American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 373 Galaxy star explosion bombards the blood pool!

Garp clenched his fists and looked at the monsters that kept emerging from the blood pool. He kept punching. Every time he saw one, he would immediately blow it up!

Absolutely don't give them any chance to escape.

He will not stop punching now, he will keep attacking.

Either he is exhausted or there are no more monsters emerging from the blood pool, otherwise he will never stop!

Many monsters noticed that Garp was very powerful, so they planned to attack Garp.

But at this moment, a blue-gold beam of light swept through them, killing them all.

The one who released the beam was naturally Sengoku, who turned into a golden Godzilla.

"Don't even think about getting in Garp's way!"

Sengoku shouted while firing his atomic breath to sweep away the surrounding monsters.

His atomic breath blends into the giant Buddha's shock wave, Haki and Raton's flames, making the power of his atomic breath even greater!

"Garp, I'm sorry, we can't help you much, we have to rely on you."

Warring States opened his eyes with complicated eyes and pressed Garp, unwilling to accept that he could not share the worries of his friends.

"Garp, you must live!"

After thinking this in his mind, Warring States immediately shot other monsters while looking towards the seaside.

At this time, the blue pheasant is freezing the sea water to build an ice wall.

This was the task entrusted to him by the Warring States Period.

If they really can't stop monsters from popping up in the blood pool, they can imitate what they did on Skull Island and wrap the entire island in an ice cage to prevent those monsters from coming out!

But Aokiji didn't know if there was any point in doing so.

After all, the number of monsters inside is unimaginable, and there are many powerful monsters.

If it can be shut down for a while, who can guarantee that it will be shut down for a lifetime?

It's just that Aoki Pheasant can't care about that much now and can only concentrate on making ice walls!

Skull Island, aboard the Thousand Sunny.

Luffy and the others looked at the screen nervously.


For the first time, Luffy was so worried about Garp.

In his impression, his grandfather was very powerful and no one needed to worry.

But this time he had to worry.


Everyone else saw that Luffy's expression was different from before, and they wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

Before all the results come out, no matter how much you say, it will be in vain.

Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard has been looking at the screen since he came back.

"Garp, don't die there."

Whitebeard said with a serious expression.

Although the two sides are hostile, they have fought for so many years and gone through an era, and they have somewhat different feelings.

He didn't want Garp to die like that.

"If Garp had my dog ​​charm, he should have more stamina."

Whitebeard shook his head when he thought of this. He would not lend the dog charm to Garp.

What's more, with Garp's character, he will not accept the pirate's kindness.

At this time the Saint Seiya universe.

Pegasus and other Bronze Saints and Silver Saints were desperately attacking monsters in all directions.

Logically speaking, with such a small number of people, how could they possibly stop the endless monsters.

But the power of the Saints is not ordinary, and there are also Golden Saints to help out.

The Golden Saint's light-speed punch can deliver hundreds of millions of punches per second, enough to destroy a large number of monsters in an instant.

Even those monsters that are over a kilometer in size will be killed instantly.

"We should end this battle quickly."

Dijer casually froze a large number of monsters and said.

"Do you want to use the power of destroying the planet to scare the monsters on the other side of the blood pool? The four of us can do this, but I think the best candidate is..."

When Sisyphus said this, he looked at Defteros next to him.

"Huh? Let me come?"

Defteros asked, frowning.

"Yes, with your power, you can definitely do it. Please, Defteros!"

Sisyphus asked, looking at Defteros.

"All right."

Deftros agreed and slowly walked towards the blood pool.

Now his whole body is releasing a particularly high temperature.

Whenever a monster comes close to him, his whole body will be on fire for no apparent reason.

Wherever Defteros passes, it will turn into lava!

Defteros walked up to the blood pool, raised his hands and crossed them, and the small universe burst out like a volcano!

"This! Small universe!"

After Pegasus and others felt the terrifying universe emanating from Defteros, they couldn't help but stop fighting and looked at Defteros.

It was the first time they felt such a terrifying small universe!

If described, the small universe of bronze and silver is equivalent to a small lake.

And the small universe emanating from Defteros is a vast ocean!

"Galaxy Starburst!"

At this moment, countless stars appeared around Deftros. The huge small universe compressed together and turned into dazzling light waves, which fell crazily towards the blood pool with the force of the angry sea waves. The stars around him kept exploding!

"Buzz buzz!!"

After this move, Galaxy Starburst fell into the blood pool, causing the blood pool to tremble and vibrate crazily.

The frequency was so terrifying that even the vibrations caused by brothers Tiga, Sun Wukong, and Leo when they attacked the blood pool did not have such a frequency!

It seemed that they were frightened by this terrible attack. Many monsters around them were too frightened to fight and fled in all directions, away from Defteros.

But Defteros did not pay attention to the surrounding environment, but continued to burn the small universe, raising it to the extreme, increasing the power of the galactic starburst.

The energy light waves released instantly became even larger, covering the entire surface of the blood pool!

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

Affected by the aftermath, the surrounding ground is shaking crazily, splitting, and exploding, like a big earthquake!

And the scope of the impact is getting wider and wider!

It's just that the aftermath is so terrifying, no one can imagine how amazing the real power is.

"What a scary little universe! Is this the power of Defteros!"

Shion shouted in disbelief. He didn't know Deftros, and it was the first time he saw him fighting.

"He seems to have become more powerful. It's really scary. It's great that such a person is our companion."

Dieter could not maintain his usual calm expression when he felt such a terrifying small universe as Devoteros.

"Yes, I'm afraid that the strength of Deftros is not inferior to Aspros at all, or even stronger."

Sisyphus had cold sweat on his forehead. Even he did not dare to resist this move of Galaxy Star Explosion head on.


At this time, Defteros's small universe lowered, and he exhaled heavily.

He looked at the blood pool in silence. The blood pool gradually calmed down and stopped shaking. Then no monsters emerged from it.

. . . . . .

After Defteros was silent for a while, he simply jumped into the blood pool to investigate.

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