American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 263 The next contained object, Kayako and Toshio

If such a cheating person really exists, Bruce Wayne can't help but wonder how to deal with such a person?

The more I think about it, the more it makes my scalp tingle.

Regulus: "What does cheating mean?"

Tony Stark: "A gaming term for the equivalent of cheating strength, which is invincibility."

Naruto: "Does breaking the limiter mean you are invincible! And you can become stronger without limit! Doesn't that mean you can reach the point where you are as powerful as Ultraman, Sun Wukong, and others!"

Ancient One: "If there is really no limit to growth, it is indeed possible."

Naruto: "That's so cool! How can I break the limiter!"

Jiraiya: "Don't be so excited. Just surpassing the limit is already extremely difficult. It's impossible to think that there is no limit!"

Hypnos: "Unless you rely on this screen reward, but how interesting would it be if there was really a creature with no limit to how powerful it could become? I'm afraid it can even reach the realm of God easily."

Danatus: "Hmph! How is it possible? The limits of human cognition are completely different from those of gods!"

Sasha: "Since this screen mentions breaking the limiter, it means that in a certain universe, someone has broken it before. How powerful would it be?"

Sun Wukong: "Haha! Is it infinitely powerful? I really want to see it!"

Everyone suddenly knew the theory about the limiter, and couldn't help but have their own ideas. Everyone hoped to continue to become stronger.

Especially in the face of an invasion of contained objects, becoming stronger is a matter of every second.

If there really was a way to extend the limiter range, or to break the limiter, they really wanted to know.

Dragon Ball Universe, inside the temple.

"Hahaha! No matter what, I can say that I have greater potential now and will become more powerful!"

Piccolo clenched his fists with excitement and looked at Sun Wukong.

"Sun Wukong! After I discover my current potential, you will no longer be my opponent, so be prepared!"

After Piccolo finished speaking with a sneer, he flew towards the distance, eager to find a place to practice.

"Damn it, this guy Piccolo hasn't given up on conquering the earth yet!"

Seeing Piccolo go away like this, Leping felt very annoyed.

Originally, the rewards from the previous screen put them on par with Piccolo.

But now Piccolo has left the earthlings far away, making Leping and others feel unbalanced.

"Hey, Goku, you can definitely beat Piccolo."

Klin can only place his hope on Sun Wukong.

"Well, that should be okay."

However, Sun Wukong didn't think so much, and instead looked forward to Piccolo becoming stronger.

At this time in the universe, Vegeta looked at the screen and knew Piccolo's situation.

Saiyans cannot survive in the universe, but Vegeta opened a green protective shield, allowing him to move freely in the universe.

"Hmph, what kind of limiter? I don't believe in that kind of thing. Even if this Namekian becomes stronger, so what, he is still no match for my legendary Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta didn't take it seriously at all and sneered twice. When he saw Sun Wukong, his expression immediately darkened.

"Damn Kakarot, when I fully adapt to the power of the legendary Super Saiyan, I will definitely seek revenge from you! Just wait for me!"

After Vegeta finished speaking, he found a random planet to land on, where he wanted to practice and improve his strength.

["Now predict the next contained object, Kayako and Toshio\

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