Dragon Ball Universe.

On the snake path, Sun Wukong looked in pain, with injuries all over his body, and he was holding the red disc in his hand.

He was lying on a cart, and the people pulling the cart were She Ji and her maid.

"I'm really sorry, but I need you to help me drag me to the Palace of Hell."

Sun Wukong thanked him.

"It doesn't matter. After all, you saved me. If you hadn't saved my life, I would have been dragged there by that terrible monster."

She Ji said gratefully.

"But, what on earth is that?"

Snake Girl looked at the Red Sea disc in Sun Wukong's hand doubtfully.

"Well, I don't know how to explain it."

Sun Wukong smiled helplessly.

It was really a narrow escape just now. More and more unclean people came up. Sun Wukong couldn't fight them all, and he was seriously injured all over his body.

In the end, he tried his best to escape.

It was really embarrassing to be beaten into such a miserable state.

Fortunately, every time a Saiyan stands up from the brink of death, his strength will be greatly improved.

Now Sun Wukong is recovering from his injuries under the treatment of She Ji. When he fully recovers, his strength will be further improved!

"Congratulations to Son Goku from the Dragon Ball Universe for successfully containing the Red Sea Disc. Now you will be given rewards to transform into a Super Saiyan."

When the sound on the screen sounded, Sun Wukong had a lot more information in his mind.

in the universe.

Vegeta and Nappa are about to arrive on Earth.

"What! Super Saiyan!"

After Vegeta heard the words Super Saiyan, he stood up excitedly and looked at the screen in disbelief.

He knows better than anyone what a Super Saiyan is, the strongest warrior in the universe!

It’s just that he always thought it was just a legend. Now it seems that it is true?

"Super Saiyan is the strongest warrior in the universe in the legend of the Saiyan family. If an ordinary Saiyan wants to transform into a Super Saiyan, he first needs to practice a lot to improve his strength, and then have a A calm heart can finally transform into a Super Saiyan when it explodes in extreme anger."

The screen began to explain things about Super Saiyan, and both Goku and Vegeta were fascinated.

"After transforming into a Super Saiyan, you will have fifty times more power than normal. Of course, there will be some side effects on the body, and it is very energy-consuming. It requires a lot of physical and mental training to achieve it without wasting and reducing side effects."

"Super Saiyan is not the final pinnacle."

After the voice on the screen said this, he stopped talking.

"It's amazing. It can actually be strengthened fifty times. It's much scarier than Kaio Fist."

Son Goku murmured with a shocked look on his face. If his injuries and physical strength hadn't fully recovered, he would have really wanted to try transforming into a Super Saiyan.

in the universe.

Vegeta couldn't help but clenched his fists after hearing how to transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Do you need to have a stable heart, but also be extremely angry? How can you be angry enough?"

Vegeta skipped the calm heart first and thought about the problem of anger.

The oppression under Frieza's hands was enough to make him angry, but it didn't seem to be enough.

"Damn Kakarot, you are so lucky to get the power to transform into a Super Saiyan. I, Prince Vegeta, can definitely do it too!"

Vegeta had a gloomy look on his face, unwilling to be left behind by a mere low-level warrior.

"Hey, by the way, the Dragon Balls, just use the Dragon Balls to turn me into a Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta quickly thought of a shortcut and showed a cold smile.

Some people on the screen are leaving messages at this time.

Bruce Wayne: "Hey, he turned into a Super Saiyan. Son Goku is also a Saiyan?"

Sun Wukong: "Yes, I haven't said it before. I was sent to the earth when I was very young."

Bruce Wayne: "What were you sent to Earth for?"

Sun Wukong: "You asked me to invade the earth. It seems that Saiyans, even as babies, are sent to invade the earth to improve their strength. It's just that my head was smashed, so I forgot about it and always thought that I was an earthling."

Nick Fury: "Wait a minute! You were sent by the invaders, and now you want to rebel against your own compatriots!?"

Sun Wukong: "I don't think they are my compatriots. Even if I am a Saiyan, I am still a native of Earth."

Bruce Wayne: "This..."

Piccolo: "You don't mean to say anything. Sun Wukong is dangerous and a threat to the earth. Don't worry, that idiot doesn't have such thoughts."

Sun Wufan: "My father will not harm the earth!"

Vegeta: "This guy is a traitor. Don't think that becoming a Super Saiyan will make you invincible. I, Prince Vegeta, can definitely do it too."

Sun Wukong: "Just come here with your horse!"

Bruce Wayne looked at this conversation and said nothing. In his eyes, the enemy's compatriots were untrustworthy. If it were him, he would definitely monitor them comprehensively.

"Fortunately, there are no such aliens on our earth."

Bruce Wayne said with relief.

Doraemon: "Wait a minute, in this case, the only world left without containment is the Naruto world?"

Luffy: "Why haven't they responded yet? Something happened, right?"

Natasha: "You'll know if you take a look."

Then everyone looked at the screen of Naruto World.

As a result, Kakashi and Might Guy were seen running away in a very embarrassing situation.

Because there were more than a dozen unclean people chasing them.

The two of them were now using all their speed to escape.

For this reason, Might Guy specially unlocked several of the eight gates, and Kakashi also used the Sharingan Copy to release them.

But no matter how fast they increased their speed, they could not get rid of the group of unclean people.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

The unclean people kept punching Kakashi and Might Guy.

Forcing the two to hide in a very embarrassing situation.

"Kai! I told you not to come in, and you're in big trouble!"

Kakashi shouted anxiously.

"Sorry! I didn't expect there would be such a terrible monster here!"

Might Guy's face was also very ugly and he couldn't keep calm.

When they encountered the first unclean attack, both of them tried to fight.

But no matter whether it was Might Guy's physical skills or Kakashi's various ninjutsu.

They could not fight against the unclean, and even if they could cause injuries, they would heal quickly.

Then more unclean beings came, forcing them to flee everywhere like rats crossing the street.

"Hold on, the entrance is right there!"

Might Guy shouted to Kakashi after seeing the entrance not far away.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, unclean beings appeared out of nowhere, blocking Kakashi and Guy's way.

Add to that the people chasing them from behind, and the two's route was completely blocked.

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