American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 425 Fierce offensive and defensive battle in the sanctuary

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The aliens erupted into powerful microcosms and launched attacks beyond the speed of sound.

Fortunately, the saints can rely on the defensive power of the holy clothes to resist their attacks and will not be defeated immediately.

But the aliens are pretty smart.

They all noticed that the saint's holy clothes had strong defensive power.

So they all changed their strategies and adopted group warfare and assassination.

Use your companions as cover to attack the Saints from the dark in positions not protected by the Holy Cloth.

As a result, some Saints suffered casualties.

This powerful team fighting ability made even the underworld warriors unable to help but marvel.

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

"Unicorn gallop!"

Just then Tianma and Yeren arrived in time.

Use your own unique skills to kill the aliens!

Under their attack, dozens of aliens were killed instantly.

Not only them, the Bronze and Silver Saints whose microcosms have been upgraded to the seventh sense have arrived on the battlefield one after another.

When they join, the situation changes immediately!

With their seventh sense, they are already very powerful!

No matter how powerful or numerous the aliens are, they will never be their opponents!

"Humph, as expected, although this group of aliens is quite strong, they will not be able to hold up against enemies who have awakened their seventh sense."

Minos, who was not far away, was not surprised when he saw this. He just sneered.

"Then, it's your turn to appear next."

Minos looked behind him.

Behind him stood dozens of taller aliens.

The microcosms emitted by this group of aliens are much stronger than other aliens. Ten of them actually have microcosms at the level of the seventh sense!

"In order to cultivate aliens like you, a lot of warriors were used, and many of your compatriots were sacrificed. Go and perform well."

Minos gave the order.

After hearing this, this group of aliens immediately rushed into the battle circle!

It turns out that Minos didn't just want Hades to be a breeding ground for aliens.

He also used the method of raising Gu to let the aliens fight each other, and even fought with the underworld warrior to learn combat skills.

So as to cultivate more powerful aliens.

The group of aliens that rushed out just now were the masterpieces of Minos.

"When did you start to have this boring and bad taste and like to cultivate monsters so much?"

Aiagos next to him said quite puzzled.

He hates this group of aliens very much. After all, he was killed countless times by his chest and gave birth to many aliens.

Because the Underworld Warrior has a strong vitality, he did not die when he cultivated the chest breaker and appeared, and he could 100% feel how severe the pain was.

The thought of being hugged by facehuggers over and over again, and then being injected with eggs without knowing it, and having a lot of my own internal organs eaten away as nutrients.

Aiagos's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Minos! You'd better not let me catch you making a mistake, otherwise, I will definitely let you taste the pain I have suffered!"

Aiagos stared at Minos with murderous eyes and threatened.

"Haha, don't hate me so much. It's not like you didn't get some benefits. When you were about to die, didn't you and Radamandis make the small universe stronger with your extraordinary will? You are stronger now than before."

Minos said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Just then Radamandis fell from the sky.

"Attack the Zodiac! This time, I must take Athena's head!"

Radamandis looked in the direction of the Zodiac with extremely resentful eyes.

If looks could kill, he could definitely kill the Golden Saint many times!

"call out!"

After Radamandis finished speaking, they turned into a meteor at the same time and flew quickly towards the Twelve Palaces!

"not good!"

Pegasus saw the three giants of the underworld flying towards the Twelve Palaces, and immediately tried to stop them.

But this directly exposed his flaw, and he was sent flying by the alien with a flick of his tail!

Then when it was about to land, another one appeared.

Stretch out your claws and scratch Pegasus in the face!

At this critical moment, a red scarf appeared and grabbed the alien's arm, preventing the alien's claws from hitting Pegasus.

Then a slender figure rushed over quickly and kicked the alien away.

"Idiot, don't divert your attention. These monsters are very good at timing and their coordination skills are better than ours!"

The person who helps Pegasus is the female Silver Saint, Rang Ye of the Crane constellation.

"Sorry, you saved my life."

Pegasus stood up apologetically, but still looked at the Zodiac worriedly.

"Don't worry, with the Gold Saints here, the Underworld Warriors can't be defeated. They have failed before."

Jean Ye knew Tianma's worry and comforted him.

"Yes, then let's focus on killing these monsters!"

After Pegasus finished speaking, he ascended the small universe again and attacked the aliens!

Soon after, the Zodiac was attacked again by the Hades.


"Aries! Go to hell!!"

Biolet was attacking Shion with his fists crazily.

Facing Biolet's crazy attack, Shion could only open his crystal wall and try his best to resist every move she made.

"What a strong strength! Compared with Hasgat, it is simply incomparable!"

Shion could clearly feel how amazing Biolet's strength was through the crystal wall, and he had to look shocked.

This was the first time he had seen someone with the same strength as Hasgaard!

“And this woman’s little universe is even more powerful than the last time I saw her!”

Shion thought this way.

Just as Shion's thoughts continued, his body suddenly became unable to move!

"Oops! That's the move!!"

Shion immediately realized what was going on.

He lowered his head with difficulty and looked at his feet. He was hit by Biolet's shadow again!

"Just die unable to move!"

Biolet roared as he descended from the sky, intending to deliver a fatal blow to Shion.

But at this moment, Shion just stared at Biolet and burst out with very powerful telekinesis, blowing Biolet away!

"Sorry, my telekinesis does not require physical movement. It is not that easy to defeat me."

Shion looked at Biolet indifferently and said.

"Psychiatric power, it's really annoying, but you have to resist more fiercely to be worthy of massacre."

Biolet stood up with a sneer and stared at Shion.


Gordon challenges Hasgaard again for revenge.

The last time Hasgaardt faced Gordon, he could solve it with just a little more effort.

But this time it's not that simple.

Gordon's attack was not only crazier than last time, but also more powerful.

Hasgat didn't dare to touch each of his moves head-on, so he could only keep dodging and looking for opportunities to counterattack!

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