"Hey! Defteros!"

Seeing that Defteros actually took such a risk and jumped into the blood pool, the others immediately joined in.

"It should be fine. I see people from other universes jumping into blood pools."

Shion frowned and said.

"Maybe, I hope Defteros is okay."

Sisyphus nodded, his expression not very good.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

At this moment, there were countless big explosions under the blood pool, and countless red water splashed out.

Let the three gold men retreat immediately.

"What's going on? Could it be that Defteros continues to attack with Galaxy Starburst in the blood pool!"

Desier couldn't help but guess.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Sisyphus couldn't help but feel worried, nervously looking at the blood pool,


After a while, Defteros emerged from the blood pool, and the explosion suddenly calmed down.

"It seems that there are no monsters anymore. After I swam a little deeper, I used Galaxy Star Explosion again, and those monsters didn't dare to come over."

Defteros said calmly, as if he was talking about something that was no big deal.

"As expected of you, Defteros, you are indeed very reliable."

Sisyphus couldn't help but praise.

After hearing this, Defteros just turned his head and said nothing.

"Then what we have to do next is very simple, that is to destroy all the remaining monsters!"

Shion looked at the remaining monsters around and said.

"It's very simple. Please solve it quickly."

As Dieter spoke, a permeating chill emanated from his whole body.

Then the four golden saints immediately dispersed to attack the blood pools in all directions.

. . . . . .

The battle against the blood pools in various worlds seems to be progressing well. Every warrior is fighting with all their strength and destroying the blood pool monsters one after another.

In the end, everyone finally eliminated most of the remaining blood pool monsters. Because the scene was too chaotic, a small number of them ran away without knowing where they were while there were still a lot of them, and it took time to track them down.

Among them, the ones that were finally solved were the Naruto universe and the One Piece universe.

After all, they don't have the terrifying power of Ultraman or Sun Wukong, nor the props like Dorami, so they can only rely on their own strength to find a way to hold on.

Jiraiya didn't know how many meteorites were thrown

Finally, no more monsters appeared.

He must have been frightened by the falling meteorites.

On the other hand, in the Pirate Universe, Garp's physical strength is gradually insufficient and he is unable to continue attacking, but monsters still appear, but the frequency begins to decrease.

"It's time for Garp to retreat!"

Warring States came immediately to take away Garp.

Now Aokiji has built an ice cage at absolute zero to seal the entire island to prevent monsters from escaping!

"Master Garp! Master Sengoku, hurry up!"

Aoki pheasant shouted in front of the only gap.

Seeing this, Warring States immediately accelerated his speed and flew Garp out of the ice cage.

Let the green pheasant completely block the gap.

An ice cage of extremely low temperature is formed, and the blood pool monsters on the island cannot escape.

Although there are many very powerful monsters among them, this is absolute zero, and they will freeze whenever they touch them.

So there is no need to worry about blood pool monsters destroying the ice cage and running out in a short period of time.

["Congratulations to all the worlds for winning against the blood pool, but I don't know when monsters will continue to appear in the blood pool, so please be more vigilant.\

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