American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 67 The true face of the rubber fruit, Sun God Nika!

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Thick white smoke was emitting from Luffy's body, his body continued to expand, and his hair turned white visibly.

As the white smoke coming out became thicker and thicker, Luffy's body seemed to be melting.

"Hey! Luffy is melting!"

Chopper shouted in shock, his eyes almost flying out of his head. Everyone was extremely shocked by this and didn't understand what was happening.

"Luffy, how are you doing now?"

Nami asked tremblingly.

“It feels like I can do anything!”

Luffy shouted, waving his hands with a relaxed look on his face.

Then Luffy flew up in full view of everyone, flying freely in the air twice.

Everyone's jaws dropped when they saw this scene. Which song is this?

But what's even more amazing is yet to come.

Luffy grabbed the clouds that stretched out his arms to grasp the sky, and actually pulled them off as if they were solid, then twisted them into a ball of hemp rope, and kept swinging them like a skipping rope, jumping in the air.

Just when everyone was confused, the sound from the screen rang.

"Actually, there is no rubber fruit in the world. The name of the rubber fruit is a pseudonym given by the world government because it was afraid of the fruit's true power reappearing. Its real name is the phantom beast-type human fruit - Nika form."

"Nika is a warrior who rescued slaves hundreds of years ago in the pirate world. He is called the sun god and will lead the slaves to freedom. Since Nika himself is a rubber man, when he eats the Nika fruit, he will turn into rubber. The ability, when awakened, can turn anything into rubber, and has extremely amazing vitality.”

Luffy's crew were stunned when they heard the explanation on the screen.

Nika fruit? This is the first time they have heard of this devil fruit.

"Nika? The real name of the rubber fruit. This is too ridiculous."

Sanji couldn't digest this information for a while.

The idiot captain of my family can actually be related to some kind of sun god. The contrast is too great!

"Luffy is so awesome."

Chopper was a big-hearted person, with a look of admiration on his face.

"But why did the World Government go out of its way to conceal the name of this fruit? What terrible power does it have?"

Usopp looked confused.

"Hundreds of years ago, could it be related to the blank history?"

Robin was keenly aware of this connection and had to think more.

"Hey! Luffy! What's your situation now, how are you feeling!"

Zoro shouted to the sky.

“Feels so good!”

When Luffy was talking, his eyes actually flew out, just like the special effects of the characters in the children's bucket.

"And I have also awakened other powers! I can hear many people's voices and know your movements!"

Luffy was lying in the sky with a contented look on his face, obviously not looking, but he could feel every move of his friends.

Then his arms turned black, and he couldn't help but punch the sky, making a huge noise.

The last black thunder and lightning wrapped around his body, and the overlord-colored domineering energy burst out and swept around.

Because of the awakening of Nika, Luffy actually awakened the three-color Haki!

"Look, I can do this now!"

After Luffy finished speaking, he grabbed the Thousand Sunny, and then pulled it with both hands. The Thousand Sunny let him pull it like plasticine, turning into a very funny look.

"Hey! Stop messing with the boat!"

Frankie shouted anxiously when he saw this.

"Sorry, sorry."

People in other worlds can clearly see what Luffy looks like now.

Among them, the one with the ugliest expression belongs to the Navy Headquarters.

"Hey! Marshal, what's going on? What the hell is Nika? This kid has become stronger again!"

Akainu shouted to Sengoku with an ugly face, why the navy never knew about this kind of thing!

"I don't know about this either."

Sengoku's eyes kept trembling. He didn't expect the rubber fruit to have such an origin. It seemed that the World Government had even concealed it from him.

"Follow the notice, the bounty of the Straw Hats has been increased. They are becoming stronger and stronger. They can no longer be underestimated and must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Sengoku was breathing heavily when he spoke.

He has already felt that the development of the Straw Hat Pirates has completely exceeded his expectations. Maybe they will become the same as the Yonko in the future, which will be even more troublesome.

"Can you find out where the Straw Hats are now based on the location displayed on the screen!"

Sengoku looked at the screen and shouted.

"It's all invisible to the sea, but if they want to go to the New World, they have to pass through the Shampoo Islands."

Kizaru made an important point.

"Then go to the Shampoo Islands to ambush! Don't give them room to grow, so catch them as soon as possible!"

Warring States quickly issued orders.

"What should we do with Garp?"

Akainu asked what Garp might do to arrest Luffy on such a large scale.

"I will persuade that guy and ask Kuzan to go with him later. His power will be effective."

After Sengoku finished speaking, he began to make relevant arrangements to capture the Straw Hat Pirates as soon as possible.

At this point people from other worlds are commenting.

Diana: "Sun God? Our Sun God is called Apollo. Nika is unique to the pirate world, right?"

Strange: "No matter what, this ability is too strange. Rather than saying it's powerful, it's more funny and has a cartoonish feel."

Nick Fury: "It turns everything it touches into rubber. Is Devil Fruit so powerful?"

Shizune: "However, the Eight Gates of Dunjia can actually become a reward. It is a very incredible secret skill. Every time you open one gate, there is a heavy burden. It is said that if you open all eight gates, even if your strength increases a lot, you will definitely die."

Sanji: "Is it so scary? It seems I have to be careful with it."

Tony Stark: "I am more interested in alchemy. As long as the elements are the same and the materials are enough, anything can be synthesized. In this way, we can invent unprecedented things and skip the troublesome experimental steps! This is the gospel of technology!"

Chopper: "Is it so powerful? I'm still thinking of using it to refine medicine."

Tony Stark: "Haha, it's good to use it to make medicine, but it's more interesting to use it to make armor. Just imagine that as long as you have various materials, you can make high-tech armor that is difficult to create with real-world technology!"

Frankie: "Yeah! It just so happens that my plasma light cannon design is very troublesome. With Chopper's alchemy, maybe I can make it quickly!"

Tony Stark: "Please describe that design in detail! I also want to develop it."

Tony Stark looked at the screen of Pirate World a little jealously.

The plasma light cannon is an epoch-making weapon. Its power is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb. Its armor is just a laser. If it is equipped with a plasma light cannon, there is no need to be afraid of any enemy it encounters.

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