American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 249 Two Brothers Who Cannot Stand Each Other

"The unstoppable knife!"

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne couldn't help shouting in surprise, which made Arthur, who was drinking beer next to him, look confused.

The two of them were drinking and talking about current affairs in a small bar in Iceland.

Bruce Wayne desperately wants to win over Arthur.

The world today is very dangerous, not only from the threat of contained objects, but also from attacks by unknown aliens and other mysterious forces. Therefore, Bruce Wayne has already thought of gathering capable and righteous people to form a team. , to fight against unknown threats in the future.

On the Flash's side, it's up to Diana to persuade, based on Diana's information.

As soon as she stated her intention, Flash agreed without even thinking.

As expected, he is still a young man and is still easy to deal with.

It's a bit difficult to deal with on Arthur's side.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? You look so weird?"

Arthur looked at Bruce Wayne in confusion, wondering why Bruce Wayne's good-looking face suddenly changed like this.

"Ah, nothing."

Bruce Wayne shook his head, keeping his cool.

Then I thought about the unstoppable knife.

Some time ago, he was sparring with Diana with that knife.

The process was really terrifying.

A strong obsession almost controlled Bruce Wayne's brain and body, making him unable to think at all. He could only watch helplessly as he was controlled by a knife.

Faced with Diana's powerful attack, if it were Bruce Wayne, he would not dare to use it even with the yellow light ring.

However, because of the knife, Diana's resistance was repeatedly ignored, and Diana was almost killed several times.

But how could Diana be killed so easily, and in the end it almost caused an intractable situation.

It was Diana who destroyed the ground beneath Bruce Wayne's feet and disrupted his balance, allowing him to get rid of the knife and return to normal.

What would happen if you took such a weapon and dealt with someone who could rebound any damage?

This forced Bruce Wayne to look at the screen in front of him expectantly.

On the screen, a member of the Mobile Task Force faced Cain with the unstoppable knife.

Cain seemed to know what would happen and just sighed helplessly.

["I don't want anyone to get hurt. Are you sure you want to do this?\

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