Tony Stark boasted very proudly.

After developing this technology that was a hundred years more advanced than today's technology, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep almost every night.

Energy fire is the power source, Max power system principle, photon blood running technology, vibranium material, plus Kamen Rider's exoskeleton technology that fits the human body 100%.

It can combine technologies from different universes to create ultra-high-tech armor.

Looking at the entire planet, only Tony Stark can do it!

Why doesn't this excite Tony Stark!

However this is not the end.

He also needs to use the molecular structure of advanced metals unique to the shelter universe provided by Cain, coupled with the modified reality of the Void Engine.

Replicate the metal of the asylum's universe.

Create battle armor and super weapons unique to that universe!

Tony Stark became more and more excited as he thought about it.

He was planning to kill more Chitauri soldiers to vent his anger.

A huge hammer with an iron chain flew from behind, sending Tony Stark and Rhodes flying a hundred meters away!


Tony Stark and Rhodes screamed while flying out, and finally fell into the park in the distance, making a big hole.

"Hey, aren't you a missile? Why hasn't it exploded yet?"

Rhodes couldn't help complaining helplessly.

"Shut up."

Tony Stark replied unhappily.


The owner of this weapon is naturally Black Dwarf.

He casually swung the chain and knocked away a dozen Asgardians.

Then he raised his hands like a gorilla and shouted, as if to show off his power.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

Just then Hulk suddenly rushed over and approached the black dwarf star at an alarming speed!

Black Dwarf saw a monster about the same size as himself rushing towards him.

Throw the hammer directly over to knock the Hulk away.

As a result, Hulk slapped the hammer away and rushed straight in front of the black dwarf.

In Black Dwarf's shocked eyes, he punched him and knocked him away!

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Hulk continues to roar!

Then its body burst into dazzling light, and a green beam of light erupted from Hulk and rushed into the sky.

After reaching a certain height.

The light pillar exploded and turned into countless light spots falling around.

Subsequently, a large number of Chitauri soldiers, Vanguard Guards and Black Dwarfs, including Hulk, who were touched by the light point, disappeared.

In a wasteland that looked like the end of the world, Hulk roared at the confused enemies and rushed toward them.

This is the realm of beauty that the screen gives him.

Create an extra-dimensional space and pull the enemy here to fight.

In this space, Hulk's strength will increase and his enemies will weaken.

It's just that Hulk is not Nexus. The range of the Metafield he created is less than one percent of Nexus's.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!"

Hulk shouted to the sky, his voice full of excitement!

Outside, it has to worry about doing too much damage and hurting other people.

But with the Metafield it won’t be the case.

He is the only one here, no matter how much you fight, it doesn't matter!

As for making the Meta Fields, which consumes physical energy, it doesn’t matter at all.

The angrier Hulk becomes, the stronger he becomes, and sooner or later the energy consumed will be replenished.

Then Hulk rushed towards the enemies on the opposite side like a fast-moving train!

The Vanguard and Chitauri soldiers all wanted to stop the Hulk and kept attacking.

Turns out they have claws, lasers and stuff.

For Hulk, it's like scratching an itch, not worth mentioning at all. It can't stop Hulk's terrifying charge and ruthless crushing.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!"

Seeing so many of his subordinates being killed, Black Dwarf let out an angry roar.

It seems to convey the determination to kill the Hulk.

He didn't believe that there could be creatures that matched his own strength on such a primitive planet.

So when Hulk came to Black Dwarf, he punched Hulk with all his strength without hesitation and hit Hulk in the face!


The heavy and loud sound of the blow was particularly clear in this Meita field.

It really made Black Dwarf successfully stop Hulk.

But before Black Dwarf could feel proud, Hulk showed a ferocious smile.


I saw Hulk punching with lightning speed.

Just blow the black dwarf away!

This made the black dwarf star in the sky confused.

Before it fell to the ground, Hulk rushed over again and crushed him mercilessly!

. . . . . .

The battle in the outside world is still particularly fierce. Asgardian warriors and Karma Taj wizards are all showing their magical powers to kill alien enemies.

On the New York side, the National Guard and police, under the arrangement of Nick Fury, finally arrived to join the battle.

It was the first time they saw such a scene of gods fighting, and they couldn't help but be stunned.

But still rush into the battle.

Fortunately, human firearms and cannons are effective against Chitauri soldiers and vanguard guards.

If they were that kind of invulnerable enemy, I'd probably have to scare them away.

Natasha stood on a high place and commanded the Shadow Corps to assassinate enemies everywhere, and go to places that were difficult for ordinary people to go to rescue the injured.

"You have an army."

Proxima Centauri appeared behind Natasha, showing a wicked smile.

"Your army is very interesting. I have never seen such a life, like a real shadow."

Proxima Centauri sneered, then turned the spear and stabbed back.

It actually happened to pierce three sharp-edged shadow soldiers that suddenly appeared.

Then he threw it hard.

Then she pointed to the mask on Natasha's face.

"You rely on that mask to summon these special soldiers. Hand it over and I will consider letting you go!"

Proxima threatened.

"If you have the ability, come and get it yourself."

Natasha provoked Proxima Centauri disdainfully.

After hearing this, Proxima Centauri immediately became furious and raised his spear and rushed towards Natasha.

As a result, when Proxima Centauri's spear was about to touch Natasha.

A majestic power of thought instantly restrained Proxima Centauri.

Let Proxima Centauri get stuck directly in the air, unable to move any further!


This sudden change made Proxima Centauri look ugly and look at Natasha in shock.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

After Natasha finished speaking, she held her hands gently.

Then there was a huge force all over Proxima's body that was constantly oppressing her.

As if to compress her into a ball!


Every part of Proxima Centauri was screaming.

The bones were almost broken, and every pore was bleeding.

Turning her blue body red.

Just when Natasha was about to further increase her strength, the building under her feet suddenly turned into countless rubbles!

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