"Hey! Woohoo..."

Nobita was passed through by a ghost and was about to scream.

He quickly thought of his current situation.

So he quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from making any sound.

Then he carefully looked at the direction in which the ghost was leaving.

He didn't seem to notice himself.

Then Nobita looked at the ward where the ghost came out just now.

As a result, I saw a ghost sitting on the hospital bed inside!


The sudden ghost made Nobita swallow hard and gradually retreat.

"Don't worry about it, move forward quickly!"

Nobita urged himself to keep moving forward and not to see ghosts.

However, after walking for a while, he was shocked to discover.

The corridor was empty just now.

There are ghosts everywhere now.

The facial features of these ghosts are unclear and their appearance is completely unclear.

Moreover, the body is translucent and can pass through anything that blocks the way.

And they don't seem to have any purpose, just wandering around.


Seeing so many ghosts suddenly appearing, Nobita was so frightened that he pressed his mouth hard.

Afraid that I might not be able to stand it and scream.

At this moment, he couldn't help but miss the particularly quiet time just now.

"Find Doraemon quickly! Find Doraemon quickly!"

Nobita was urging himself to do what he should do.

Then move forward immediately.

Be careful to avoid ghosts and move forward.

As we walked further and further, there were more and more ghosts on the road.

Almost blocking the corridor.

It takes some effort for Nobita to find the gap and pass through it.

Walking among so many ghosts.

It made Nobita feel very cold all over his body. As soon as he stopped, he would tremble non-stop.


At this time, Nobita thought of something and immediately rummaged through his pockets.

Then find a badge.

"Four Seasons Badge! As long as you put this on and adjust it to summer, you won't be cold anymore."

After Nobita finished speaking, he immediately put the badge on his chest and turned the pointer to summer.

Sure enough, his whole body immediately became hot in the next second.

"Huhu, that's enough."

Nobita wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling warm all over.

But when he looked at the countless ghosts in front of him, he felt that his body was still a little cold.

That kind of coldness is not the normal kind of coldness that comes from outside to inside.

But it comes from the coldness in my heart.

Even with the four seasons badge, it can't completely offset the cold.

In the end, Nobita shook his head vigorously, not letting himself continue to worry about whether he was cold or not, but continued to run forward.

No matter if you bump into a ghost or not, just pass it over!

"Doraemon, Doraemon!"

Nobita anxiously shouted around, hoping that Doraemon would respond to him quickly.

Nobita didn't know how long he had been running, and Nobita didn't know where he was in the mental hospital.

Anyway, he felt very tired and could only rest against a pillar for a while.

"Really, where did Doraemon go? Where did they meet up as promised?"

Nobita complained a little about Doraemon running around, but he was worried about more things.

He looked around and accidentally kicked something, causing him to lose his balance and fall.

"It hurts, it hurts, what is it?"

When Nobita got up, he quickly checked whether the stone hat was on properly.

Then look at the thing you stepped on.

It's actually a stone statue.

Moreover, the stone statue looks particularly ferocious, looking a bit like the ghosts that Nobita saw.

"Hey! Don't tell me!"

Seeing this stone statue, Nobita immediately thought of what was going on.

So he immediately observed his surroundings.

It turned out that there were some stone statues not far away.

"It's a curing lamp! It must be Doraemon, using the curing lamp to solidify ghosts!"

Nobita looked at these stone statues that looked like ghosts and immediately understood what was happening.

"But why does Doraemon fight ghosts? Has he been discovered?"

When he thought of this possibility, Nobita couldn't help but tremble, worried about Doraemon.

Then he quickly looked around.

However, I really saw a stone cap not far away.


Nobita ran over in disbelief and picked up the stone hat.

Doraemon's stone hat really fell off, which means he was discovered by a ghost.

Then maybe Sadako will find him too!

This is bad!

"Doraemon! Doraemon!"

Nobita stood up anxiously and shouted around.

Then after some anxious searching, he saw some stone statues on the stairs not far away.

So he quickly ran to the stairs and followed the stone elephant to the second floor.

"Doraemon! Are you here!"

Nobita shouted towards the corridor on the second floor.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a light suddenly emitting from the corner at the end of the corridor!

"That's the light from the curing lamp!"

Seeing that light, Nobita felt that Doraemon was there and ran over quickly.


When Nobita arrived at the corner, he saw a bunch of stone statues flying towards him.

He was so frightened that he quickly lay down and ran away.

Look carefully at the stone statues. They are all stone statues turned into ghosts.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Nobita was in shock when he heard a very gloomy voice.

"Eh? This is it."

This strange sound made Nobita feel familiar, and he immediately looked at the source of the sound.

Then he saw Doraemon facing away from him, holding up the curing lamp and facing forward.

In front of him were stone statues of a group of ghosts.

"Doraemon! It's really you Doraemon!"

After seeing Doraemon, Nobita ran over excitedly and hugged Doraemon's round head.

"Doraemon, you are here! It's so great to find you!"

After many difficulties, he finally found Doraemon, which made Nobita burst into tears with joy.

But no matter what Nobita said, Doraemon seemed not to hear it and did not respond.

"Huh? By the way, I'm still wearing a stone hat."

Nobita thought it was because he was wearing a stone hat, so Doraemon ignored him.

So he immediately took off his stone hat.

"Hey, Doraemon, let's go back quickly."

Nobita said as he shook Doraemon.


However, Doraemon suddenly said this word, which made Nobita stunned.

I saw Doraemon slowly turning his head, revealing his current appearance.

He had a ferocious expression, gnashing his teeth, his eyes had thick dark circles, his pupils were red, and his whole face looked particularly fierce.

In the past, Doraemon's face could be said to be quite cute.

But now there is nothing cute about it. Instead, he looks like he is going to kill someone.


Before Nobita could ask what was going on.

Then I saw Doraemon raising the curing lamp and pointing it at Nobita.

"Go to hell!"

When Doraemon said these two words, he immediately pressed the button.

He actually wants to solidify Nobita.


This sudden scene scared Nobita and he rushed to the side, narrowly avoiding the light!

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