Garp said the last part, and directly put on a troubled look, spread his hands and shrugged.

"So you plan to push everything to me later!"

Now Sengoku finally understood why Garp dared not give face to the Five Elders now.

It turned out that it was not only because he had the strength, but most importantly, Sengoku had to clean up the mess.

It was really Garp who was responsible for the peaceful years, and Sengoku was responsible for carrying the burden forward.

This made Sengoku very angry.

"Okay, I won't talk to you about this. We have to rush to support, or you can just transform here and tear down the wall and fly out."

Garp changed the subject very abruptly.

"You think the matter is not big enough, right!"

Sengoku was so angry that he wanted to punch Garp on the head!

So he grabbed Garp's head and walked out.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts!!"

. . . . . . .

At this time, on a certain island, this was originally a very prosperous town.

But now it has been destroyed, and the reason is that some siren heads have appeared here.

As soon as they appeared, they destroyed and slaughtered humans. Fortunately, Kizaru arrived in time and saved the remaining people.

"Yashakani no Magatama!" Kizaru released countless laser beams to attack.

Now he has the energy of Specium, and each laser beam he fired is ten to twenty times more powerful than before.

The destructive power is so terrifying.

After the bombing, it was like countless meteorites falling, shaking the entire island.

However, in the face of such a fierce attack, the siren heads did not suffer much injury.

Instead, they still rushed towards Kizaru with fierce momentum.

Seeing this, Kizaru immediately turned into light and moved to another position in an instant.

However, the siren heads also have a way to deal with it.

When Kizaru appeared, they punched quickly.

But they were obviously far away from Kizaru.

I saw several siren heads' fists appearing out of thin air around Kizaru and passing through his body.

The space was distorted where the siren heads' fists appeared!

It turned out that the siren heads directly used the ability to distort space.

To attack Kizaru from a distance.

This can make up for the speed difference.

Unfortunately, Kizaru's body has been elementalized, and physical attacks will only pass through his body.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

The next second, two siren heads burst out very fierce and harsh sound waves at Kizaru.

This terrible sound wave directly made Kizaru cover his ears in pain, and it was difficult for him to move at once.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining siren heads released dazzling light directly at Kizaru.

When the light dissipated, Kizaru was actually frozen into an ice sculpture.

Then the next second, the surface of the ice sculpture cracked, and countless light spots emanated from the ice sculpture.

Then they gathered in the sky and turned into Kizaru's appearance.

"It's really troublesome. I finally got stronger, but I can't hurt you. This will never end." Kizaru floated in the air, looking at the siren heads helplessly.

Just as he said this.

A siren head spit out a particularly corrosive liquid attack at him.

However, the liquid went straight through Kizaru's body.

"Isn't it clear yet? Your attacks can't touch me."

After Kizaru finished speaking, he scanned the heads of each siren head.

"As long as I attack your heads, you won't be able to continue attacking."

After Kizaru finished speaking, he raised his hands and gathered light on his hands.

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

Kizaru continued to release a large number of laser beams, bombarding the surrounding siren heads.

Make sure to blow up their heads.

The siren heads noticed what Kizaru wanted to do.

They all raised their arms to block the lasers and protect their heads.

The next second, Kizaru immediately turned into a laser and instantly came behind a siren head's head.

The moment he appeared, his feet gathered a lot of light and kept kicking.

"First one!"

Kizaru kicked the siren head hard, causing a very terrifying explosion.

The siren head's horn head exploded directly, causing it to fall down immediately without power, lying on the ground and twitching in pain.

"Then next."

When Kizaru planned to do the same thing and attack the next siren head.

Suddenly, his body froze in place.


For some reason, Kizaru's expression became particularly ugly, and sweat continued to flow down.

He looked as if he was afraid of something.

But the strange thing was that there was nothing in front of Kizaru!

"Ah ... Then he threw out countless ice spears to attack Siren Head from all directions.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

However, these siren heads erupted with terrifying sound waves, directly shattering the ice guns.

And it enveloped the blue pheasant.

That terrifying sound wave directly shattered the green pheasant!

It turned into countless ice shards and scattered on the ground.

Then a siren head immediately released a particularly dazzling light, igniting ice chips to completely eliminate the blue pheasant.

In the next second, a cold air rose out of thin air and continued to circle and compress.

Finally, it transformed into the body of a blue pheasant.

There are some burns on Aoki's face now.

"Phew, I was so scared that I almost died."

Qingzhi breathed heavily with lingering fear, and looked at the two siren heads next to him whose heads were pierced by large ice spears and fell to the ground in pain.

"After spending so much effort, you only got two. There are still six more."

He didn't underestimate Siren Head's strength, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

He thought he could freeze all the siren heads with lightning speed.

As a result, I didn't expect that even the absolute zero temperature could not freeze the siren heads. Even if they turned into ice sculptures, they would be able to get rid of them.

Only by truly destroying their heads can they be defeated.

Now that these siren heads have figured out the fighting style of blue pheasants, it is difficult to destroy their heads at once, and it will take more effort.

"Huh, okay, keep working hard."

After Qingzhi encouraged himself, he was ready to continue fighting.

But at this moment, he suddenly froze in place, his body shaking uncontrollably, and his eyes widened as if he saw something terrible.

"Am I afraid? Why?"

Qing Pheasant thinks with only his consciousness.

I immediately remembered that the screen had said before that Siren Head could urge fear in others. Could it be that he was in this situation now? ?

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