"Viewers can rest assured that seeing the fearful beasts in the sea through this screen will not trigger any abnormalities."

Just when many people were worried, this sentence came out from the screen, which immediately made everyone feel at ease.

"Now start predicting the universe where the fearful beast in the sea will appear."

After the sound sounded, everyone stared at the screen, waiting for the results to come out.

"The universe appears, the world of Ultraman Leo, please be prepared."

After the electronic sound sounded, Fengyuan and Zhuxingtuan's expressions changed.

"What could actually appear in our universe!"

Fengyuan couldn't help but take a deep breath. Their world was already destroyed by many aliens and monsters every day, and now such a weird monster appeared.

We don't know how many casualties it will cause.

When thinking of all the casualties in the past, Fengyuan couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Don't be nervous Fengyuan."

At this time, Zhu Xingtuan spoke.

"Believe in your own strength. As soon as this monster appears, you can quickly deal with it."

Zhu Xingdan's tone was particularly solemn. Is it a monster from another universe? It's really an unprecedented challenge.

At this time, there were a bunch of barrages on the screen.

Usopp: "Fortunately it didn't appear in our world, otherwise we would be in big trouble."

Luffy: "It's true that my abilities can't be used in the sea."

Akainu: "Although I don't want to agree with pirates, I really don't want to fight this kind of underwater monster."

Jiraiya: "Ultraman Leo Universe? What a strange name. I wonder what kind of abilities it will have."

Tony Stark: "How curious."

While everyone was sighing and looking forward to it, the scene on the screen switched to the MAC team base.

It is late at night, so there are only two people, Zhuxingtuan and Fengyuan.

Tony Stark: "What's going on with this high-tech looking base!"

Zhu Xingtuan: "This is the base of our MAC team. Standing on the space station, we monitor the universe in real time to prevent alien invasion. Once aliens and monsters invade the earth, we will attack immediately."

Nick Fury: "What! Your functions are actually the same as our SHIELD! And it's still on the space station!"

Tony Stark: "Haha! What an interesting idea. It makes me want to build a space station."

Natasha: "Are you kidding? A space station is not that easy to build."

Tony Stark: "That's nothing to me."

Tony Stark said that he had already asked Jarvis to arrange the establishment of new projects.

Because of the contained objects, he has realized that the earth is facing new challenges. If there is a space station like the MAC team that monitors the earth and the universe in real time, it may save a lot of things!

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

Nick Fury looked at his colleagues on the screen with interest.

His Heavenly Sword Bureau in the Space Station is like this, but it hasn't been fully developed yet.

He was very curious about how the Earth-defending organization in another universe fought.

At this time, Fengyuan and Zhuxingtuan ignored the screen, but looked around in confusion. Why was the picture showing them here?

"Where did this photo come from?"

At this time, Zhu Xingtuan found a photo on the ground and picked it up in confusion. When he saw the photo clearly, his face instantly became ugly.

"What happened to Captain?"

After Feng Yuan noticed Zhu Xing Tuan's expression, he immediately went over and expressed concern.

As a result, when looking at the photo clearly, my eyes had to be enlarged.

The protagonist of this photo actually looks like the fearsome beast in the sea I mentioned before!

Zhuxingtan and Fengyuan now know what this terrifying monster looks like.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

At this time, the sound of water drops sounded.

The two of them turned to look behind them at the same time.

The Mac team's faucet is dripping.

Obviously this is just a common phenomenon.

But for some reason, their pupils were extremely dilated as if they had seen something particularly terrifying.

"Even I will be affected. What kind of monster is this?"

It was at this moment that the stars discovered how different the monsters from another universe were from their own.

Difficulty keeping calm.

"Captain! Prepare a tank of water for me!"

Fengyuan took a deep breath and made a firm request with a loud voice.

"Idiot! If you face it unprepared like this, something could easily happen! Can you show your true strength in the water?"

Zhu Hoshidan felt that doing so was too risky and immediately objected.

According to his idea, targeted training should be carried out first, such as resistance and pressure resistance training, to avoid the problem of not being able to exert maximum strength in the deep sea.

"Captain! We don't know which sea area this monster is in now, and how many people are being harmed. Once there are casualties, it will be too late!"

However, Fengyuan's attitude was very serious.

He didn't know the consequences of taking too many risks.

But when he thought about the current problems of the earth, he really couldn't do the special training honestly.

If a victim appears, and there is an invasion of aliens in this universe, there will be trouble on both sides, and it will be trouble if they can't escape.

It must be solved now when you have time.

Zhu Xingtuan wanted to say something else, but looking at Fengyuan's firm eyes, he understood what he meant and could only nod.

"Okay, but we must come back alive."

After Zhu Xingtuan finished speaking, he immediately prepared a tank of water for Fengyuan and let him soak in it.

Sure enough, Fengyuan disappeared instantly in the next second.

Then the screen switched and he appeared in an unknown deep sea!

Many people have expressed their opinions after seeing this.

Diana: "This person named Fengyuan is too risky! He is obviously an ordinary human being but he has no preparations. How can he fight!"

Patton: "That's right, that's not how to prevent the situation from getting worse."

Warring States: "It's so stupid! Even if you have to send people, you should arrange enough people! How can a leader act so nonsense!"

Tony Stark: "If it were me, I should search the seas around the world and prepare weapons. How could I be unprepared?"

Loki: "Sure enough, people on Earth are all equally stupid no matter which universe they are in."

Vegeta: "Haha, I think the same thing as you about this."

Sun Wukong: "Hey, don't underestimate human power!"

Frankie: "That's right! Human power is beyond your imagination!"

Piccolo \u0026 Sanji: "Goku/Brooke, you have no right to say that!"

The Marvel Universe, S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How can this Mac team be so reckless? Can they protect the earth?"

Nick Fury, who was looking forward to it, sighed helplessly.

I still wanted to learn their ways, but now it seems that they should learn their own way.

If it were me, I would never take such a risk in the beginning.

Instead, arrange some unlucky people to test, prevent locators and other things, and then study the strategy.

Going to die in the first place is sheer nonsense.

Just when everyone was talking and thinking that Fengyuan must die, Zhu Xingtuan's words caught everyone's attention.

Zhu Xingtuan: "I will allow Fengyuan to do this because he has special abilities that you can't imagine."

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