American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 502: Get the Shadow Demon to the other side of the horizon

Doraemi was shocked. She thought that as long as time was stopped, the characteristics of the Shadow Demon would not work, but it was not the case at all!

Even when time was stopped, the Shadow Demon could still devour its prey according to its own characteristics!

This situation was unheard of for Doraemi!

"No way, time has stopped, how can this thing still move!"

Suneo shouted in shock. He has now turned into an ice bear beast, and even if he is shocked, he looks cute.

Other viewers in the live broadcast room can see this situation.

Bruce Wayne: Wait, your time stop device is not faulty, right? Why can the Shadow Demon still move?

Doraemi: It can't be broken! It is indeed operating normally, and the time around it has all stopped!

Aokiji: What's going on?

Moroboshi Tuan: Time has stopped, but the Shadow Demon can still hunt. Could it be that it is not affected by time?

Doraemi: How is this possible? How can something not be affected by time?

Diana: Why don't you ask Ancient One, maybe she can explain it.

Morohoshi: They are fighting there now, so I'm afraid they don't have time to pay attention to us.

Hypnos: I have a guess. Could it be that the abnormality of this shadow demon represents some kind of rule, which has a higher priority than the control of time?

Sage: Huh? What are you talking about?

Hypnos: This may be difficult for humans to understand, but what I want to say is that this is indeed possible. Perhaps the abnormal nature of this shadow demon is that it will be triggered even if time stops. It is not as simple as an ability, but a rule that time cannot interfere with.

Thanatos: Hypnos! Do you know what you are talking about! This is an existence that is superior to the twelve main gods of Olympus! How could such an outrageous thing happen!

Hypnos: This is just my guess, and it doesn't mean that the incarnation of rules must be a god. It may have similar abilities, but it has not yet reached the realm of God.

Hypnos: Haha, the world of this containment itself is really terrible. How did the humans there survive?

Jiraiya: This is indeed a problem. Maybe they have a comprehensive response.

Naruto: Then, Nobita, what should you do?

Nobita: This...

"Let me try to use the curing lamp!"

At this time, Doraemon suggested, and then Doraemon immediately searched in her pocket and found the curing lamp.

Then immediately fired a beam at the Shadow Demon.

The next second, the surface of the Shadow Demon quickly clumps and becomes solid.

"Is it okay now?"

Shizuka asked worriedly.

"We'll know after the attack!"

Fat Tiger immediately shouted impatiently.

Then Fat Tiger pulled out the street lamp next to him, and then threw it at the Shadow Demon!

When the shadow of the street lamp covered the surface of the Shadow Demon, something incredible happened!

That is, the Shadow Demon, which was clearly solidified, turned into smoke again!

Wrapped the flying smoke.

When the smoke dissipated and turned back into the Shadow Demon, the lamp post had disappeared.


This scene made Nobita and his group dumbfounded, and they had to look at the Shadow Demon in shock.

Now the Shadow Demon is still under the effect of the solidifying lamp, but just now it suddenly turned into smoke, and everyone could see it clearly.

That is to say, the abnormality of the Shadow Demon has nothing to do with its own structure, as long as there is a shadow covering it.

No matter what form or nature it is, it can turn into smoke!

"Doraeme, what should I do!"

This made Nobita look at Doraeme anxiously.

"If there is no way to contain this monster, we can't touch the time stop, and we can't leave it alone!"

Nobita was very anxious when he said this.

He is now a fire beast, and this anxious look looks particularly strange.

"Don't worry, let me think about it, conventional means will definitely not be able to lock it up, we have to change our thinking."

Doraeme crossed her hands and lowered her head to think seriously about what to do.

"Ah! Got it!"

At this moment, Doraeme seemed to have finally thought of a way, showing a look of joy and knocking her hands.

"Although there is no way to catch it directly, we can move it to another place!"

Doraeme took out a computer and chalk from her pocket while speaking.

"We use the space transfer chalk to transfer the shadow demon to an uninhabited place, so that the shadow demon will not be able to hunt!" Doraemi said confidently. Hearing this method, others all thought it was good. This is indeed a good idea! "But where should it be transferred to?" Suneo had to ask. "Of course it is a place where no one lives, how about the Arctic?" Fat Tiger suggested. "No, there are polar bears in the Arctic, and there are also Arctic expedition teams!" Shizuka immediately shook her head, reminding that there are creatures living there, and there are humans. "Then let's go to an uninhabited island." Suneo also proposed a plan. "I feel that as long as it is on Earth, it will not work. Sooner or later, it will be found by humans. Where should it be transferred to then?" At this time, Nobita said a very critical question. As long as it is still on Earth, no matter where the shadow demon hides, it will be discovered by humans or other creatures. It is just a matter of time. So it is not realistic to transfer to any place. Hearing Nobita's words, everyone was entangled.

Not sure what to do with Shadow Demon at all.

"Ah! By the way, isn't there a place where no one will find it, and it won't matter if I leave it there!"

At this time, Nobita suddenly said this.

Others looked at him.

"Nobita, where are you talking about?"

Shizuka immediately asked curiously.

"Hehe, it's the other side of the horizon!"

Nobita smiled and answered immediately!

Hearing this, the others were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes became clear and they suddenly realized.

The first person to react was naturally Doraemon.

"Yeah! There is infinite space on the other side of the horizon, and there won't be any living creatures. It's perfect to move the Shadow Demon there."

Dorami very much agrees with Nobita's proposal.

So I quickly found the horizon tape.

"Nobita's mind is really flexible."

Shizuka couldn't help but smile and praise.

Hearing Shizuka praising him so much, Nobita couldn't help but blush, caressing his head and replied with a smile:

"Where there."

"Tch, you can only be smarter when it comes to using props."

"That's right, that's right."

Xiao Fu and Fat Tiger couldn't help but laugh silently.

"No matter what, just think of a way."

After Dorami finished speaking, he began to stick the horizon tape on both sides of the street, preparing to open the other side of the horizon.

But just when she was about to connect the other end, she suddenly thought of something and her expression became quite ugly.

"Wait a minute, there's Sadako on the other side of the horizon."

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