."

"If he is really seriously injured, you should see the priest now, not me."

Strange rudely pulled out the pillow that Stark was cushioning, and Stark knocked his head to the corner of the bed, and he screamed: "You unscrupulous quack! Are you trying to murder me? ?!"

"I'm unscrupulous, but I'm definitely not a quack."

Stark murmured a few words: "You doctors are all the same..."

"Okay, the inspection is over, you're fine, you should be able to live to death, pay the money, and then send me back to sleep."

Stark looked him up and down and said, "What did you check? You just turned the instrument on and off again, don't think I don't understand these things, who do you think you're dealing with now? I'm Stark, don't try to fool me."

Strange said impatiently: "Then check yourself and send me back."

"Don't rush, I have a big business to talk to you here." Schiller's figure appeared outside the door, and he handed a plan to Strange, who took a look at it. , he said: "Stark-Osborn United Pharmaceutical Company, letter of appointment for general counsel?"

"What kind of ghost company is this?" Strange said suspiciously, "Why didn't I know that Stark and Osborn had joined forces, and it was a pharmaceutical company?"

He flipped through the letter of appointment and said, "Besides, I'm a neurosurgeon, and I'm not going to sell drugs."

"You might as well turn to the last page and look at that number."

Strange glanced up at Schiller, flipped the letter of appointment to the end with suspicion, and then focused his eyes on the number.

In a second, he closed the offer letter, coughed twice, straightened his collar, stuffed the offer letter into his briefcase, and said, "I'm currently employed by New York-Presbyterian Hospital. , the contract has not expired, you can't let me violate the spirit of my contract."

"I know, of course I know, I am also a very contractual person." Schiller said with a smile: "The staff cafe upstairs should still be open, we might as well go there and discuss."

After the two doctors left, Stark and Peter stared, and Stark said, "So, what about my examination?"

At this time, Connors walked in. He heard what Stark said. He said, "Although it has been several years since my last clinical medical experiment, I can also check it out for you."

"Oh, no! Wait! Still don't need it, I think I'm fine!"

"Don't worry, I have rich experience in field medical care." After speaking, he walked over and lowered the upper part of Stark's bed at once, and Stark screamed in pain.

Peter hesitated to step forward to stop Connors' atrocities, but Connors glanced at him and said, "Peter, Dr. Eason called you up, maybe something happened."

Peter paused for a few seconds, first looked at Stark, who was covered in bandages, and then at Connors, whose scales had not subsided, and then ran away in Stark's indignant eyes.

Stark tapped the bedboard with his only movable left hand and said, "This unscrupulous boy! If it wasn't to save him! How could I be hurt like this?"

Holding a diagnosis report, Connors said, "There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Don't play this game with me, let's talk together."

"The good news is that there is nothing wrong with your spine and nervous system, the bad news is that the problem is that thing in your chest."

Stark stiffened, and he said, "There's nothing wrong with this thing on my chest."

"Ethan told me about the general principle of the reactor on your chest. Although my specialty lies in biology, I also dabble in mechanics and physics. Your physical examination report tells me that there is a problem with this thing. Big."

"In order to provide more power to the mecha, you used too much palladium. It seems that if you don't think of a way, you will die of poisoning sooner or later."

Stark turned his head away, obviously not wanting to discuss the issue, Connors put the report down, looked Stark in the eyes and said, "You know this better than anyone, but you just don't change, I I believe that your previous friends should have persuaded you, but you are the most disobedient I have ever seen."

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