American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 468 Monsters that exceed a thousand meters, the battle between dragon and snake!

"No way! Then don't we have to be careful of this monster in the future?"

"We are pirates. How can we not encounter malicious intent in the future? If so, we will be dead."

"Wow, I feel that life is full of despair."

Nami, Usopp and Chopper, three cowards, knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

The expressions of others were not much better.

When they thought that Bugsy might go berserk and hurt them at any time in the future, they felt aggrieved and didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, I will take care of anything that happens at that time."

However, only Luffy smiled heartlessly.

He even lifted Bugsy up high and put him down, having a lot of fun.

Looking at their stupid captain, the crew sighed.

They could only hope that their captain's stupidity could calm Bugsy.

Clark: Speaking of which, Bruce Wayne, I remember that your yellow lantern ring is similar to the green lantern ring. Will there be any lantern beasts that can make you have more powerful power?

Bruce Wayne: I think so too, but I can't get more information, or a lot of information in the yellow lantern ring is encrypted, so it's hard for me to check it.

Arthur: If you find the information of the lantern beast, what are you going to do? Do you want to get it too?

Bruce Wayne: I'm not sure about this. After all, the power of my ring comes from fear. I think the corresponding lantern beast must be very dangerous. I'll talk about it later.

Diana: If we meet someone from the Green Lantern Corps by chance, we may get more information.

Bruce Wayne: To be honest, I really don't want to contact more aliens.

While everyone was talking, the live broadcast continued.

["The name of the content that will appear now is Dragon Snake Fight.\

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