American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 507 Appearing in the Dragon Ball Universe

After seeing this, everyone already knew what the Shadow Spider was like and had to be surprised.

Bruce Wayne: It's impossible to detect that it actually has this characteristic. Who would pay attention to the shadow!

Arthur: That is to say, even if you see it, you will think it is just a bug running past, and no one will care!

Warring States: This kind of creature is much more troublesome than a big monster! At least those big monsters can take action directly if they see them. But this thing is so hidden that it’s hard to notice!

Star Cluster: And it will also overlap with the host's shadow, making it even harder to find.

Dagu: Any action will stimulate the shadow spider to hurt people. The person hurt by it will die miserably, and then the shadow will turn into countless spiders. What on earth is this!

Terumi Mei: It's really disgusting. Spiders are disgusting enough in the first place, but this kind of thing turns out to be even more disgusting!

Shizune: It’s really disgusting.

Bruce Wayne: The shadow spider is too dangerous. Even if it is contained, I am afraid that if you move a little louder, it will scare it, but the host will be bitten.

Bruce Wayne: Just one bite is enough to bring unimaginable consequences. If a large group of shadow spiders, wouldn't it be possible to massacre a large number of humans in an instant?

Diana: Indeed, compared to large monsters that can be seen clearly, small and special creatures like this are a more troublesome threat, and they are difficult to deal with with normal means!

Clark: I think I can see where the Shadow Spiders are with my vision.

Bruce Wayne: But we don’t know where this thing will be distributed and what kind of place it will be. Are you sure you can see every corner at all times? What's more important is that it overlaps with the shadow. Can you tell?

Clark: I don’t know that either.

Barry: If such a monster really appears, I can only use my speed force to move the parasitized person away and expose it to the sun!

Bruce Wayne: This is indeed a solution, but the sunlight is not enough, and more powerful electric lights are needed.

When Bruce Wayne says this, look at the yellow light ring immediately. With this, you can create a huge light source.

Akainu: Kizaru, if we really show up here, I'm afraid you will have to shine.

Kizaru: Huh? Me? It seems like that.

Usopp: I don't want to meet you! This kind of creature can hide in the shadows and is hard to find! too disgusting!

Robin: Simply the most perfect assassin.

Nami: Don't worry, don't we still have Luffy's green light ring?

Luffy: Oh, that's right, but it feels like it could end easily, so why can't you capture it and raise it?

To all Luffy's crew: Absolutely not! ! ! ! !

Long: This guy. . .

Ace: Hahaha! As expected of Luffy!

Naruto: Lustful sage, what should we do?

Jiraiya: Let me think about it, and it doesn’t necessarily appear in our world.

Fengyuan: If this thing really appears, we can only use Ultraman's power to create a huge light to destroy them!

Dagu: But before destroying them, won't they bite the host?

Morohoshidan: It just depends on luck.

Nobita: Doraemon, what about us?

Dorami: Wait, I'm now studying which of my props can handle it well!

Sun Wukong: Such an opponent is really boring. I don’t want to meet him.

Piccolo: Indeed.

[Now predict the universe where Shadow Spider will appear. 】

While everyone was talking about it, the sound on the screen continued.

After everyone listened, they immediately stopped discussing and looked at the screen.

[The universe where Shadow Spider will appear is the Earth of the Dragon Ball Universe. 】

After seeing the specific universe that was about to appear, many people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Leping: What! No, this thing has entered our universe!

Dumpling: Ah, ah, no.

Sun Wukong: Is there anything to be afraid of? Isn’t this thing very weak? You two can definitely handle it.

Leping: Idiot! This is not a question of whether it is powerful or not. Have you forgotten what I said before? With just a little stimulation, this spider will kill its host, and it's also very stealthy and breathless!

Leping: At the beginning, you can still rely on the landing location provided by the screen. But when more and more shadow spiders appear later, there is no other way. How will you find them then?

Sun Wufan: Uncle Leping is right. Although the Shadow Spider is weak, it is very difficult to deal with.

Sun Wukong: That seems to be the case. By the way, there are also Dragon Balls.

Sun Wukong: Just use the power of the dragon balls to drive away all the shadow spiders.

Leping: Yes! And this trick!

Piccolo: Then you'd better move quickly. By the time you find the Dragon Balls, the Shadow Spider will have killed many people.

Dumpling: Indeed, we have to find Bulma quickly!

Dragon Ball Universe, Earth.

After Diaozi and Leping figured out what to do, they immediately stopped hunting humanoid monsters and went to find Bulma.

"Wait, you can just come to my place."

Just as Leping and Diaozi were taking action, the voice of God came into their minds.

"Eh? Lord God."

Leping and Diaozi stopped in confusion and looked at the sky, wondering why the god was calling them.

"Although I don't know what happened again, I already know that you need the Dragon Balls. In fact, I have already prepared them."

The voice of the god came into the minds of Leping and Diaozi.

"Really! You are truly worthy of being a god!"

Leping shouted excitedly

"Yes, in order to resurrect the humans who were killed by humanoid monsters and aliens, I specifically asked Bulma to help me collect the Dragon Balls. I originally wanted to ask you two for help, but I didn't want to delay you in dealing with the humanoid monsters and aliens."

The god continued.

"I'm already summoning the dragon. Come here quickly."


Leping and Dumpling immediately flew towards the temple.

As they got closer, the sky turned dark, filled with dark clouds, and thundered constantly.

This is a sign of the coming of the dragon!

After Leping and Diaozi arrived at the temple, the dragon descended from the sky and looked down at the people on the temple.

"Is it actually a god who summoned me? It seems there is something urgent. Then tell me your wishes and I will make them come true."

Shenlong said calmly.

"Shenron! Now there is a creature called Shadow Spider appearing in our world. Can you destroy them!"

Leping looked at Shenlong and asked.

After Shenlong heard Leping's request, he raised his head and radiated light all over, as if he was fulfilling this wish.

Seeing this scene, Leping and Diaozi showed excited expressions.

If containment can be easily handled in this way, everyone will be happy!

"Sorry, I can't do that."

However, Shenlong's answer shocked them!

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