As soon as Garp said this, the faces of the Five Elders became very interesting, and Sengoku's expression was also very rich.

What is this place? It's the territory of the Five Elders!

Who can leave at will without the consent of the Five Elders!

As a result, Garp was just like he was at home. He could leave when he wanted to and stay here when he wanted to.

This is completely disregarding the Five Elders!

"Garp, shouldn't you give us an explanation!"

When Satan Saint couldn't hold back his temper and said this, a particularly strange breath emanated from his whole body.

"Explanation? The explanation is that I am very busy now. While I am wasting time giving you boring reports, the three admirals are fighting with Siren Head and are at a disadvantage."

However, Garp said this with an indifferent expression.

"Garp! What are you doing!"

Seeing this, Sengoku next to him turned pale and immediately wanted to stop Garp from continuing.

However, Garp turned around as if nothing had happened.

"So, I'm too lazy to talk to you. I have to go. Bye. If you have anything, contact Den Den Mushi. Don't call me." After saying this, Garp walked towards the door with big strides while picking his nose. "Wait! The Five Elders haven't allowed you to leave yet!" Seeing Garp's action, the guard immediately wanted to stop him. However, Garp just gave him a sharp look. The guard was so scared that his whole body tensed up and sweated all over. He didn't dare to get close to Garp. He just stayed where he was. And Garp left as if nothing had happened. Seeing Garp walk out so arrogantly, Zhan Guo's expression was so ugly, and then he carefully looked at the Five Elders, whose faces were not much better. He had to hold his forehead and sigh. "Well, everyone, I'm sorry, I will talk to Garp." After Zhan Guo finished speaking, he ran out immediately. Although he looked polite, this behavior also showed that he was actually similar to Garp. After Sengoku left, the Five Elders finally spoke after a long silence.

"Does Garp not take us seriously? Does he really think he is something?"

Saint Nasujuro said with great displeasure.

"Yes, does he really think he can do whatever he wants in front of us just because he has a high reputation and is called a hero?"

Saint Maz also said with dissatisfaction.

"It seems that the two of them really have some secrets. They dare to openly challenge our dignity. Do they think they are so powerful that they ignore us? How stupid!"

Saint Vouchuri's words were full of murderous intent, and he wanted to kill Garp and Sengoku.

"Do you want to take action? If you do it directly, it may greatly undermine the morale of the navy, and Garp is indeed a considerable combat power, not to mention that he has some secrets that he has not explained." Saint Pitt asked for other people's opinions.

"We don't need disobedient dogs."

At this time, Saint Satan expressed his thoughts.

"The navy's combat power is only superficial. As long as our trump card is still there, there will be other ways to solve the morale problem. Our dignity must not be challenged."

When Saint Satan said this, his killing intent was almost uncontrollable.

"First, investigate the people around them to see what they know, and then prepare to deal with Garp. Sengoku can still be kept, but it depends on whether he listens."

"Kill Garp? I'm afraid no one can do it."

This proposal made Saint Maz feel like a fantasy, after all, they all knew how powerful Garp was.

"If it really doesn't work, use that weapon. Lord Im will surely agree. Vegapunk has research results, so we can take this opportunity to test it." Saint Satan said this, and it was obvious that nothing could stop him from wanting to kill Garp.

After hearing this, the other four people didn't say much and agreed with this.


"Garp! You idiot!"

Sengoku ran over angrily and slapped Garp on the head.

"What are you doing, Sengoku? I brought you out with good intentions. You don't want to stay in front of those five old guys, do you?" Garp said, rubbing his head with a wronged look on his face. "Good intentions, what the hell! Stop talking nonsense! I asked you what you were thinking! You dared to openly not give face to the Five Elders. Do you know how serious that problem is!" Sengoku pointed at Garp and scolded him angrily. "Is it serious?" Garp asked back with a puzzled look. "You idiot! Do you know that you were provoking the highest authority in the world just now? Do you think they will let you go?" Sengoku grabbed Garp's collar directly, put his face close to him, stared at him and scolded him. "Don't let me go? Isn't that a good opportunity?" However, Garp smiled as expected. "Zhan Guo, we are very powerful now. I can now skillfully use the rigid force to break the bull fist, and with the power of the bull spell, there is absolutely no one in this world who can compete with me."

"And now you, plus the new light you have obtained, even the Four Emperors may not be able to beat you. Don't you really want to do something?"

Garp slowly let go of Zhan Guo's hand while speaking.

Then he directly put his arm around Zhan Guo's shoulder and put his ear close to his.

"Now the two of us, plus the three admirals, have the confidence to challenge the World Government. Do you really want to continue working for the disgusting Celestial Dragons?"

Garp had a murderous intention when he said the last part.

The essence of the world government is that the Celestial Dragons monopolize the most advanced technology and the highest combat power, force all countries in the world to surrender to them, and consolidate the rule of the Celestial Dragons.

As long as the countries that do not belong to the world government are not regarded as human beings at all, they can be killed if they want.

Joining the world government is not much better. In order to pay enough heavenly gold, many countries continue to launch wars to plunder resources, resulting in the death of many families.

Indirectly increase the number of pirates or other criminal industries.

It can be said that the World Government has, in a sense, prompted more pirates.

Therefore, Garp has always been not very interested in the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

If it weren't for the fact that all naval military expenses came from the World Government and he couldn't disobey it, he would have gone against it long ago.

But now he has the strongest strength and has begun to gain confidence!

"You idiot, do you think I don't understand your thoughts? But have you ever thought about the consequences? Many things cannot be solved by strength. There are still many problems to deal with!"

Sengoku didn't understand what Garp meant.

But the problem is that casually engaging with the world government will put you at a disadvantage in many aspects.

More problems will arise.

So Warring States wanted to wait for a suitable time.

"How long will it take? It's not a matter of time. What's more, it would be nice if you could think about this kind of thing. I'm not good at making things that troublesome."

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