Towns that originally symbolized civilization were reduced to ruins in the blink of an eye.

There are messes everywhere and broken walls.

Many people were crushed on the ruins and severely injured, but this was still a good result. What was even worse was that they were blown to pieces, and no one had a complete body.

At this moment, countless cries and calls for help filled the entire town.

"Ahem! Tianjin rice, are you okay?"

Colin helped Tianjin Fan up with difficulty.

"Leping! Dumplings! Gohan!"

Krillin looked around and shouted.

"We are here!"

At this time, Sun Wufan climbed out of the ruins, carrying Leping and Dumpling, who were seriously injured.

"Sorry, Gohan."

Leping apologized hard.

When the five of them arrived in the town, they happened to be affected by countless light bombs.

As a result, he was seriously injured and now his whole body is covered in blood.

"I'm fine."

Tianjin Fan shook his head and said he was fine.

"The most important thing is, those monsters..."

Tianjin Fan immediately looked around, fearing a sudden attack by monsters.

"Don't worry, the light bomb just now killed even those monsters. We still have time to recover some strength."

As Klin said this, he looked around. The miserable situation he saw made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Anyway, let's save people first. I don't know when the next batch of monsters will come."

Leping said anxiously.

Then the five people endured their injuries and went to rescue the people in distress.

"Damn it!"

At this time, Sun Wukong roared while launching turtle Qigong waves, which penetrated the giant robot and sent it into an explosion.

The robot fell into the blood pool again, causing a big explosion in the blood pool and causing a lot of water splashes.

"Fortunately Gohan and the others are fine."

Sun Wukong looked at the ruins of the town in the distance, felt the weakening energy of Sun Wuhan and the others, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that in order to get rid of that robot quickly, I didn't concentrate all my strength, so I have to do it again."

Sun Wukong took a deep breath and once again assumed the stance of Turtle Style Qigong Wave, concentrating all his energy to unleash the most powerful Turtle Style Qigong Wave.

At this time, Klin and others were rescuing the victims in the ruins.

However, in the darkness of the ruins, there were several aliens staring at the backs of Klin and others.

The aliens stared at the backs of Klin and the others, constantly rolling their eyes to follow their every move.

Then they disappeared into the darkness.

"Turtle Style Qigong Wave!!!"

"Super Kaio Fist!"

After Sun Wukong concentrated all his energy, he was afraid that the power was not enough to frighten the monsters in the blood pool, so he added the Super Kaio Fist.

Strengthen your Qi.

Then it emits blue light waves wrapped in red light.

The most powerful turtle qigong wave fell into the blood pool!

Such a terrifying aura immediately attracted the attention of Klin and the others!

"It's amazing! Is this the energy Wukong exerts with all his strength! He seems to be getting stronger again!"

Leping looked at the Turtle Style Qigong waves in the distance in disbelief and said.

"By the way, I remember that Vegeta said that Saiyans will increase in strength every time they recover from the edge of death. Goku must have increased his strength again after fighting Vegeta last time."

Klin immediately shouted excitedly.

"It's really annoying. This guy once again surpassed us and went further. I'm afraid we will never be able to compare with him in this life."

Tianjin Fan sighed helplessly.

I think he was someone who could compete with Sun Wukong in the beginning, but now he is being pulled further and further away.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

At this moment, various screams came from different places in the ruins.

Immediately let Klin and the others look over.

"What's going on? Someone is in danger!"

Sun Wuhan shouted anxiously.

"Hurry up and save people!"

After Tianjin Fan finished speaking, he immediately flew into the air.

"There were screams from several places, so we split up immediately!"

After Tianjin rice was finished, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Don't be too pushy. Don't forget that we withstood that round of energy bomb attacks just now."

Klin quickly reminded everyone that their bodies were seriously injured now. After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but cover his wounds uncomfortably.

"In order to save people, we have to endure it, and those monsters are coming soon."

Tianjin Fan looked into the distance sadly.

Although the round of energy bombs just now indirectly helped eliminate many monsters, there were still some left, and they were getting closer and closer to the town.

Then Klin and the others immediately separated and went to the place where the screams came from to rescue people.

However, when they were acting, the aliens hiding in the dark watched.

The alien showed a cruel smile and disappeared into the darkness again.


At this time, Sun Wukong was in a very exhausted state after firing the turtle style Qigong wave, and could not even maintain the Super Saiyan state.

"It's so tiring. It's really hard to do it with the Kaio Fist."

Sun Wukong helplessly looked at the blood pool and complained about himself.

Now there are no monsters appearing for a while. Perhaps the turtle Qigong wave just now has an effect, making the monsters on the other side of the blood pool feel scared and making them afraid to continue coming.

"Okay, now comes the remaining monsters."

Sun Wukong looked at the remaining monsters around him.

Then I had to take a few breaths.

"Damn, I should have brought the fairy beans."

Sun Wukong clutched his chest, feeling particularly uncomfortable. Every cell in his body was complaining of fatigue, making him want to fall to the ground to rest.


At this moment, a big bird appeared behind Sun Wukong and bit him.

After noticing the big bird behind him, Sun Wukong immediately turned around to attack.

But at this moment, the big bird was suddenly cut open and divided into two halves.

When the body landed, a flying car was revealed behind it, as well as a fat man standing on the roof of the car, holding a samurai sword.


This fat man holding a samurai sword is none other than one of Wukong's friends, Akilobei.

Seeing his appearance, Sun Wukong couldn't help but be filled with surprise.

"Are you here to fight?"

Sun Wukong asked quickly.

"Idiot, how could I be involved in such a dangerous thing? I'm here to deliver fairy beans, and I'll leave after delivering them."

Akilobei immediately complained back and threw a bag of fairy beans to Sun Wukong.

"Thank you!"

After Sun Wukong took the fairy beans, he immediately ate one and regained all his strength instantly.

"I'll leave as soon as you recover. I don't want to die here."

After Achilobe finished speaking, he was about to drive away.

As a result, at this time, he noticed that Sun Wukong's face was particularly ugly.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you angry with me?"

The sudden change of expression made Yachirobe particularly nervous.

"No, it was Klin and the others who were attacked by something. Their anger suddenly became very weak!"

As Sun Wukong spoke, his face became increasingly uglier, and then he immediately turned into a shooting star and rushed towards the town!

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