Ancient One flew out of the gap and stared at Thanos calmly.

However, in fact, Gu Yi's current appearance is not much better.

Most of his body was stained red with blood, and his face was extremely pale, as if he had been injured a lot.

Then came Odin.

He wasn't much better.

The originally beautiful blue Odin shirt was now mostly stained red by blood.

It was obvious that Odin was also seriously injured.

"Cough cough cough!!"

Odin couldn't help coughing hard and coughed up some blood.

One Eye stared at Thanos.

He originally thought that by joining forces with Ancient One, he could destroy Thanos.

But I didn't expect Thanos to use the three infinity stones freely, and the energy they exerted was terrifying.

Can fight Odin and Ancient One to a draw.

In particular, soul gems are extremely defenseless against soul attacks.

There were several times when the soul was pulled out, if the Ancient One had not used the time stone to travel back in time.

I really can't imagine what would happen if my soul was taken away by the Soul Stone.

"My lord! The Chitauri mothership has been destroyed! We may have to retreat quickly!"

Ebony Throat shouted quickly, he was afraid that his lair would also be destroyed.


Thanos ordered.

Ebony Maw immediately took control of Thanos, and the stones under the feet of the other three generals caused them to quickly rise into the air.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Odin raised the Sword of Odin and wanted to pursue him.

"Forget it, if we continue to force it, I'm afraid no one will be much better."

However, the Ancient One decided to let Thanos go.

The long fight had made her realize.

If Thanos is beaten to the point where he has nowhere to retreat, I don’t know what kind of trouble it will cause.

After hearing this, Odin also understood the principle of not pursuing a poor enemy, so he put down his arm.

At this time, Strange was nervously staring at the Sun Parasite, which was beaten back by the explosive magic, and at the same time summoned back the Scepter of the Apocalypse.


However, just when the sun parasite was suppressed to the point where most of its body was about to touch the sun, it actually stopped.

Then an incredible scene appeared. The explosion magic, which was originally very huge, was getting smaller and smaller.

The sun parasite's bent body gradually straightened up.

If you look closely, you will find that the sun parasite actually eats the explosion magic!


This shocked Strange so much that he couldn't help but grab his hair.

In order to use the most powerful explosion magic, he used 100% of the power of the Apocalypse.

Then mobilize the massive amount of Kama Taj's magic power to empty out your own magic source.

He can guarantee that such a terrifying explosion magic can destroy even one more earth, not to mention destroying it!

But such a powerful explosion magic was actually eaten by sun parasites!

"Is this the power of creatures that can survive inside the sun at tens of millions of degrees Celsius?"

This is the moment Strange truly realizes the horror of the sun parasite.


After eating the sun parasite that exploded with magic, its whole body erupted with extremely dazzling and very hot light.

It actually makes space, where the temperature is infinitely close to absolute zero, extremely hot!

Then the Sun Parasite stared at Strange and opened its mouth, gathering immense energy in its mouth.

"Oops, close the portal!"

Strange realized something was wrong and immediately shouted.

After hearing this, the king immediately closed the portal.

But the wormhole is still there!

"Get away!"

At this time, the roar of Ebony Maw came, and Thanos released the energy of the Power Stone, knocking away several people next to the wormhole.

The portal in front of the wormhole also disappears.

Thanos's battleship then released a beam of light for teleportation, shrouding Thanos and the Black Generals, and waiting for them inside the battleship.

At the same time, the sun parasite is ready, spitting out majestic red light towards New York on the other side of the wormhole!

If such a terrifying light fell on New York, it would not only destroy a city, but even the earth would be penetrated.

Odin looked particularly ugly when he saw this, and planned to take action.

"Don't worry, someone will take care of it."

At this time, Gu Yi said calmly, not panicking at all.

At this time, Tony Stark arrived in front of the wormhole like light.

"The Void Engine immediately calculated the algorithm to close the wormhole!"

Tony Stark immediately ordered.

"Start analysis, ten percent, fifty percent, one hundred percent, close the wormhole algorithm generation."

As expected of a void engine that uses space gems as its energy source, its calculation speed is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, an algorithm is generated to close the wormhole at the moment when the red light beam is about to reach the wormhole!

In the universe, there is a string of unlucky stars that were hit by this beam of light, causing big explosions and turning into debris in the universe.

On the battleship, Thanos showed a satisfied smile after seeing the power of Sun Parasite's move.

Such destructive power can be regarded as one of the few good news.

"I'm sorry, sir, we couldn't find the Infinity Stones."

General Deathblade knelt in front of Thanos in great shame.

"It doesn't matter, I will get it back sooner or later, just leave it with the people on Earth for safekeeping first."

Thanos said coldly.

There was no dissatisfaction because of this failure.

"The power gem, the soul gem, the mind gem, there are more potentials to be unleashed. Next time I will conquer the earth and take away the space gem and the time gem!"

Thanos clenched his fists and swore fiercely.

"Speaking of which, what should we do about the sun parasite? Although it is very powerful, it cannot leave the sun."

Ebony Throat asked as he looked at the sun parasite returning to the sun.

"There are many suns in the universe, it doesn't matter if one is missing, and the Power Stone is enough to supply it with energy. What's more, the so-called sun is the result of the evolution of stars. There are countless stars in the universe. As long as I use the Power Stone, I can activate them to release the sun. energy, there is no need to worry about feeding issues.”

Thanos already had a series of plans in place, and raising a solar parasite was no problem for him.

"Ebony Throat, find a way to study the structure of the sun parasite and see if you can imitate it. This is a very important combat capability."

Thanos ordered.


Faced with this kind of research that was almost seeking death, Ebony Throat had no objection, but respectfully agreed.

"Kama Taj, Asgardians, and people on Earth, just wait for me."

Thanos looked at the location in the universe where the wormhole had just appeared, his eyes becoming increasingly ferocious.

On Earth, everyone is putting the finishing touches on things.

That is to say, clear out the remaining vanguard guards and visual phantom beasts.

"Hey, Master Gu Yi, I have something to ask you."

Tony Stark said as he landed next to Ancient One.

"My anti-void engine needs algorithms that can modify reality. I need your help."

Tony Stark reveals his purpose.

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