American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 424 The alien who knows the small universe

"Thank you, Lord Aaron, for giving me the opportunity to explain." Minos first thanked Aaron, and then continued: "I originally wanted to destroy all the aliens directly, but you also know that now the Saints have improved their strength a lot because of the so-called rewards, and there are more than a dozen who have realized the seventh sense, which is equivalent to the existence of the gold saints." "And on our side, there are no more than ten people with the seventh sense of microcosm. The gap in high-end combat power is very large, and it can be made up by aliens." Minos explained his views. "If you just use ordinary Hades warriors to cultivate aliens, they will have good power. So what if we use our three giants to cultivate aliens?" When Minos said this, he showed a weird smile. Hearing Minos' words, the expressions of all Hades warriors changed. Even Aaron and Pandora showed weird expressions. "Are you kidding?" Pandora couldn't help but frowned and asked. "No, no, I'm serious. Anyway, we Hades warriors have immortal bodies because of the blessing of Lord Aaron, so we don't have to worry about death, and we can also breed powerful aliens infinitely." Minos kept smiling while speaking, and combined with his words, it looked so strange. "Minos, are you crazy? Do you know our identity? You are humiliating the reputation of our Hades warriors!!" Aiacos next to him couldn't listen anymore and roared directly. "Humph, you said so much nonsense, have you ever experimented yourself?" Radamanthys also said with an unhappy face. "Well, originally, I did want to try it myself." However, Minos responded to the words of his two colleagues with a very graceful smile. "But when I think about the fact that you two didn't complete the mission, were killed by the Saints, lost the face of the Hades Army, and carried such a big crime, I think you two are the best experimental subjects." Minos smiled when he said this. "What did you say!" After hearing what Minos said, Aiacos and Radamanthys immediately roared in dissatisfaction. A very strong and terrifying momentum broke out. This almost blew down most of the Hades warriors. Facing the anger of the two, Minos just smiled indifferently. "Isn't it, Lord Aaron, I am right." Minos ignored the two and turned to kneel in front of Aaron. After hearing this, Aaron glanced at Aiacos and Radamanthys. There was obviously no eye contact between them. But it made Aiacos and Radamanthys feel great pressure, and their whole bodies couldn't help shaking with fear. "Please punish me, Hades!" Radamanthys and Aiacos knelt down without hesitation and asked Aaron for punishment. "Minos, you mean that if you use the three giants to cultivate aliens, you will get more powerful aliens, right?" Aaron looked at Minos coldly and said. "I think so, but as to how powerful it can be, we have to see the actual results." Minos was still able to remain calm in the face of Aaron's questioning. "Interesting." However, Aaron was actually very interested in Minos's proposal. This made the other Hades warriors nervous. "As you said, Radamanthys and Aiacos did not complete the task and should be punished. Then let's do as Minos said. I also want to see how powerful this monster called Alien can be." After hearing Aaron's words, Aiacos's expression was particularly ugly. He remembered the content of the screen. The face hugger rushed into his body, and then gave birth to a monster that broke out of his chest. If he were to experience that situation himself, he would definitely not want to. "Radamanthys is willing to obey the orders of Lord Hades." However, Radamanthys agreed without hesitation. The other Hades warriors couldn't help but look at him. Radamanthys knelt with a pious look on his face, without any thoughts at all. For him, the order of Lord Pluto is everything.

No matter what Aaron wants him to do, he will not say a word of no.

No matter how humiliating it is, it doesn't matter.

"Me too."

Aiacos can only show his attitude.

"Please let your subordinates follow Aiacos to be punished. I haven't completed the task!"

At this time, Baiolet ran out anxiously, knelt beside Aiacos, and asked Aaron.

"And us, we haven't completed the task either!"

Radamanthys's men.

Gordon, Quinn, Balendain, and Silufe all knelt down, hoping that they could also accept the punishment.


Aaron agreed calmly, and then looked at Minos.

"But if the aliens you cultivate are not good and can't be used, you will have to endure great torture, you understand."

Aaron's jade was still calm.

But Minos felt that his heart was caught, so he finally had to change his face and almost gasped heavily.

"I understand, Lord Hades!"

Minos kept kneeling and bending, his forehead almost touching the floor.

He looked so pious.

. . . . . .

Three days later, the sanctuary.

Now there are more than a dozen Silver Saints and Bronze Saints who have awakened the Seventh Sense in the Sanctuary.

They were immediately listed as key targets and were directly trained one-on-one by the Gold Saints.

So that they can have the combat power of the Gold Saints as soon as possible, so that they can inherit the Gold Cloth in the future.

However, on this night, the Hades Saints launched a large-scale attack.

The three giants led a large number of Hades Saints and aliens to attack the Sanctuary, as if they were going to fight a decisive battle on this day!

"Damn it! Why is the Hades army attacking in large numbers today!"

"Don't say so much, destroy them first!!"

The Silver Saints and Bronze Saints at the forefront fought desperately against the invading enemies.

They did their best to kill many Hades Saints and a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers.

In order to prevent them from resurrecting, Sasha has opened the barrier to cover the entire Sanctuary.

In this way, as long as Sasha's barrier is not put away, the Hades army will only have one life.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

"Ahhh! What kind of monster is this!!"

"Damn! It's stronger than the average Hades Saint!"

The most difficult thing is that there are hundreds of powerful aliens in the Hades Army.

They not only have powerful microcosms, but also have stronger vitality and bodies than humans.

What's more, they are more cunning and will adopt group battles, divert attention and then assassinate.

Every move is beyond human imagination.

As a result, many Sanctuary soldiers and some Bronze Saints were sacrificed.

The Silver Saints were only evenly matched.

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