Dagu: Mr. Goku, can you tell me more about this spirit bomb!

Sun Wukong: This is a very powerful move. Just like what the screen says, if you collect a lot of spirit, you can exert a force that is dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than yourself. It all depends on how much spirit you can absorb from the earth. Even other planets and the sun can provide spirit.

Dagu: It's so powerful!

Sun Wukong: But the disadvantage is also very big, that is, it takes a long time to prepare enough spirit. I have never used it since I learned it. If you want to use it, someone has to help you delay the time.

Dagu: Thank you, I understand.

After Dagu understood the spirit bomb, he nodded earnestly.

"It can exert a power that is dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than myself. This will be my biggest trump card, but it takes a long time to prepare?"

When Dagu thought of this, he looked at the Tyrannosaurus Rex. In that case, he could only rely on Crimson Knightmon to buy time.

"By the way, will other people improve their physical fitness?"

Dagu remembered the rewards of others, and looked at Lina and others next to him curiously.

"Lina, do you feel any changes in your body?"

Da Gu approached and asked.

"Changes? I was feeling very tired just now, but suddenly I feel very energetic and refreshed."

Lina thought carefully and stroked her arm.

"Me too, I was very tired just now, but now I feel full of energy."

When Shinjo said this, he posed like a gym man.

After hearing this, Da Gu looked at the others and heard many people saying that they were very tired, but now they feel very energetic.

. . . . . .

【"Now calculate the rewards for the Naruto Universe."】

Now it's the turn of the Naruto Universe, and Naruto and the others all look expectant.

[“Reward Jiraiya and Tsunade for the Flame Red Dragon Fist,

Reward Ohnoki High-Speed ​​Frozen Leopard Fist,

Reward Ai Electric White Tiger Fist,

Reward Terumi Mei Phantom Water Snake Fist,

Reward Chiyo Flying Crane Fist,

Reward Naruto Wood Release,

Reward Nine-Tails Chakra to the level of Ten-Tails,

Other ninjas participating in the battle, limiter range increased.”]

When the sound on the screen ended, Naruto and the others felt that they had changed.

“Flame Red Dragon Fist?”

Tsunade looked at the additional dragon-like emblem on her arm and felt confused.

“Is it a special fist technique?”

When Tsunade’s question appeared, the screen began to explain.

[“Flame Red Dragon Fist, Electric White Tiger Fist, High-speed Frozen Leopard Fist, Phantom Water Snake Fist and Flying Crane Fist are the fists that the fantasy beast fighters in the Ultraman universe are good at. They sign contracts with the universe's fantasy beasts, imitate combat movements and transform them into fists, and at the same time borrow the power of the universe's fantasy beasts to strengthen themselves.”]

[“Flame Red Dragon Fist, contract with the fantasy beast Red Dragon, use dragon-shaped fists, focus on vital points, and control flame attacks.”]

[“Electric White Tiger Fist, contract with the fantasy beast White Tiger, use tiger-shaped fists, and can use lightning to attack.”]

[“High-speed Frozen Leopard Fist, contract with the fantasy beast Frozen Leopard, use leopard-shaped fists, can use ice attacks continuously, and the speed is very fast.”]

[“Phantom Water Snake Fist, contract with the fantasy beast Frozen Leopard, use leopard-shaped fists, can use ice attacks continuously, and the speed is very fast.”]

[“Phantom Water Snake Fist, contract with the fantasy beast Water Snake Contract, use snake-shaped fist, agile body, can use water flow to attack. "】

【"Flying Crane Fist, Phantom Beast White Crane Contract, use crane-shaped fist, can control wind to attack, flying in the air, while using moves to tear the opponent. "】

【"By the way, if someone is recognized by the universe phantom beast, they can also learn the universe phantom beast fist. "】

【"Wood Release is the blood limit of Senju Hashirama in the Naruto universe, which can control trees to fight. "】

【"The nine tailed beasts were originally one, named the Ten Tails. Because the Ten Tails' chakra was too huge, it was split into nine by the Six Paths Sage to form nine tailed beasts. "】

After listening to the explanation on the screen, many people were shocked.

Feng Yuan: Universe Phantom Beast Fist! You actually got the Universe Phantom Beast Fist as a reward, this is incredible!

Jiraiya: You reacted so strongly, is this Universe Phantom Beast Fist really that powerful?

Fengyuan: It is very powerful. If you can contract with a fantasy beast to gain power, you will become a very powerful warrior. Even I can't beat it!

Terumi Mei: No way, even Ultraman can't beat it. What exactly is that universe fantasy beast!

Fengyuan: It is a legendary beast in the universe, just like the mythical beasts recorded on Earth. No one has seen their true form, but only the emblems representing them.

Tsunade: How strong is the universe fantasy beast? How much power can it gain!

Fengyuan: I don't know how strong the universe fantasy beast is. As for how much power it can gain, it all depends on the results of your own training. The most powerful universe fantasy beast fist master I know, even if I use the King-Ken, I can't be sure of winning.

Chiyo: You are not lying, you are so powerful, but you may not be able to defeat the universe fantasy beast fist, this is amazing!

Jiraiya: That's great! In this way, the combat effectiveness of our ninja world will be greatly improved, and it can even rival your Ultraman, Saiyans and Saints!

Seeing Jiraiya's words, the five Kage-level characters were all very excited.

They looked at the destructive power of Sun Wukong, Ultraman and the Golden Saints and felt despair and envy. If they also had such powerful power, would they still be afraid of any enemy? If they had such a thought in the past, it would probably be just a delusion. But now it is different. This opportunity exists!

Fengyuan: You can indeed say that, but I don’t know if your body can withstand the power of the phantom beast. It will take a lot of time to practice.

Ai: It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s possible, isn’t it just practice from scratch? It’s not like I haven’t tried it before!

Vegeta: Haha, what a ridiculous statement. There is no way that the Space Fantasy Beast Fist can be the opponent of a Saiyan. Don't laugh to death!

Sun Wukong: But I am still looking forward to it. It would be great if I could meet you and have a chance to experience the Space Fantasy Beast Fist.

Jiraiya: Ahem, forget it, I don't want to fight you.

Sage: What about fantasy beasts? We also have many mythical beasts from mythology here, but most of them are not as good as Ultraman. I’m really curious about your space fantasy beasts.

Ancient One: Wait a minute, I took a look. The main purpose of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist is to borrow power from the Cosmic Fantasy Beast. Doesn't this cost anything?

Seeing this, everyone realized, yes, this is borrowing power. Doesn't it require anything to pay, or what should I do when I return it?

Fengyuan: I don’t know much about this either. I don’t know much about it.

Ai: No matter what the cost, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is to improve the combat effectiveness. Otherwise, there will be trouble when so many monsters appear in the blood pool. We still have many monsters here who don't know where they have gone!

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