American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 506: More troublesome than a big monster

Doraemi was discussing the shadow with everyone, and then she remembered such an important thing.

She couldn't help but screamed in shock.

Bruce Wayne: What's wrong? You said before that you cut off your shadows in order to catch the Shadow Demon. What will happen if you take it back for a long time?

Doraemi: That would be a big problem! The shadow will find a way to replace the master!

Diana: What! The shadow can replace the master, are you kidding!

Doraemi: I don't, my tool not only cuts off the shadow, but also makes it have consciousness and obey the master's orders, but it will evolve into self-awareness over time.

Doraemi: Once the time is longer, the real body will become a shadow, and the shadow will replace the real body!

Whitebeard: No way! Is it so dangerous!

Sengoku: Even Moria's shadow fruit can't do this. Is it true that the shadow is another soul!

Moroboshi Tuan: Because the shadow is another soul, and your tool will urge this soul to evolve?

Bruce Wayne: I think this statement is very unscientific. This can't be a problem with the props, why is there such a hidden danger? There are such props in your world?

Doremi: Because it is very convenient. Who doesn't want to have an identical self to help him do things? As for this potential problem, I don't know why it has not been overcome. . .

Diana: Anyway, you should get your shadows back quickly, otherwise they will really be replaced!

Doremi: Don't worry, I quickly got everyone's shadows back when I was chatting just now. Fortunately, they didn't get out of control.

Sun Wukong: But this sounds very interesting. My own shadow should be as strong as myself, so that I can have an opponent to practice with.

Piccolo: This idea is really good.

Vegeta: Humph, it's rare that Kakarot can also come up with good ideas. For an invincible Super Saiyan like me, only I can be my opponent.

Sun Wukong: Vegeta! You haven't spoken for so long, I thought you were dead!

Vegeta: Humph, stop talking nonsense! I am the strongest Super Saiyan in the universe! How can I die so easily? If I have to die, it will be you!

Vegeta: I was training hard to master the power of the legendary Super Saiyan! Besides, I am not interested in those containments as long as they do not appear in my world! I will definitely kill you next time I see you!

Son Goku: Hehe, that does not necessarily mean that I will become stronger!

Moroboshi Tuan: Son Goku, why do I feel that you seem to be more excited when facing invaders?

Piccolo: He is like this, the stronger the enemy, the more excited he is.

While everyone is talking, the sound of the screen continues.

[The shadow spider appears as a group of moving shadows of an unknown species of spider. ]

[The shadow spider shows the behavior of "preying" in the shadows of other living creatures, and will move to the shadow of the nearest creature. ] [In "preying", the shadow spider hides within the range of the host's shadow, so that its own shadow is not covered. In this way, a single shadow spider specimen can grow to a size of about 15 square centimeters. 】

【It appears to maintain this size after feeding; so far, the process has proven harmless to the host. When a specimen attaches itself to an inanimate object to feed, it slowly shrinks and decreases to its original size. It can only grow when in the shadow of a living thing. 】

【Shadow spiders have shown the ability to move across open and brightly lit areas over short distances, such as to reach a nearby host or escape from a disturbed area. 】

【However, when not in shadow, they will decrease in size at a rate of 2cm/s over a period of time. If a specimen is trapped in a sufficiently open area, it will eventually decrease to nothing, at which point it is considered dead. 】

【The maximum crawling speed observed when it reaches its maximum size is 1m/s. Shadow spiders have shown the ability to pass through cracks larger than 3mm; they cannot pass through spaces smaller than this. 】

【From this point of view, it would seem that the parasitism of the shadow spider does not cause any harm to the host, but this is not the case. When the shadow spider is startled, it will immediately attack the host's shadow. ]

[Normally, Shadow Spiders can and will attack their host if startled. A startled Shadow Spider will usually move quickly with its host, or flee to another shaded area, at which point the Shadow Spider will "bite" the creature's shadow before attempting to flee. ]

[The bite will invariably affect exposed skin; wearing cotton or any other sturdy clothing will provide adequate protection. ]

[After being bitten, a person will display five distinct stages over the course of an hour. Note that the bitten person may attempt to hide their wound; therefore, any personnel who display the next symptoms must immediately return to the containment chamber. ]

[Stage One: When startled, Shadow Spiders will bite the aggressor's shadow. Personnel report pain at the location of the bite on the shadow; however, no marks or wounds appear there. Personnel will quickly become hypersensitive and react strongly to everything around them. ]

[Stage Two: 10-15 minutes after being bitten, the subject will begin to sweat profusely, but may report feeling cold. Their skin will become red and feel hot to the touch. ]

[Stage 3: 25-30 minutes after being bitten, the subject will become violent and violent, and will attempt to cause conflict with those around them. Speech becomes slurred, and motor skills decline. The subject will become violent, usually attacking those around him. ]

[Stage 4: 40-45 minutes after being bitten, the subject's skin color will become pale and colorless, and their body temperature will drop to 5℃ to 8℃. The subject will apologize to those around them, and may remember that they just felt bad. They will try to escape back into the darkness. ]

[Stage 5: 55-60 minutes after being bitten, the subject will die and liquid will continue to emerge from the body. According to analysis, the liquid produced is completely transparent and harmless. The subject's shadow will completely transform into a smaller individual of the shadow spider at this time, about 4cm in size, and is called a "young child" for lack of accurate terminology. ]

[There is currently no treatment for being bitten by a shadow spider. It has been proven that death cannot prevent the continuation of this state, but directly enters the state of stage 5. 】

【Based on multiple experiments conducted by researchers, it was found that any source of shock known to humans will stimulate the shadow spider, such as noise, visual impact, huge movement, host being attacked, host's emotional changes, etc. will stimulate the shadow spider. 】

【In other words, the probability of the shadow spider attacking the host is very high, and it must be fully recovered. 】

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