American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 469 Two giant beasts come to the world of Naruto!

Star Clusters: Monsters that are hundreds of kilometers away. Every move they make will bring unimaginable damage to humans. Even if they are friendly, they are a big trouble.

Bruce Wayne: You are right. Human beings cannot survive with peace of mind if such monsters exist. They must be eliminated together!

Nobita: Ah, wouldn’t it be bad to destroy even the earth dragons that help humans?

Loki: Stupid kid, you are so naive. Your naivety will kill many people.

Minos: That's right. If you continue to break up, there will only be more trouble.

Dorami: Not to mention Nobita, he is just a bigger monster. My props have a way to make the earth dragon shrink, so he is not afraid of danger!

Nobita: Right! And this trick!

Clark: By the way, Bruce, doesn't your Ant-Man suit have something that can make things shrink?

Barry: To be precise, it's mine, and I want to get it back.

Clark: Ah, sorry.

Bruce Wayne: Ahem, this is indeed a solution, but I'm not sure how effective Pym particles can be on such a huge creature. But I really don’t hope this will really happen in our world.

Tony Stark: Pym particles! All right! I have to quickly force Old Man Pim to hand over the Pym Particles! That's hope!

Rod: I hope you don't get beat up again.

Tony Stark: Look, he can't beat me! It was me who punched him in the face!

Natasha: That's not a beating, but you're right, you have to use force to get Dr. Pym to cooperate.

Banner: If necessary, I can open the Meta Field and bring this big monster into a different space to avoid harming the real world.

Fengyuan: Captain, can we do anything?

Morohoshidan: Unless we use our full strength to destroy the planet, even half of it will be enough, but that will cause great damage, and we don’t know how many people will be affected.

Morohoshidan: What's more, the characteristics of sea snakes make me very concerned. The body is made of seaweed tissue and steam, so can it kill it? Or can the entire sea turn into a sea snake?

Banner: Yeah, I just remembered this! According to the description on the screen, sea snakes are different from earth dragons, they look insubstantial!

Sisyphus: If this is the case, then the earth dragon cannot be killed, because the sea snake's ability can only be restrained by the earth dragon's ability. Of course, if it is in our world, we can simulate it by relying on the small universe.

Nick Fury: Oh my god, he’s huge. It’s troublesome enough to target humans, but he can’t be killed. How can he do this?

Bruce Wayne: We need to use super large-scale vibrations to neutralize the threat of sea serpents. I wonder if the yellow light ring can do it.

Whitebeard: I can create vibrations. If I add the power of the Gangli Breaking Ox Fist, the range will be even greater, but I don’t know if it’s enough.

Ancient One: According to the screen, it would have to be enough to shock the entire country, which would probably cause a lot of casualties.

Nick Fury: No matter whether we fight or not fight, we can't escape the fate of heavy casualties. Damn it, what can we do?

Xiaofu: Dorami, is there any way to use your props?

Dorami: I don’t know that either.

Orochimaru: Speaking of which, have you ever noticed a problem, that is, what kind of existence wants to massacre the humans in that universe?

After seeing Orochimaru's question, many people noticed this problem.

Strange: Yes, the reason why sea snakes target humans is that in addition to human pollution of the environment, there is also alien information interference. Could it be that something is sowing discord?

Ancient One: It's very possible. This is very similar to the method the evil god would use.

Rogers: Well, there is no evil god in our universe. If the sea snake cannot receive the information, will it stop attacking humans?

Ancient One: I'm afraid it's impossible. Don't forget that sea snakes hate humans. Human development has indeed polluted the ocean. Sea snakes probably won't let humans go.

Banner: Is this nature's revenge?

Arthur: This reminds me of some of the Atlantis guys who had similar thoughts.

Sage: But no matter what, human beings also have people who work hard to change their mistakes. They cannot perish because of the hatred of sea snakes. Those who should be resisted must still be resisted!

Tony Stark: Actually, I'm also concerned about one thing. Why is the structure of Earth Dragon so focused on technology? Gears and circuits feel like they are man-made.

Tsunade: Don't you want to say that Earth Dragon is a man-made product? Could anyone create such a huge monster?

Tony Stark: Don’t forget, that universe is not what we know. It’s not surprising that someone can create a huge machine monster hundreds of kilometers long.

Zhu Hoshidan: You mean, the Earth Dragon was created to fight against the Sea Serpent?

Tony Stark: Apart from that, I really can’t understand why the earth dragon protects humans and its body is a metal circuit structure.

Arthur: Could it be made by a super-ancient civilization?

Tony Stark: Quite possibly! If that's the case, then I wouldn't mind if Earth Dragon showed up, I'd love to study it.

Nick Fury/Rod/Barton/Rogers/Natasha/Strange: Put away your stupid idea! ! ! !

Tony Stark: Okay, okay, I'm just thinking wildly. Even if I don't see you, I can still imagine what you look like now.

While everyone was busy discussing, the sound on the screen continued.

[Now let’s predict the universe where Earth Dragon will appear. 】

Hearing this, everyone's heart was almost squeezed, and most people did not want such a huge monster to appear in their world.

Marvel Universe, Asgard.

"Father, if this monster really appears, let me catch him and make him our Asgard mount!"

Thor said eagerly, without any fear at all.

Since eating the devil fruit, he has the power to control lightning and elementalization, and awakened the godhood to become a real Thor.

Coupled with the Storm Axe, Thor's strength has been greatly improved!

Begin to gradually become confident, even arrogant.

He looked at the heroic figure of the earth dragon on the screen and felt that it was very suitable for their Asgard army to go out on the expedition.


Odin listened to Thor's arrogant words and couldn't help sighing helplessly.

Leo Ultraman Universe.

"Captain, what should we do if these two monsters really appear?"

Feng Yuan asked worriedly.

"I can only fight, and if the monster capsule is still there, I can still subdue the earth dragon and make it not stay outside. I can release it when I need it. What a pity." When Zhu Xingtuan said this, he shook his head helplessly. [Earth dragon and sea snake will appear in the Naruto universe! ]

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