American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 87 An accident happened! A renegade agent?

Under Tony's order, all the remaining energy of Mark's armor was concentrated into his right fist.

Then Tony slowly squatted down and got into a fighting stance. As soon as the big black dog pounced, he would punch it!

"If I can't do it with this punch, then I won't be able to sing."

Now Tony Stark feels a little regretful. He seems to be a little anxious and should have made more preparations, but he can't care so much now!


At this time, the Death Star howled and rushed towards Tony Stark.

Tony took a deep breath after hearing Jarvis' report. As long as he waited for Jarvis' prompt, he would punch him.

The atmosphere was particularly tense at this moment. Although Death Star was seriously injured, he was still not satisfied with his speed. In a blink of an eye, he ran in front of Tony Stark and was about to bite him.

"Sir, it's now!"

Jarvis instantly conveyed the world.

Tony was about to punch after hearing this.


But at this moment, a silver figure fell from the sky and stepped on the Death Star.

The noise made by this was not small, and it directly knocked the Death Star out.

I saw a silver-gray armor with a heavy-fire machine gun on its shoulders, standing on top of the Death Star, looking calmly at Iron Man in front of him.

"Sir, please stop, Colonel Roddy's presence has been detected!"

After Jarvis saw the situation in front of him, he immediately reported it to Tony.

"What? What about the Death Star?"

Tony Stark, who had been prepared, was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Already fainted."

"Restore the visual system!"

When Tony Stark heard this, he immediately regained his vision and saw that he had given it to Roddy, no, it was the war machine that Roddy forced to pass through.

War Machine's mask opened, revealing the black face on the ground.

"Hey Stark, I saved a life, looks like you've cheered up."

Although Roddy didn't understand what was going on, seeing Tony Stark standing here fighting against the terrifying creatures, he felt that he must be fine.

"Well, I'm always in great shape."

After Tony opened his mask, he looked at Rody with an arrogant face.

"You know, I almost beat this dog to death just now. You missed a good show."

Tony Stark said with an arrogant look.

"Yes, yes, I just saw how miserable you were being tossed around."

Rody replied helplessly.

"Wait a minute! You just saw it, when did you come!"

Tony immediately pointed at Roddy after hearing this.

"The first time you were thrown out, but I promise not to tell anyone."

Roddy had a smirk on his face, which made Tony roll his eyes and facepalm.

"Wait a minute, that's not just you."

Tony immediately thought of something and looked at the screen.

All I saw was a bunch of information above.

Luffy: "Wow! This armor is so handsome, what is it!"

Frankie: "This looks like a high-tech armor! It can fly and fire! It's a man's dream!"

Naruto: "So handsome!"

Nobita: "It's really cool! I really want an armor like this!"

Morohoshidan: "You have a robot like Doraemon, are you still worried about not having armor?"

Nobita: "Yeah! I want Doraemon too!"

Doraemon: "No, you still have to do your homework."

When Tony saw that no one cared about him being tossed around, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one knew that he was so embarrassed.

"Buzz buzz!!"

At this moment, the Quinjet dropped from the sky, opened the hatch and Coulson came out.

"Mr. Stark, the cage is ready. The dog can be locked in. Thank you for your help, Colonel Roddy!"

Coulson shouted, waving his hands, looking at their armor, his eyes couldn't help but shine with starlight.


After Tony finished speaking, he carried the Death Star, not forgetting to cover its eyes.

"Wait a minute, isn't that an agent of SHIELD? Tony, when did you start working for SHIELD?"

Rody asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"No? They begged me to do something for them."

Tony replied before getting on the plane.

"Would you like a ride?"

Tony asked looking at Roddy.

"No, I was ordered to come here to investigate, and I have to go back and respond. What should I tell them? Should I just pass it on to SHIELD?"

Rody asked rhetorically.

"Yes, tell them to negotiate with SHIELD."

Tony said while throwing the Death Star into the sealed box prepared in the Quinjet.

This was specially made by him. It was made of titanium alloy. It contained a large amount of freezing gas and top-notch anesthetics. It also used titanium alloy chains to restrain the Death Star. He didn't believe that even this could trap the big black dog.

"Goodbye Roddy, this armor suits you very well."

Tony waved and shouted while the plane was still closed.

"Goodbye, by the way, tonight is the Hammer Industrial Exhibition. It's the weapons they added to me. You can come and take a look tonight!"

After Roddy finished speaking, he took off and left here.

"How dare you approach Hammer Industries."

After hearing this, Tony had to twitch his lips and shook his head helplessly.

Then sit on the chair.

"Hey, give me a coffee and a burger, I'm really tired right now."

Tony directed Coulson to plead.

"Sorry sir, there's none here."

Coulson replied with a smile.

"Don't you know how to reward heroes who come back from fighting?"

This made Tony couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Sorry, but can you tell me what's going on with this big black dog?"

Colson looked at the big iron box. The ability this dog showed was really terrifying.

"Just treat it like the god of death from hell, and ask your director for the rest."

Tony directly handed over the power of explanation to Nick Fury, then remained silent, looking out the window and tapping his fingers.

"Strange? Why haven't the rewards been distributed yet?"

Tony couldn't help but wonder. In the past, others immediately distributed rewards as soon as they took the containment objects, so why haven't they been rewarded now?

And there seems to be something wrong.

Tony looked at the scenery outside the window and felt something strange, so he leaned over to take a look.

"Hey, Coulson, are we heading to SHIELD on the route we're traveling on now?"

Tony found that the direction to SHIELD was completely opposite to the current direction of flight, so he had to ask.

After hearing this, Coulson also noticed something was wrong and immediately walked towards the driver.

"Hey, where are you going?"

In the next second, the heavily armed agent in the passenger seat suddenly stood up, raised his rifle and pointed it at Coulson.

Colson was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Not only the agent in the passenger seat, but also several other agents in the Quinjet raised their guns and pointed them at Coulson and Tony.

"If you don't want to die, don't act rashly!"

The agent in the passenger seat glared at Coulson and Tony and threatened.

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