Ancient One: You are not stupid, you are arrogant.

Tony Stark: Me! !

Natasha: Brilliant.

Ancient One knows Tony Stark well. She has seen the future timeline before and knows how Tony Stark created Ultron and caused all kinds of troubles, so it is right to say that he is arrogant.

This made Tony Stark very troubled. The joy of getting an artifact like the two-way foil was wiped out in an instant.

Tony Stark couldn't help but look at Natasha not far away with resentment.

Natasha just smiled and concentrated on studying her changes.

After her brain potential was developed to 50%, she felt that her abilities seemed to become more powerful, but at the same time she also felt that her body was particularly uncomfortable.

"Is this beginning to be unbearable?"

Natasha looked at her trembling hands worriedly.

Thor: I don’t understand the two-way foil or dimensionality reduction strike. Anyway, I feel very good now. This ability to use lightning at will is really great!

Luffy: Thunder Fruit? The Enel I defeated before also had this ability.

Thor: Is it because of your domineering power? If it were me, I would never be defeated by you.

Luffy: It’s not rubber, because I’m a rubber man and I’m not afraid of thunder and lightning. I can capture your physical form directly.

Thor: What! You didn't fool me, did you?

Nami: What he said was true. I saw it clearly at the time.

Seeing this, Thor couldn't stand it anymore.

He originally thought that with the power of the Thunder Fruit, he would become extremely powerful, and combined with the elemental transformation, he would be able to ignore all attacks.

But I didn’t expect that I actually have a weakness that is afraid of rubber!

Bruce Wayne: Hey, you're right, even if rubber is non-conductive, it will be burned when it comes into contact with lightning.

Luffy: Really? When I was struck by lightning, I didn't feel hot.

Morohoshidan: What’s going on with the physics in your world? . .

Rogers: I want to ask, do you understand clock up? Control the time flow rate to increase the speed.

Ancient One: What’s wrong?

Rogers: I am moving back and forth in a clock up state. In my eyes, you are all moving very slowly.

After hearing this, Tony Stark and others immediately looked around, but they couldn't find Rogers.

"Captain Rogers! Captain!"

Tony Stark shouted everywhere in confusion.

"I'm here!"

As a result, the next second, Rogers' transformed Kamen Rider BLACK appeared out of thin air next to Tony Stark.

"Wow! How did you show up!"

Tony Stark was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

"I said that I am moving at high speed, which is different from the acceleration I perceive. I feel like the time around me has slowed down a lot."

After Rogers finished speaking, he went directly to the clock up state and disappeared in front of Tony Stark in an instant.

Then appeared next to Natasha.

"I observed that when you do that thing called clock up, you will emit something that controls the flow of time, allowing you to escape from the normal flow of time and enter another time realm."

As the Ancient One who possesses the Time Stone, he is very sensitive to the ability of time and has probably analyzed the principle of clock up.

"what does it mean?"

After hearing this, Rogers still didn't understand.

"It sounds like it might be an important technology for traveling through time. Captain Rogers, you have to cooperate with me in my research!"

Tony Stark immediately made a request as if he had discovered a new toy.

"Huh? I don't even understand what's going on."

Rogers said with confusion on his face.

"It's okay, I'll figure it out."

Tony Stark is still as confident as ever.

"Hey! Tell you something good!"

At this time, Banner ran over excitedly. He had transformed back from the Hulk.

"That Metafield is so useful! I just tried to open it, and it can really pull the target I designated into the subspace! Then I can let the Hulk fight there without fear of causing too much damage to reality!"

Bruce Banner became more and more excited as he spoke.

He is very troubled by Hulk's destructive power, which always implicates innocent people. Now the emergence of the Metafield has undoubtedly solved this trouble.

"Creating subspace is also a research topic. Damn it, I want to study too much, and I don't have enough time or brain! If only there was one more of me."

Tony Stark said with an annoyed look on his face.

Everyone else had weird expressions after hearing this. One Tony Stark is already annoying enough, but what about one more?

"I suggest you focus on one area first."

Natasha suggested.

"That's true."

Tony Stark agreed with this idea, but how could he agree so simply? He was already thinking of other ways.

"Explosion magic sounds really nice and powerful, and it will drain out the magic power."

Strange curiously studied this spell and the principles of magic.

The source of his magic power is Kama Taj's magic power, and he can even get magic power from the devil.

Then wouldn't he be able to accumulate energy for a long time? How powerful that must be.

"If you have a chance to test it, let us see it."

Wang on the side suggested.

"Okay, by the way, the system said that your potential limit has been increased. How do you feel about it?"

Strange asked curiously.

"Well, indeed, I feel like the magic that I couldn't figure out at first seems to be able to be used, which means that we have more room for improvement."

Mordo replied.

His voice was full of joy, it would be a huge good thing for him to make more progress.

["Now we will reward Diga Universe and the ancient vitality bullet. The physical fitness of other people participating in the battle will be improved.\

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