American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 501 Shadow Demon Appears in Doraemon Universe

Tsunade: Once a shadow covers it, it will devour the opponent and ignore the difference in physique. What kind of monster is this?

Jiraiya: This is no longer as simple as a monster, but it's not even sure what species it is.

Ashmita: This feels more like a conceptual thing.

Dieter: Conceptually, is this shadow demon the incarnation of a certain concept or rule?

Hypnos: Isn’t that the supreme god? The god who represents the rules themselves!

Thanatos: Don't be kidding, a god of that level is at the level of the Lord God, or even higher. How could such a small thing be that thing!

Diana: Small? Didn't you see how huge it would become when it was about to engulf the other person?

Clark: This thing is very troublesome. Once the shadow is covered, it will be eaten, and it seems that the opponent's speed will become extremely fast, making it impossible to get rid of it.

Morohoshidan: More importantly, long-range attacks seem to be useless, and I don’t know if our Ultraman’s light can work.

Dagu: If that doesn't work, I don't know how to contain him.

Barry: If it really happens, how about I try? My speed may be able to get rid of the shadow demon, and ensure that the shadow will not cover it.

Bruce Wayne: It's still quite risky. To be honest, I would rather he not appear in our universe.

Long: I think so too. This thing is too weird. If it really appears, I'm afraid there won't be any living things around it.

Sengoku: I think the same way. It would be fine if this thing couldn't move on its own, but it would be troublesome if it could.

While everyone was talking about it, the screen began to predict the universe in which Shadow Demon would appear.

["The universe where Shadow Demon is about to appear is now predicted to be the Doraemon universe.\

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