As the screen spoke, a small villa was displayed on the screen, which looked very nice from the outside.

"This is Mobile Task Force, Delta Team, entering the house now to investigate."

There are twelve members of the Mobile Task Force, and they are all fully equipped and armed to the teeth.

There are many researchers nearby, handling various equipment, responsible for receiving data and responding.

After members of the Mobile Task Force completed their debriefing, they entered the house to investigate.

They divided their troops into three groups, one group of four, and investigated everywhere.

Then the scene changed, with four of them as the protagonists, watching their investigation process.

There are many portraits and various valuable furniture and antiques in this house. It looks like an ordinary wealthy family, and it is completely difficult to connect it with the disappearances and murders during this period.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the wall next to the four people suddenly heard knocking sounds one after another.

The four of them immediately looked at the wall warily, but there was nothing at all, and there was nothing nearby touching the wall.

But the weird thing is that the knocking sound keeps coming, as if something invisible is really knocking on the wall.


After the team leader of the four-person team gave the order, a member of the task force immediately opened fire on the wall. Such powerful firepower directly burned the entire wall black and shattered.

Only after the damage reached this point did the beating sound stop.

The four of them looked at the inside of the wall warily. There was just a bunch of turned heads. There was no way there was any hiding space for people to play pranks behind.

Just when the four of them were about to turn around and walk in another direction, they suddenly saw a pale boy running out of one room and quickly entering the opposite room.

The four of them immediately followed after seeing this.

Two looked at the room the boy came out of, and the other two looked at the room the boy entered.

However, no matter which room it was, there was no one inside, as if the child just now was just an illusion.

"Captain, did we see a ghost or hallucination?"

"Don't think that you can find out if you continue to investigate."

After the four of them confirmed that no one was around, they planned to leave. Just when they exited the room, a person suddenly fell from the ceiling out of thin air in that room and hung on the ceiling, seemingly hanging?

However, the four mobile task force members did not notice this scene.

"Buzz buzz!! Everyone, be careful, there are things that are not human here!"

At this moment, a very anxious voice came from the intercom.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!"

Then there were bursts of very intense firing.

"Where are you! Why can't I find you anywhere!"

"Team leader, I'm in the first room at the corner of the second floor!"

"I'm in this room, I can't even see you!"

"Ahhh! Don't come over!"

"Buzz buzz!!"

The intercom came from the screams of other people and various noises, as if someone was whispering.

"@#¥¥¥ # % # %\u0026*"

At this moment, a female's low whisper kept coming to the ears of these four people, as if she was talking next to their necks.

This sudden sound made them look around immediately, but there was no one else here except them!

"This is the third detachment of Delta Team! Now it is suspected that there has been a sacrifice. Do you want to continue the mission?"

The team leader immediately contacted people outside to confirm whether the mission should be continued. He always felt that it was particularly dangerous now.

"This is the response team from outside, please continue to perform the task."

A particularly cold and emotionless voice came from the other end of the intercom, giving instructions.


After the team leader received the order, he could only continue to lead the team members to investigate and find out what was going on.

Just as they passed a mirror, they noticed from the corner of their eyes that there was no reflection of them in the mirror. Instead, a woman with long hair in white was walking past.

This sudden and strange phenomenon caused the four people to stop in their tracks.

At the same time, he turned his head stiffly and looked at the mirror.

This time, they saw their own reflections, as if they were just hallucinations.

However, they were very sure that it was definitely not a hallucination. It was impossible for four people to have hallucinations at the same time, and they still saw the same one, right?

While they were staring at the mirror in confusion, the shoe cabinet behind them suddenly opened slowly without making any sound.

The next second, several strands of extremely long black hair shot out from the cabinet, grabbed the task force member standing at the back, and quickly pulled him into the cabinet.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of the three people in front of them, and they immediately turned around.

I just happened to see the team member being pulled into the shoe cabinet, and then the cabinet door was closed hard.

The three of them saw that their teammates were suddenly in danger. They didn't react for a while, but they still moved closer to the shoe cabinet.

When they came to their senses, they had opened the shoe cabinet door.

However, instead of their companions, there was a pile of shoes.

It’s impossible to fit another person in!

"Damn it! What happened just now! Was it hair!"

"Where has he gone? Why is he missing?"

"Calm down! You must not panic at this time!"

After the team leader finished speaking, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and tried to contact the person who had just been arrested.

But no matter how he called, there was no response. Then he tried to contact people in other groups, but all he got was noise, and no one could reply.

It was even difficult to get in touch with the people who were responding outside.

"Damn it! There must be something wrong, get out of here immediately!"

The team leader made a prompt decision to lead the remaining two people and leave this place immediately.

Just when they ran to the stairs, someone suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of them.

They were so frightened that they quickly raised their guns and almost opened fire.

However, when they took a closer look, the fallen man seemed to be dressed exactly like them, which gave them very bad thoughts.

So one of them carefully went up and turned over the man's body to see clearly who he was.

It turned out to be the companion who had been captured just now.

Now he was dead, but he was still bleeding from all his orifices, and his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something particularly terrifying.

The sudden death of their companion made the three of them take a deep breath, completely confused as to what was going on.

"Team leader! Look up!" At this time, a team member pointed upward in horror.

The other two people quickly raised their heads, and saw a scene they would never forget.

There are the bodies of seven members of the task force, hanging from the stairs, ordered from lowest to highest.

The expressions on each person's death look particularly painful and frightening. No one can imagine what they went through during their lifetime.

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