
"Blast Fang?"

Sauron and Brook looked at the brand new weapons that suddenly appeared in their hands, feeling a little confused.

They had never heard of such a weapon, but they could feel the power of Peng Bai hidden in it.

"This is definitely stronger than the famous sword!"

Zoro said solemnly.

"I feel this knife is very dangerous."

Brooke was unusually serious. Just holding the Explosive Fang made its body tremble.

"The Zanpakuto is a weapon from a certain world. It can only be condensed by those with strong souls. It is a weapon specifically aimed at the soul."

At this time, the voice of the on-screen explanation sounded.

"The Zanpakutō awarded to Zoro and Brooke were made according to the characteristics of their souls. They have powerful power and can perform Hakkaku and Swastikaka."

“The first explanation is to pronounce the name of the Zanpakutō correctly and release the potential power of the Zanpakutō.

The power of the swastika is five to ten times stronger than that of the swastika. It requires a deeper communication with the Zanpakutō and a strong enough strength to realize it. The requirement is to materialize the Zanpakutō and make it surrender. "

"A weapon made from my soul!"

Zoro looked at the Zanpakutō in his hand in shock, not expecting such a strange weapon.

"The name of Zoro's Zanpakutō is Asura, and Brook's is called Apostle Huangquan. If you want to perform the first interpretation, you must pronounce the name of the Zanpakutō correctly."

"Asura, hehehe, hahaha!"

Zoro looked at this Zanpakutō and couldn't help but scream in excitement.

"It suits me! It's just right for me, a swordsman who walks the path of Asura. Let me see your ability!"

"Yo ho ho, this makes me excited, Apostle Huang Quan, what kind of sword will it be."

Brooke couldn't help laughing excitedly. He felt that he was full of power now. If it wasn't the right time, he really wanted to pull it out and experience it.

"The Eight Gate Dungeon is a unique ninjutsu in the Naruto world. It releases the potential in the human body and exerts a power dozens of times beyond one's own. It originally has the side effect of dying together, but the rewards on this screen can eliminate this. Change it to exhaustion, which will not endanger your life. "

"The dragon-slaying magic of the sky is a magic that specifically fights against dragons in a certain world. It uses the sky as its power to control everything in the sky to attack, fly and fly. The purer the air, the more powerful it is. It is difficult to exert its full power in a dirty environment. strength."

"The Heavenly Wheel Armor is an armor with magic that can summon infinite sword blades for close or long-range attacks and has strong defense. Considering that Robin itself has no magic power, it will only consume the magic power attached to the Heavenly Wheel Armor. , will be restored automatically."

"The electromagnetic gun slingshot uses electromagnetism to launch bullets, which can speed the bullets up to thousands of meters per second."

"Plasma light cannon design drawings, collected materials according to the above drawings, can develop a million-degree Celsius artillery that is as powerful as a small sun."

"Alchemy uses magic circles to decompose matter or reconstruct it to form a brand new object. It can replace the traditional means of making tools. As long as there are enough materials, you can create what you need, but the things you create must be in harmony with the elements of the materials. Just like iron cannot be made into water."

When the sound on the screen sounded, everyone was listening attentively, trying to digest such a huge amount of information.

"Everyone sees that I can do magic!"

At this time, Nami's voice sounded, and Nami was actually flying in the air, with a look of surprise on her face.

"The sky's dragon-slaying magic uses the power of the sky to cast magic. It's really suitable for me as a navigator!"

Nami quickly absorbed the knowledge of dragon-slaying magic and easily controlled the wind around her to fly.

"Miss Nami! You are a magical girl now!"

Sanji shouted to Nami, shaking his body.

"Magic? I look very powerful, but I'm a little exposed."

Robin said as he looked at himself and the swords floating around under his control.

The Heavenly Wheel Armor is not an armor in the traditional sense. It is a very revealing armor that makes Robin's figure look very hot and eye-catching.


Sanji and Brooke on the side watched as nosebleeds spurted out, and then they fell to the ground in exhaustion.

"Is this high technology?"


Usopp and Franky basked in their rewards.

Usopp's big slingshot has turned into an extremely high-tech electromagnetic gun launcher. According to the information on the screen, it is launched using electromagnetism, which can make any bullet fly thousands of meters per second!

Such speed will undoubtedly bring particularly terrifying destructive power!

"Heating hydrogen gas with a laser to millions of degrees and emitting it has the power of a small solar explosion! This is too scary!"

Frankie was stunned by the design of the plasma light cannon. Such a terrifying weapon could destroy an island! Even scarier.

After looking at such a terrifying weapon, the two gasped heavily, and suddenly their eyes burst into starlight.

"So cool! This is a manly romance!"

Usopp and Franky shouted together, venting the overwhelming excitement in their hearts!

"Look, I can conjure things out of thin air!"

At this time, Chopper shouted with joy.

Chopper was seen slapping the grass with both hands, and then a magic circle appeared around it, and then a wooden spear appeared out of thin air.

"Oh oh oh! What is this!"

Others shouted in shock.

"This is called alchemy. Converting matter into something is like forging iron into a sword. You don't need to find a swordsmith to spend time making it. You can just clap your hands and create a magic circle!"

Chopper's eyes are full of stars. With this trick, he can make any medicine. He only needs the raw materials around him and does not need to spend time preparing it.

This way you can try many unknown medicines!

"That's amazing. Is this magic too?"

Sanji said with admiration on his face.

"Ah! My body is so hot!"

Just then Luffy screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw white smoke constantly coming out of Luffy's body, and his body temperature was rising crazily.

"Luffy what's wrong with you!"

Chopper shouted anxiously.

"I don't know, it feels very hot!"

Luffy lay on the ground quite uncomfortable, unable to control himself.

His heartbeat is extremely fast now, and other people can hear it clearly even if they are more than ten centimeters away.

"This is so weird! Why would Luffy do this!"

Nami shouted anxiously.

"Nika? What the hell is that!"

Zoro also looked anxious and wanted to help Luffy, but couldn't.


The next second, Luffy suddenly looked up to the sky and howled loudly, scaring everyone back and looking at him nervously.

"It's so comfortable."

Then Luffy suddenly said this, and then his body underwent strange changes.

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