The sudden weightlessness caused Natasha to fall downwards.

Proxima Centauri was no longer restrained by that terrifying force and fell to the ground.

Natasha immediately used her ability to float in the air.

But at this moment, the surrounding gravel flew in instantly, all attached to Natasha, and turned into a huge rock.

Close Natasha in it!

This handwriting was done by the ebony throat not far away.

He can control all dead objects around him at will, and decompose and transform them into mysterious forms. He is an extremely powerful mage!


Natasha, who was trapped in the rock, burst out with a powerful force of telepathy, knocking away all the rubble on her body.

Seeing this, Ebony Throat immediately threw it away.

The gravel instantly turned into a slap, sending Natasha flying away.

But Natasha was not to be outdone.

Immediately hit a backhand impact.

Focusing on Ebony Throat from a distance, he hit him and hit the building behind him!

"Uh uh uh!!"

The result of such a forced tie made Ebony Throat feel very unhappy.

So the building next to it was transformed into countless shurikens made of steel and concrete.

He planned to throw it towards Natasha in one breath!

But at this moment, a red chain flew from behind and wrapped around Ebony Throat's neck.

Then before Ebony Maw could react, the power erupted from the red chain, and Ebony Maw was thrown out, hitting Levita who happened to fly by, and was smashed into the ground again!

It produces a massive amount of shurikens.

It fell like a waterfall, hitting many passing vanguard guards.

The owner of the red chain is naturally Strange.

He found the right moment and attacked Ebony Throat with a proud look on his face.


As a result, in the next second, a laser fell at Strange's feet.

Blast him away.

I saw General Deathblade leading a group of Chitauri soldiers approaching.

He raised the long blade in his hand and commanded all the Chitauri soldiers to fire at the mages around him.

The mages aimed their attacks at the enemies in one of the directions and were caught off guard when they were attacked by surprise.

As a result, some parts were damaged, and the rest quickly recovered and counterattacked!


Rogers, who was striking an enemy not far away, became furious when he saw this scene.

I saw his whole body change and switch to the biochemical mode of BLACK RX!

That is, the angry prince!

Rogers held the biochemical sword in his hand, and his whole body turned into a pool of liquid, rushing towards the Deathblade General and his gang like a flood.

Before they could react, it kept swinging back and forth, using the water it turned into like a whip to send them flying!

Then Rogers immediately transformed into a human and stood up.

He looked at the magicians behind him, and then at the enemies on the opposite side.


After the Deathblade General stood up, he immediately gave the order.

The Chitauri soldiers who arrived fired lasers and attacked.

As a result, after the laser fell on Rogers, it penetrated through.

But it did no harm to Rogers at all.

After all, Bio Knight's whole body is made of liquid, so physical attacks are impossible to use on him! "

"Biochemical Slash!"

Rogers, focused his power into the biochemical sword.

Then he waved with all his strength at the group of Chitauri soldiers.

Use the sword energy formed by several laser beams to split all the enemies into two!

No matter how the surrounding vanguard guards and Chitauri soldiers attacked Rogers.

None of them could cause any harm to him.

Although the power of the biochemical sword is lower than its normal form.

But it's enough to kill these alien monsters instantly.


While Rogers kept swinging his sword to kill the enemies around him.

The Dead Blade General ran out from behind and stabbed him with a knife!

Rogers turned around quickly, completely ignoring General Deathblade's attack.

I thought that like before, the blade would pass directly through my body.

But something unexpected happened to Rogers.

When the long blade stabbed Rogers' liquid body.

It actually caused real puncture damage to him!

The flesh, blood, and internal organs seemed to be stirred together, causing him great pain.

The screams inside his body made Rogers feel so uncomfortable that he almost knelt down.

When the Deathblade General pulled out the blade with force, a large amount of blood spurted out.

Rogers almost lost his balance.

"How can it be?"

Rogers looked at General Deathblade in shock.

He tested his ability as a biochemical knight.

Why was it still punctured when the liquid was lost enough to ignore any blade damage?

"Haha, although this is the first time I have seen your body structure, my weapons can cause damage at the atomic level. As long as your body is still atomic, it cannot be avoided."

After General Death Blade sneered, he immediately swung his long blade towards Rogers' face!

At this critical moment, his body immediately turned into liquid and moved to the side to avoid the Death Blade General's blow.

Then he immediately appeared behind the Dead Blade General and attacked with a biochemical sword.

But the Deathblade General quickly turned around and raised his long blade to block the biochemical sword.

Then with a little force, Rogers was pushed back repeatedly.

The Bio Knight is inherently weaker than his normal form, and with his abdominal injury, it is even more difficult to fight against the Deathblade General!

But after all, Rogers had gone through a lot of battles and was already proficient in the power of BLACK RX, and he had already figured out a strategy.

When the Deathblade General rushed forward, he quickly retreated and distanced himself.

At the same time, the mind recalls the past.

The scene of Bucky falling was vivid in Rogers' mind.

His best friend fell and he was unable to save him, causing Rogers to immediately enter a state of grief.

The Imperial Stone immediately echoed Rogers’ sentiments!

So Rogers immediately switched to the sad prince-the mechanical knight!

After switching forms, he immediately pulled out his turbine pistol and fired at General Deathblade.

The Deathblade General wasn't bad either. When he saw Rogers drawing his gun, he immediately moved out of the way.

However, Rogers predicted in advance that he did not fire this shot, but immediately switched positions and fired one after another.

All fifteen bullets were fired.

The first five shots successfully hit the Deathblade General.

The terrifying power directly caused five more blood holes in the Deathblade General's body, causing blood to spurt out continuously.

If he continued to withstand the next ten bullets, he would definitely die.

However, General Deathblade is indeed a fierce general who has followed Thanos for many years and is second only to Thanos.

Even when suffering from trauma, he can still spin the long blade at the fastest speed.

Block all the remaining ten bullets.

However, Rogers reacted quickly.

After running out of bullets, he immediately returned to his normal form, endured the pain of the wound, and ran to the Death Blade General as quickly as possible.

"Knight Kick!"

Rogers kicked out with all his strength, kicked the Deathblade General in the abdomen, and kicked him out!

Thanos is watching the battle from the sky.

It was obviously a low-civilized planet, but it was difficult for his army to conquer, which made him very unhappy.

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