Inside the helmet, Iron Man has turned off his visual system to see the outside world.

"Jarvis, make sure the big dog is right in front of me."

"Yes, sir, it is eighty-eight meters in front of you. If you fire now, it will be easily avoided."

Jarvis replied.

Now Tony Stark turns off the visual system of Iron Man's equipment and relies on Jarvis to act as his eyes so that he can deal with the Death Star.


As soon as Tony Stark finished speaking, he felt the heat on the opposite side and flew up without thinking.

Just dodged a bunch of fierce flames.

"Ho ho ho!!"

Death Star felt extremely angry when he saw an Iron Man suddenly appearing to block him, so he rushed directly towards Tony Stark while constantly breathing fire attacks.

"Sir, immediately fly up to avoid and distance yourself."

After hearing Jarvis' instructions, Tony Stark immediately flew up to avoid the flames.

"The Death Star is on the ground 45 degrees to your left. It is recommended that you launch a dense missile bombardment."

"Thanks, Jarvis."

After Tony Stark replied, he immediately aimed at a position of 45 degrees to the left and continuously launched micro missiles and pulse cannons to attack.

Bomb the Death Star there.

The Death Star was knocked around by the huge explosive weapon, fell heavily to the ground, but then jumped up immediately.

Then it actually hit the vehicle next to it so hard that it flew up and was thrown towards Tony Stark.

"Sir! There are a large number of cars flying in front of you, retreat immediately."


Tony Stark cursed and immediately flew back to avoid the oncoming cars.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, violent collision sounds continued to be heard from the flying cars.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Death Star was using these cars as pedals, constantly leaping over them, approaching Tony Stark!

Before Jarvis could remind him, Death Star had jumped behind Tony Stark and closed his teeth to bite the neck of Mark's suit.

"Creak, creak, creak."

The bite force of the Death Star is amazing, and it can actually bite the armor made of space satellite materials, making a creaking sound.

If it were made of ordinary metal, it would probably be bitten through.

"Aha! Got you!"

Tony Stark turned his hands over and grabbed Death Star's body, and then quickly approached the ground.

"Jarvis, increase all the power of Mark's armor to his arms!"

"Yes, sir!"

Then Tony Stark felt that the strength of his hands had increased a lot, and then he forcibly tore off the Death Star and smashed it towards the ground!


A heavy impact sounded, and at this moment, a large hole and many cracks were made in the cement floor.

Death Star was so dizzy by this move that the corners of his mouth began to bleed.

"As expected! You are a living creature after all! You can be beaten to death!"

After hearing Jarvis's report, Tony Stark was so excited that he punched Death Star on the head repeatedly.

"Just sleep well, you stinky dog!"

While cursing, Tony Stark gathered the energy of Mark's armor into his chest, preparing to kill the dog with the most powerful chest pulse cannon.

He didn't believe that the armor he had spent all his energy to build could not stand up to a stinky dog!


At this moment, the Death Star suddenly roared with force, opened his mouth, and just when Tony Stark's fist was about to hit him, he closed his mouth and bit the arm directly.


This scene stunned Tony Stark for a moment.

"Sir, if you could see it now, you would see its eyes full of hatred and anger."

At this time, Jarvis reported like this.

"Is it too late for me to apologize now?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but ask.


At this time, Death Star let out a violent howl while using his mouth to lift Tony Stark up, and then slammed it to the ground.

This was not the end yet, he kept shaking Tony Stark's body vigorously, and slapped him towards the ground around him.

Tony Stark inside the armor was so beaten that he screamed in pain and felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart!

"Jarvis, tell me the best time to fire!"

Tony Stark cried out in pain.

"Sir, you can't hit it in your condition."

Jarvis's voice was quite anxious, and he couldn't tell when was the right time to fire.

Now Iron Man is just like the famous scene in Loki, being thrown around, but the object is a big black dog, which looks particularly funny.

"Quickly calculate!"

Tony Stark almost spoke with his tongue curled up, fearing that he would bite it off as soon as he opened his mouth.

After receiving the order, Jarvis quickly analyzed the Death Star's movements and judged the best time.

"Fire in one second."


After hearing this, Tony Stark immediately fired the pulse cannon that had been charged in his chest for a long time.

This cannon concentrates 80% of the energy and fires it out, and its power is not ordinary.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

A dazzling beam of light rose from the ground, and a terrifying shock wave swept around, sending a large number of cars flying out, and even the ground continued to collapse.

A figure flew out of the blast wave. It was Tony Stark wearing the Mark armor.

He fell heavily to the ground like a meteorite. Just as he was about to stand up, he was hit by the falling car and buried underneath.

Relying on the only energy, he had to move the pile of cars with great effort to stand up.

"My waist, I hope it can still be used."

Tony Stark walked out holding his waist, feeling that his body would fall apart with every step.

"Jarvis, scan where the big dog is. I don't believe it can still stand up after being hit by such a powerful move of mine."

Tony Stark ordered.


In the next second, two cars were knocked away not far away.

Then the Death Star slowly crawled out. It was no longer as terrible and majestic as before.

Instead, it was covered with serious and hot wounds all over its body, and its skeleton could be seen inside.


The Death Star stared at the Iron Man in front of it with eyes full of incomparable resentment. Since it came to this world to stir up trouble, when has it ever suffered such a big injury!

"Woo woo woo woo."

The Death Star staggered and looked at Tony Stark, enduring the pain of his body as much as possible. Its resentful eyes wished that it could eat the iron in front of it alive!

"Jarvis, how much energy do I have now? Is it enough to defeat it!"

Tony asked Jarvis hurriedly.

"Sir, there is less than 15% of energy left now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat it."

Jarvis replied.

"Okay, then concentrate the remaining energy into your fist. I want to knock this stinky dog ​​out with one punch!"

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