"Space gem, start analyzing."

"Ten percent, twenty percent, thirty percent."

As the Void Engine analysis progressed more and more, Tony Stark saw countless data appearing in front of him, constantly pieced together and combined, as if something was being born.

"This object is detected as an amazing source of energy, serving as a secondary source of energy!"

At this point the Void Engine asked Tony Stark.

These words made Tony Stark's eyes light up.

Although he hasn't understood the space usage of the space gem yet, he knows very well that it has unlimited energy.

If such a baby is used as an energy source, his Iron Man suit no longer has to worry about energy, and it can even do many things.

Especially the Celestial Computer!

The celestial computer is the prerequisite for the anti-void engine, which requires stellar-level energy to construct.

This is a drop in the bucket for space gems.

As long as he can create an anti-void engine, Tony Stark can create technology that does not exist in this world out of thin air!

In this way, the exclusive weapons provided by Cain for the asylum can be reproduced!

"Okay, but the space gem is used as the first energy source, and the energy fire is used as the second energy source."

Tony Stark ordered.

"Received the instruction, now load the space gem as the first energy source, and switch the energy fire to the second energy source..."

The void engine began to execute Tony Stark's orders, and a large amount of data surrounded the space gem, building into countless beautiful patterns.

Then the space gem gradually disappeared, entering the dark plane.

So Tony Stark entered the dark plane.

The environment here now is very different from before.

It was bright everywhere, and there was a very huge tree in the middle.

The space gem and energy fire are floating in the middle of the tree.

"The technology tree has been built. All the technologies you currently have will be stored in the technology tree. You can also write and add them."

"The analysis progress of the space gem has now reached 70% and cannot be continued."

"What! Can't continue!"

This surprised Tony Stark. He didn't expect to be stuck at this progress and unable to proceed.

It seems that the space gem is really not that easy to control 100%.

I'm afraid that even if Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet to drive the Infinity Stones, he is only using part of his power.

"So can I use the power of the Space Stone now?"

Tony Stark asked.

"Okay, let's proceed with system update and technology loading now."

"The void engine has been upgraded to the fourth generation, and the core computing speed is 96 frames."

"Built-in ultimate engine energy driving source: space gem, energy fire."

"The space gem contains the most comprehensive and exquisite rules for using space. As long as it is applied to the space-time algorithm, it can freely control space, create wormholes, and travel through space."

Void Engine explained for Tony Stark.

"I see, with the space gem, my space-time algorithm will be faster, more accurate, and have more functions!"

Tony Stark immediately understood the intention, immediately showed excitement, and then looked at the technology tree.

"So can the celestial computer be built?"

"The conditions are insufficient. Although the energy problem has been solved, algorithmic media that can affect reality are still needed."

However, the words of the Void Engine seemed to pour cold water on Tony Stark.

He thought that with the space gem, he could build a celestial computer and realize an anti-void engine, but he didn't expect that something was missing.

"Algorithmic media that affects reality, it's very important to ask Ancient One if he can help."

After Tony Stark finished speaking, he exited the dark plane, and there were more important things to do next.

Tony Stark then immediately took to the sky.

At this moment, he found that his speed had increased exponentially!

It's because of the space gem as an energy source!


Such an astonishing speed made Tony Stark roar with excitement.

In an instant, he degenerated from a highly intelligent human to an ape.

At this time, Strange has prepared a very huge magic light ball on the other side of the wormhole, which looks like a meteorite.

"If you ask me to open such a big portal, it will exhaust me to death!"

Wang complained while turning his right hand to open a very huge portal.

Just in time to see the sun parasite.

Behind the Sun Parasite are countless Chitauri soldiers. Among the swarm of Chitauri soldiers is a very huge mothership.

If you look further away, you'll see Thanos' battleship.

"It's just a horizontal line, let's die together!"

After Strange finished speaking, he immediately lowered his hands with force, and saw the majestic magic light ball passing through the portal, overwhelming it with the force of a mountain.

Crash towards the Sun Parasite at lightning speed!

The sun parasite was concentrating on breathing fire at the portal on the opposite side of the wormhole, letting the flames return to itself.

Let's see how long the people on the other side of the portal can withstand this terrifying heat.

At this moment, a more dazzling light fell on the sun parasite.

Sun Parasite had to shut up and turn his head, only to see the huge explosion magic heading towards him.

It was unable to dodge and was hit by explosive magic.

The terrifying power kept pushing it back quickly.

This resulted in the collision of many Chitauri soldiers and Leviathan behind them.

And crashed directly into the Chitauri mothership!

The mothership was destroyed, and the Chitauri soldiers who were wreaking havoc on the earth stopped all their skills and fell down.

Only the Vanguard still fights.

At this moment, the battle situation suddenly changed overwhelmingly.

The Chitauri soldiers and Leviathan suddenly fell, leaving many people who were fighting in a state of confusion, with no idea what was going on.

If there weren't still vanguard guards fighting, they would have stopped completely.

"Oops! The Chitauri mothership has been destroyed!"

Ebony Throat, which used countless sand and dust to float high in the sky, shouted angrily.

After hearing this, Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade all looked particularly ugly.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

At this time, a space door opened, and the black dwarf flew out, and Hulk also ran out.

He kept grinning with a face full of unfinished content.

In Meta's realm, Black Dwarf and his men were no match for Hulk and were completely suppressed.

Black Dwarf's survival depends on its strength.

Later, Hulk felt that just fighting Black Dwarf was too boring, so he simply released him and planned to bring another batch of enemies to Meta's territory.


At this moment, part of the sky suddenly shattered like a mirror.

A purple figure jumped out of the broken gap.

Isn’t this person Thanos or someone else!

He was now covered in blood and looked very embarrassed.

"You actually used the power gem to forcefully break a gap. You must have suffered a lot of backlash."

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