According to the screen, although Cain has particularly powerful abilities, he is quite easy to talk to and able to cooperate.

If we can cooperate with him, we will definitely be able to get more useful information when facing more contained objects in the future!

"Look where Cain is!"

Nick Fury looked at the screen excitedly, wanting to know where Cain appeared.

The picture displayed on the screen was a bar.

Cain was wearing ordinary casual clothes, very much like those in the Middle East. He looked around blankly, as if he was very confused as to why he was here, and could only walk in confusion.

"A bar, which bar is this? Could it be near here!"

When Tony Stark saw Cain appearing in a bar, he immediately felt anxious. This did not explain which bar he was in!

There are so many bars in the world, where should he find them?

“This is the only bar in the neighborhood and nothing else.”

Thor finally had some effect and spoke.

"Damn! Which bar is that at?"

After Nick Fury complained, he immediately contacted Hill.

"Hill, you saw that screen, immediately lead agents to search all the bars! Find that Cain as soon as possible!"

Nick Fury immediately contacted Hill to give instructions.

"Jarvis, hack into all the bar security cameras and look for it."

Tony Stark also immediately arranged for Jarvis to help find him. Although the method was crude, it was quite useful.

"Hopefully this bar will have more information."

Natasha looked straight at the bar on the screen.

Unfortunately, from the current point of view, it is no different from any bar, and it is difficult to find any key and useful information.


Just then Nick Fury noticed something, and his only pupil had to dilate.

"Why is that man there?"

At this time in the Dragon Ball universe, the battle between Vegeta and Son Goku is not over yet.


"Turtle Style Qigong!"

Vegeta, in the legendary Super Saiyan form, uses his afterburner with all his strength and fires it in the sky. In this way, not only will Son Goku be eliminated, but he will also penetrate the earth!

Therefore, Sun Wukong must go all out to block this move!

Now Sun Wukong uses all his strength to use the turtle style Qigong wave to block the afterburner from falling.

The situation now looks evenly matched.

Sun Wukong has already eaten all the fairy beans, and every time he eats them when he is seriously injured, his strength will be greatly increased when he recovers.

Let him gradually equal Vegeta's terrifying power!

"It's really scary. I've obviously increased my strength, but that guy's energy hasn't weakened much. Isn't his energy really inexhaustible? And is it my misunderstanding? His energy seems to be rising. Getting stronger bit by bit?”

Sun Wukong gradually felt a lot of pressure, and cold sweat flowed uncontrollably.

Vegeta's power and potential were beyond his imagination.

If Vegeta hadn't been able to fully adapt to such a powerful force, Sun Wukong really wouldn't have been able to take advantage.

"Haah! Haah!"

Vegeta kept breathing heavily, his veins stretched all over his body, and he looked quite uncomfortable.

Although he now possesses powerful strength, it is difficult for him to adapt. He feels that every organ and breathing tube in his body is being grasped by invisible hands, making it difficult for the blood in his body to flow smoothly.

"Damn it, Kakarot!"

But Vegeta doesn't care about that! He only wanted to quickly deal with Sun Wukong. Rather than what was going on with his own body, he cared more about whether he could kill this low-level warrior who was an eyesore to him and a shame to him throughout his life!

The next moment, driven by anger, Vegeta actually increased his strength and gradually suppressed Sun Wukong!

"Super Kaio Fist!"

Faced with this situation, Sun Wukong used the Kaio Fist without hesitation!

"Idiot! Wukong, you are too messy!"

On Kaio Planet, Kaio had to scream when he saw Son Goku actually using Kaio Fist in his Super Saiyan form.

Although it is true that Kaioken can increase strength, it also places a heavy burden on the body.

The power of Super Saiyan is already very powerful. If it is further doubled and enhanced, it will greatly destroy Sun Wukong's body!


Now Goku has felt the reaction of Kaio Fist and the pain caused to him, but he can't stop like this, he must defeat Vegeta.

With the blessing of Kaio Fist, the turtle style Qigong instantly overwhelmed the afterburner and rushed towards Vegeta crazily.


Vegeta didn't expect that Son Goku could continue to increase his power and was shocked.


Vegeta roared when he saw this and planned to continue to increase his power.

"Devil Penetrating Light Killing Cannon!"

"Qi Circle Slash!"

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

"Qigong Cannon!!"

"Magic Flash!"

At this moment, Piccolo and the others all launched their attacks and hit Vegeta at the same time.

Although it can be said that it is quite shameless to carry out a plot in a one-on-one situation, the situation is urgent and it must be done.

They must end the battle and defeat Vegeta, because there is still trouble to come!

"Damn it!"

Vegeta was suddenly plotted by these people, causing his power to be interrupted for an instant.

Sun Wukong seized this momentary opportunity, increased the output of Turtle School Qigong, hit Vegeta, and sent him flying out of the earth!

The current Vegeta was pushed away from the earth by this incredibly powerful turtle Qigong wave, constantly crashing into the asteroids it encountered.

It wasn't until Sun Wukong was exhausted that the turtle qigong disappeared.


Sun Wukong squatted down exhausted and kept panting. This battle almost killed him.


Sun Wufan rushed to Sun Wukong anxiously.

"Gohan, don't worry, dad, I'm fine."

Sun Wukong said while maintaining a cheerful smile.

"Goku, have you dealt with that Vegeta guy?"

Klin asked quickly.

"I'm afraid not. I just drove him away. He will come back."

Sun Wukong looked helplessly at the sky.


Others were shocked after hearing this.

"How is it possible that such a powerful turtle qigong can't kill him?"

Krillin grabbed his head in disbelief.

"The legendary Super Saiyan is too powerful for me to resist, but fortunately, Vegeta is not fully adapted yet. He will at least have to spend more time practicing to control it, and then he will come for revenge. ”

Sun Wukong analyzed calmly.

"It's just that by that time, I will also become stronger. In the battle just now, I found that Super Saiyan is not the end yet. I still have room for improvement."

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