American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 76 The power of rewards, the seeds of war

When Odin put on Odin's jersey, he felt that his divine power had increased to an extremely terrifying level.

The majestic divine power surged out of his body like a fountain and shot straight into the sky, splitting the sky of Jotunheim.

It even caused the surrounding earth to shake continuously.

"This is the power of Odin's equipment from another universe!"

Odin looked at the Odin shirt in shock, unable to believe that his power could rise to such a terrifying level.

And he keenly felt that this level of improvement was only a small part of Odin's shirt.

"Can Odin be so strong in other universes? The water in the multiverse is deeper than I thought."

Odin couldn't help but breathe heavily. He thought that he was the king of the nine realms and had few rivals in the entire universe.

But Odin's shirt made him understand how small his vision was and how stupid his previous ideas were.

It's just that the equipment is so powerful, so how terrible is the original owner.

This feeling reminded him of the time when he faced the Celestial Team.

"Father, your power."

Loki had to be shocked by how powerful Odin was now, just standing aside and feeling the pressure of Odin's power.

He felt like his body was about to be crushed.

"Buzz buzz!!"

At this moment, Frostmourne kept trembling and exuding fierce cold air, seemingly trying to resist Odin's power as much as possible, but it was in vain.

Odin immediately controlled his power and calmed his mind as much as possible, then looked at Frostmourne in Loki's hand with some confusion.

The ice energy erupted by Frostmourne is very terrifying, even colder than Jotunheim.

"Frostmourne, also known as the Sword of Filial Son. It comes from a different world called Azeroth. It is a lonely sword of ice. Thoughts are magnified in it, souls are reborn in the fall, disasters are rampant in sorrow, and there is no way. To stop is to destroy.”

"It is as light as a feather, as cold as ice, and its endless power constantly attracts the fallen to play with, but it prefers those extremely miserable people, giving them the power to take revenge on the world, causing the world to fall and disasters to fall."

"Ability 1: Frost. When holding this sword, you have the power to control ice and snow, but ordinary people cannot withstand the terrifying cold air coming from the sword."

"Ability 2: Soul-absorbing. After killing the enemy, you can absorb the opponent's soul to strengthen yourself."

"Ability Three: Undead Natural Disaster. After activation, an army of undead will be created from the surrounding environment."

"The so-called undead army is the countless enemies that Frostmourne has massacred, including knights, mages and even dragons. The souls of the enemies are all sealed in Frostmourne. As long as the owner of the sword has enough power, he can completely kill the dead. The souls are released for their own use and transformed into a terrifying army of the undead!”

After hearing the explanation on the screen, Loki couldn't help but look ecstatic.

This magic sword is actually so powerful, has many abilities, and can even strengthen itself.

It just suits him so well!

Loki himself is not as powerful as the Asgardians, so he is somewhat looked down upon.

Now that he has this magic sword, no one can look down on him.

But why is this sword also called the Filial Son Sword?

Loki was quite puzzled by this.

"Loki, the ice power of this sword is very terrifying. Are you okay?"

Odin next to him asked worriedly.

"It's okay, and I don't know why, I feel very comfortable."

Loki held such a cold Frostmourne without feeling any discomfort at all.

After hearing this, Odin's eyes couldn't help but change, and he thought of something.


Just then an angry roar came.

I saw many Frost Giants running towards them in full armor. One of them was wearing a king's cloak and looked extremely majestic.

His temperament is much more outstanding than other frost giants.

He is the King of Jotunheim, Laufey, King of the Frost Giants.

"Odin! Are you bringing so many people to start a war with Jotunheim?"

Laufey stared at Odin with great anger and shouted.

"Lauffy! This is a misunderstanding!"

Odin said quickly.

"Misunderstanding! Your son massacred countless of my people, and you led the Asgardian army to come to me! You made such a big fuss, and you told me it was a misunderstanding!"

Laufey's words were full of incomparable anger, which made Jotunheim's temperature drop a lot.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood. Since you want to start a war, we at Jotunheim will not be afraid!"

Laufei's eyes were full of hatred and malice.

Asgard's behavior today has completely trampled Jotunheim's face under its feet, and nothing can be said about it.

"Lauffy, I brought the army here because something terrible will appear, but I told you that you can't do it."

Odin tried to explain, but he didn't know whether he should tell him about the Red Sea world and the contained objects.

"Haha, what's wrong? The great King of Gods has also become a liar."

Laufey smiled evilly when he heard this, then burst out with extremely powerful strength and rushed towards Odin.


At this moment, Odin's shirt burst out with a huge force and bounced Laufey away, scaring all the Frost Giants to rush to catch it.


Odin couldn't care less and could only shout to the sky.

The next second the Rainbow Bridge landed, wrapping everyone in Asgard and taking them away from here and back to Asgard.

Laufei looked at the sky with a look of reluctance and clenched his fists hard.

Seeing this, many viewers have their own ideas.

Tony Stark: "Hey, I feel like you guys are in bigger trouble."

Nick Fury: "This is provoking a war between two alien races."

Odin: "This is our Asgardian private matter and has nothing to do with you."

Warring States: "Then what are you going to do? Are you really going to start a war?"

Odin: "I'll try to avoid it."

Ancient One: "I care more about your rewards, Odin's robe, God's armor, I don't know how high your power can be improved."

Odin: "I haven't had time to study this yet, but just a small part is enough to make me far beyond my current strength. If all of them are activated, I'm afraid I can have the top power in the universe, which is the single universe!"

Ancient One: "What!"

When Ancient One learned how powerful the reward Odin received was, he had to look solemn.

Although Odin has never attacked the earth, what if he is too powerful and has some ideas?

This forced Ancient One to hold the Eye of Agamotto. Facing a single universe level, she had to release the full power of the Time Stone, plus the power of the Demon God, to be able to compete.

"This screen is a bit too much. It never gave me a chance to take action."

Gu Yi couldn't help but say something like this, which made the people next to him open their eyes wide.

"Congratulations to Sun Wukong from the Dragon Ball Universe for successfully containing the Red Sea Disc."

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