"Doraemon, what are you doing!"

After Nobita landed, he shouted anxiously.

If he had been slower just now, he would have turned into a stone statue!

"Die! Die!"

However, Doraemon seemed to be unable to hear what Nobita was saying, and kept repeating the word "die".

He stared at Nobita with a particularly fierce expression and aimed the curing light at him.


This is different from what Nobita imagined!

What he thought was that Doraemon would be very happy after seeing him.

Then the two of them quickly left this ghost place.

I never thought it would turn out like this.

When Doraemon fired the light again, Nobita quickly jumped to the side to avoid the light.

"Doraemon! I'm going to be angry if you keep doing this!"

Nobita immediately shouted angrily.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Dora immediately shined a light on him.

So Nobita quickly jumped to the side to avoid it.

"What's going on? No, we have to control Doraemon first."

Nobita thought anxiously.

In this situation, if one person is not careful, he will be finished.

So he immediately reached into his pocket.

Just as he was thinking about what props would be suitable, he saw that Doraemon had pointed the curing light at him.

"do not care!"

In this dangerous situation, Nobita ignored the danger and just threw away what he had just caught.

It was a scare grenade, it had no power and was purely used to scare people.


The grenade explodes with blinding light and sound.

Doraemon immediately stopped the curing lamp and blocked his eyes.

When the light disappeared, Doraemon looked forward again, and Nobita was no longer visible.

"Where have you gone! Where have you gone!"

Doraemon looked around and roared.

In a fit of anger, he fired the curing light directly at everything around him.

Solidify everything!

"come out!!"

Doraemon roared angrily.

Then he kicked open a ward door. After entering, he didn't even look at it and directly shined the curing light on it.

After the irradiation was completed, he looked inside to make sure no one was there, then he went to the next room angrily and repeated the same procedure.

"Uh uh uh, what's going on with Doraemon."

Now Nobita is hiding in a room far away from Doraemon.

He cautiously stretched out his head and watched the frantic Doraemon looking for him everywhere.

"Is it because you stayed here for too long that you became irritable?"

Nobita couldn't help but guess this.

At that time, Doraemon said on the screen that he had been in Sadako's space for a long time and felt that he could not control his emotions.

Maybe that's the reason.

"What should we do then, ah! By the way, memetic resistance device!"

At this time, Nobita remembered the memetic resistance device he was wearing.

It is because of this that he can stay sane in Sadako's space.

"Maybe, as long as Doraemon puts it on, it will be fine."

Nobita said as he reached into his pocket and found the remaining memetic resistance device.

"Okay, just approach Doraemon quietly and you can put it on him."

Then Nobita found the invisibility cloak and put it on himself to make it transparent.

Then look outside, Doraemon is very close to me now.

He was in the room on the front left, firing curing lights everywhere, and then walked out angrily.

"Doraemon, I will save you right away."

Nobita swallowed nervously, his hand holding the memetic resistance device trembling.

"Cheer up!"

Nobita patted his trembling hand hard, forcing it to stop shaking.

At this time, Doraemon was in front of the ward opposite, emitting a curing light towards it.

"It's now!"

Seeing Doraemon so close to him and with his back turned to him, Nobita immediately rushed out and used the fastest speed in his life to press the memetic resistance device on Doraemon's head!

"Doraemon, are you okay now?"

Seeing that his move was successful, Nobita immediately pulled off his transparent cloak with joy and looked at Doraemon.

However, the Doraemon he imagined returning to normal did not appear.

Instead, I saw Doraemon slowly turning his head to look at Nobita in a more ferocious manner.

"Got you."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he turned around at lightning speed, raised the curing lamp, pressed the button, and it was done in one go!

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, Nobita knew very well that it was too late to do anything.

I can only watch the light shining on me.

Strangely, however, the curing light did not emit light.


Doraemon looked at the curing lamp in confusion and kept pressing the button.

However, the curing light just won't light up.

"out of battery?"

Seeing this scene, Nobita immediately understood what was going on.

I quickly breathed a sigh of relief, I was so lucky.

"Doraemon, calm down! I am Nobita!"

Nobita tried to communicate with Doraemon.

They have all put on the memetic resistance device, so Doraemon should be able to return to normal, right?

Nobita held out hope and said a lot of things.

However, Doraemon just stared at Nobita and said nothing.

"Doraemon! Speak! We have to go home quickly, otherwise Sadako will find us!"

Nobita shouted anxiously.

I saw Doraemon slowly raising the curing lamp.

This made Nobita a little confused.


The next second, Doraemon mercilessly slapped the curing lamp on Nobita's face, knocking him away.


Nobita was knocked more than ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

He felt like his face was going to rot.

"What's going on, Doraemon..."

Nobita struggled to speak out loud and tried to sit up.

The burning pain made him unable to hold back tears and looked at Doraemon in disbelief.

They had fought before, but nothing so serious.

"Die! Die! Die!"

However, facing Nobita's tragic situation, Doraemon did not show any sympathy, but gritted his teeth and stared at Nobita as if he were an enemy.

Then he looked around and picked up the petrified statue of a ghost next to him.

"Go to hell!"

I saw Doraemon actually throwing the statue towards Nobita.


This scared Nobita to the point where he screamed, his hair turned into a hedgehog shape, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Then when the statue is about to hit him, he quickly rolls to the side to avoid the statue.

This wasn't over yet, Doraemon kept picking up the solidified ghost statues and throwing them towards Nobita.

In a few seconds, more than ten were thrown out.


Seeing this, Nobita quickly turned around and ran away, using his usual running speed when being chased and beaten by Fat Tiger, trying his best to avoid every statue.

"Doraemon, stop it!"

Nobita yelled as he ran.

However, Doraemon only responded with an even crazier pursuit!

If there were no statues on the road, he would pull off the door next to it and throw it over, or break the window and throw fragments to attack.

This caused Nobita to keep moving left and right, avoiding flying things in a very embarrassed manner.

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