"D-201, D-202, have you seen it clearly?" A doctor wearing sunglasses asked. "I have seen it clearly." The two nodded at the same time. "Very good, then go into the bathtub and soak in it." The doctor pointed to the bathtub filled with water and ordered. Although the two expressed confusion, they still did it. However, when they approached the bathtub, they did not know why they had a strong resistance in their hearts. It seemed that the water in it was something particularly terrible. Their hearts and bodies expressed that they absolutely did not want to get close, let alone enter it. "Hurry up and get in!" The doctor immediately urged when he saw the two people stop. "Gulp." After hearing this, the two could only swallow their saliva hard, suppress their emotions, walk towards the bathtub, and then soak in it. The next second, a strange scene appeared. The two people disappeared in the bathtub. No one could see how they disappeared. "Check the locator immediately!" The doctor quickly ordered others. I saw several researchers fiddling with an instrument, and then two points and a sea area appeared on the screen of the instrument. "Doctor, they were teleported to the Pacific Ocean, and it's very deep!" The researcher reported while looking at the screen. "Analyze the specific location! We must find out the whereabouts of that monster!" The doctor ordered. "The signal is gone!" At this time, the two dots on the screen suddenly disappeared, making everyone stunned, and then immediately looked at the bathtub. "Ah! Ah! What did you do to me? Why am I being chased by such a terrible monster!" D-202 climbed out of the bathtub and screamed in horror. "Ah! Water! Water!" When he saw the water all over his body, he panicked instantly, pissed and ran around, trying to get rid of the water on his body, and fell into a state of madness. The guards here immediately went up to subdue him. The doctor ignored D-202 and walked to another bathtub to look inside, and his face was quite ugly. D-201 had become a broken corpse, his body was broken into pieces, completely unrecognizable, and particularly disgusting. After that, D-202's fear of water became more and more serious. He kept talking about the sea monster. Because he described it in detail, everyone who heard it was affected. Once they touched the water, they would be teleported to the sea monster.

Fortunately, the shelter took C-level memory removal in time. The impact of the sea monster requires physical memory. As long as there is no memory, there will be no problem.

Therefore, the shelter must not only strictly monitor various communication channels to prevent the spread of information about the sea monster.

At the same time, once a victim appears, memory removal must be taken to prevent the situation from worsening.

When the screen came to this, many people showed shock.

This creature seems to be more terrifying than the previous containment!

One Piece World

On the Thousand Sunny.

"Hey hey hey!! A monster over 50 meters long! And once you know it, you're dead!"

Usopp, Chopper and Nami hugged each other and cried with tears.

"It's terrible! We've seen what's going on! There's sea everywhere here, and if you fall into it, you'll be dead! I'm scared when I see the sea water now."

Usopp clutched his chest and lay on the ground, shaking non-stop, looking like he was about to lose consciousness.

"Hey! Usopp is affected! What should I do!"

Chopper shouted anxiously.

"Hoohoo! It looks interesting! I wonder if I can beat it! And will its meat be delicious!"

However, Luffy was very carefree and didn't think too much, but was very happy instead.

"How can this be interesting! Don't forget that you will have no strength when you go into the sea!"

Nami, who was next to him, couldn't help but punch him after hearing this.

"Don't worry, Miss Nami, if this kind of monster really appears, I will definitely protect you!"

Sanji immediately shook his body and shouted.

"Everyone, calm down, we are not afraid of water."

At this time, Robin reminded, she looked at the sea next to her and had no reaction.

Navy Headquarters

"There are such monsters in the sea, which are much more terrifying than sea kings!"

Zhan Guo looked at the screen with a bad face.

"This is troublesome. If it's a monster in the deep sea, we can't be of any use." Kizaru said helplessly. They are Devil Fruit users, but they can't enter the deep sea. "We can only ask Jinbei from the Seven Warlords of the Sea to help." Sengoku quickly thought of a plan. Except for the fishman, no one can fight in the deep sea. Doraemon World "Hey hey! A big monster in the sea! What should Doraemon do? I can't swim!" Nobita shouted with fear on his face. For a timid person like him who can't swim, being teleported to the sea monster is a dead end. "Don't worry, Nobita! I'll be fine with me!" Doraemon immediately comforted Nobita. He has thought of various ways to protect Nobita. He doesn't believe that his future props can't beat such a monster! Marvel World Nick Fury stared at the screen with an ugly face. There is actually such a monster. Once it is known, you will be teleported to its domain to die if you touch the water. In this information-rich society, as long as the photos of such a monster are spread on the Internet, tens of thousands of people will know about it, and tens of thousands of people will die.

This is more than likely to exceed a million.

The most terrible thing is that this fearful beast in the sea does not exist anywhere. Even if it is fully armed, it is basically useless once it reaches the deep sea.

In other words, this monster is more difficult to deal with than any previous contained object! The threat is even greater!

Thinking of this, Nick Fury exhaled heavily, and then took out an old call machine from the drawer.

This kind of monster would probably have to call that woman back.

No, I'm afraid there will be more and more terrible containment in the future, and Captain Marvel's power is a must!

On a private jet.

Tony Stark looked at the screen in shock.

The ability of this monster completely subverts his cognition. Once he learns the relevant information, something will happen. What kind of curse is this?

"Damn it, I don't believe you are that powerful, Jarvis. Immediately set up a project to develop a Mark armor that can withstand the pressure of the deep sea!"

Tony showed a ferocious look, and he decided that if he really encountered such a monster, he would do everything possible to eliminate it.

"Yes, sir."

Kama Taj.

Gu Yi still looked calm.

She has lived for so long and has seen all kinds of demons and evil gods from other dimensions. Some of them have the ability of the fearful beasts in the sea. Once they are recognized, they will be in trouble.

Just like Dormammu, once he knows of his existence, he will try his best to brainwash the other party into becoming his believer.

"It's just that you will be teleported when you touch water. This kind of curse is kind of interesting."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

Memory erasure can prevent the impact. That's too simple. She has the magic of memory erasure, so the threat of the fearful beast in the sea is nothing.

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