American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 360 The blood pool in the Marvel Universe stops invading

After the Rainbow Bridge stopped outputting, everyone looked at the blood pool worriedly while dealing with the surrounding monsters.

No one knows what will happen later.

"Hey, is this over?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but approach Odin and asked.

Odin ignored Tony Stark and looked at the blood pool seriously.

He didn't know what would happen next.

"I'll go down and take a look."

At this time, Cain walked to the edge of the blood pool and jumped in without saying a word.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Cain jumping directly into the blood pool. They didn't expect that he was so bold.


Hill had to look at the blood pool anxiously, not knowing what would happen to Cain in it, so he could only wait anxiously.

Time passed by, but Cain still didn't come up.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still monsters to deal with around him, many people would be worried and piled beside the blood pool, waiting for Cain's situation.


After a while, Cain emerged from the pool of blood and immediately climbed ashore.

"Cain! Are you okay!"

Hill immediately came to care about Cain's situation.

"I'm fine, but the good news is that the monsters in the blood pool are no longer coming. They have been frightened by the attack just now."

Cain said with a smile.

Hearing this, Hill couldn't help but show joy.

Cain then looked around and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"No more monsters will come out of the blood pool! Those monsters don't dare to come over!!!!"

Cain carried his words as far as he could.

After Tony Stark heard it, he immediately flew away and repeated Cain's words.

Originally, many people were in a state of fatigue due to fighting against massive blood pool monsters, and could collapse mentally at any time.

But now after hearing this Warring States Period, everyone immediately cheered up and boosted their morale again!

Since no more monsters will come to the blood pool, what they have to do now is to go all out to annihilate the remaining monsters.

"Destroy all monsters!"

"Kill them!"

The warriors who had regained their morale tried their best to attack the monsters in all directions. As long as they were destroyed, they would win!

. . . . . .

dragon ball universe

"Turtle Style Qigong Wave!!!"

Sun Wukong launches dazzling huge blue light waves, shooting at monsters in all directions.

Wherever the Turtle School Qigong passes, countless monsters will be crushed.


Then Sun Wukong once again launched a wave of Turtle Qigong. This time the Qigong wave was quite huge. Then, under Sun Wukong's control, it split into countless waves of Turtle Qigong and turned into a meteor shower, bombarding monsters in all directions.

Even those monsters that are thousands of meters tall will be blown to pieces directly.

They can't fight against Son Goku in Super Saiyan state!

"It's amazing, dad is so strong!"

Sun Wuhan in the distance couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw his father showing off his power.

"It's really strong. As long as Wukong is here, nothing will happen to us at all."

Leping couldn't help but sigh when he saw this.

"Yes, but we have to fight. There are still fish that slip through the net."

Tianjin Fan looked at the monsters around him, and then directly bombed them with Qigong cannons.

"It's great to have Goku here!"

After Klin finished speaking, he immediately released a Qi Circle Slash, cutting off a group of monsters.

"It's just that there are really a lot of monsters, and some of them are almost running to the town."

Dumpling looked at the monsters in the distance. The group of monsters were far away from Sun Wukong. Wukong did not dare to attack the town, so some monsters might still run to the town.

"So we have to do what we have to do and relieve the pressure on Goku!"

As a best friend, Krillin was eager to make a difference, and immediately flew towards the town as soon as he finished speaking.

Others also took action.

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

Sun Wukong fired Turtle Qigong again, piercing through several thousand-meter giant monsters and bombing tens of thousands of monsters to death.

Because of his presence, the pressure here to deal with the blood pool is less than in some universes.

"Fufufufu! Sure enough, Super Saiyans have troublesome flaws."

Sun Wukong said while panting.

"Although I am very powerful now, I can easily get too excited and unable to control myself, and the leakage of my anger is a bit serious."

Sun Wukong looked at his body. Through the battle just now, he had discovered the problem with Super Saiyan.

"If I can overcome it, I can become even stronger and surpass the limit of Super Saiyan."

Sun Wukong thought this way and couldn't help but feel a little excited when he spoke.

"It's just that we have to kill the monsters here first!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Wukong continued to fire Qigong waves in all directions, like a meteor shower, sweeping away monsters in all directions and clearing many open spaces in an instant.

"The power to destroy the earth can deter the monsters in the blood pool. The strength I have left is enough to do it now!"

Then Sun Wukong placed his hands into lotus flowers and began to gather Qi and continuously compress it to use the most powerful turtle style Qigong wave.

"Thump thump!!!"

At this moment, a huge creature emerged from the blood pool.

The monster that emerged this time was completely different from the previous monster that had all kinds of rotting flesh and blood on its body.

It's a huge robot that's over a kilometer long!

This robot has four giant legs that are more than 600 meters long. On the top of the legs is a huge round metal with countless muzzles on the surface, and the whole is bronze.

This looks like a fortress-like robot!

"Who made this robot?"

Seeing the exaggeratedly huge robot, Sun Wukong couldn't help but wonder.

In fact, many people in the world are thinking about this question. From what they see on the screen, the world on the other side of the blood pool is a wilderness and countless monsters. So who made the robot?

But now is not the time to think about this issue.

"Turtle!! Pie!!"

Sun Wukong is about to use the turtle Qigong wave to penetrate the giant robot and attack the blood pool.

But at this moment, all the densely packed gun barrels of this robot facility emitted red energy at the same time.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Countless cannon fires sounded like fireworks in an endless stream.

At the same time, countless energy light bombs shot out from the muzzle and fell in all directions, at various distances.


Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong looked anxiously into the distance, because there were many cannonballs falling towards the town!


The next second, countless mushroom clouds set off in the distant city.

Buildings that looked prosperous at first glance suddenly collapsed.


"Help ah ah ah!!"

The residents in the town were shouting in great anxiety. They were about to run away after seeing the monster in the distance, but unexpectedly, energy bombs suddenly fell, giving them a devastating blow!

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