
After hearing this, Sanji kept crying, cursing secretly that it was unfair.

Zoro didn't know how he felt now. It would be fine if he was rewarded with something else, but to actually reward him with a living person and a beautiful woman, what should he say?

"Don't be jealous there. It's us who should be jealous and envious. We don't have any rewards, okay?"

Usopp looked at Sanji dissatisfied, feeling that he was getting an advantage and still behaved.

"I have done nothing."

Chopper couldn't help but want to cry. From beginning to end, he seemed to have done nothing.

"Don't be sad, there will be a time for you to appear."

Seeing this, Robin immediately comforted Chopper and even took out marshmallows, which instantly made Chopper forget his sadness.

Tony Stark: "It seems that the rewards on this screen are hard to figure out. There are even the rumored Valkyries. According to the myth, the Valkyries serve the heroic spirits personally in order to enable them to better fight for the heavens." In daily life, he will even devote himself to the heroic spirits and provide bed services!"

Natasha: "Stark, is this the only thought in your mind!"

Tony Stark: "I'm describing mythology!"

Jiraiya: "There really is such a good thing!"

Tsunade: "Jiraiya! What are you thinking!"

Sisyphus: "It seems to be true. The Valkyries in Norse mythology really seem to have these behaviors."

Odin: "In short, there is absolutely no Valkyrie under my command!"

Zoro immediately shook his head after seeing this information.

"Serving you personally, what a joke are you devoting yourself!"

"No, no kidding!"

However, Horest looked at Sauron seriously.

"We, the Valkyries, are supposed to fight with the heroic spirits as one, and we also have to take care of daily life so that the heroic spirits can fight at their best at all times. Therefore, I am willing to dedicate myself at any time as long as Lord Sauron is in need."

After Horest finished speaking, she actually took off her clothes on the spot, leaving everyone shocked.

"No! I don't need it!"

Sauron hurriedly stopped Horeste and quickly pulled up her clothes.

"Damn algae head."

Seeing this scene, Sanji shed more and more tears!

Bruce Wayne: "Ahem, don't continue to study this kind of thing."

Doraemon: "Yes, it's too young for children."

Luffy: "Hey! Bruce Wayne, I have the same ring as you now, that is, mine is green and yours is yellow. How to use it is the same."

Bruce Wayne: "I don't know that. I don't have a green light ring."

Diana: "Green Lantern Ring, you are so lucky to get a ring from the Green Lantern Corps."

Bruce Wayne: "Diana, you know this?"

Diana: "Didn't I say that the earth faced alien invasions in ancient times? At that time, the Green Lantern Corps helped the earth fight against the invaders."

Bruce Wayne: "What! Why are they also aliens and come to help the earth!?"

Diana: "The Green Lantern Corps is an organization responsible for protecting the universe. When evil aliens do mischief, they will go out to maintain peace in the universe."

Zhu Xingtuan: "Isn't this just like our Kingdom of Light? I really want to get to know him."

Sisyphus: "Is it an organization that maintains the peace of the universe? It is much more powerful than the rest of us."

Frankie: "I remember Bruce Wayne said that this kind of light ring requires rich scientific knowledge to use, our captain..."

Luffy: "What is science?"

Nami: "Forget it, Luffy can't even understand basic mathematics."

Loki: "Haha, isn't this a waste of resources?"

Bruce Wayne: "It can only be made up for by imagination. Strong imagination is the key to flexibly using the power of the lamp ring."

Luffy: "That's no problem. My imagination is not that powerful!"

Tony Stark: "Seeing your almost nonsensical fighting style convinced me of that."

Sun Wukong: "I just saw a very interesting boxing technique. I really want to know more about it."

Bruce Wayne: "Sun Wukong! You haven't appeared for a long time. How is the situation over there!"

Dagu: "Sun Wukong? Is he the Sun Wukong in Journey to the West!"

Tony Stark: "No, he is a powerful alien with the same name."

Sun Wukong: "It's very bad. If you are distracted, you will be beaten to death."

Vegeta: "Then you're still distracted!"

In the Dragon Ball universe, the battle between Vegeta and Son Goku is not over.

The battle between the two sides has crushed the surrounding mountains into a basin, which looks very spectacular.

At this time, Wukong was covered in injuries, looking exhausted and panting.

After finally eating the fairy beans, the combat power increased, but it did not have a lasting effect.

"Hmph, Kakarot! Have you reached your limit? Sure enough, lower-level warriors can't match me!"

Vegeta stared at Son Goku with a proud look on his face.

He was panting as he spoke.

"Haha, Vegeta, you are really strong now, but you still can't defeat me. I won't lose!"

Even in this situation, Sun Wukong did not have any thoughts of admitting defeat, but maintained a confident smile.

"Hmph, if you still insist on being stubborn when you are about to die, let me send you on your way!"

After Vegeta finished speaking with a sneer, he raised his right hand to gather energy and release a powerful light ball attack.

But at this moment, he suddenly coughed hard and felt very uncomfortable, so he forcibly stopped attacking.

"Haah! Haah!"

Vegeta clutched his chest and gasped, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"What's going on! Why do I feel so uncomfortable all of a sudden! What did you do!"

Vegeta mistakenly thought that Son Goku was doing something, so he glared at him and asked.

"No, I didn't do anything. It's just that your body is not used to such a powerful force."

Sun Wukong explained with a smile.

"Although the legendary Super Saiyan is indeed very powerful, don't play with it. You are not much stronger than you originally were. If you suddenly gain such a huge power and your body is not used to it and you fight haphazardly, there will be disadvantages as time goes by. ”

Sun Wukong analyzed seriously.

"Tch, are you just waiting for this opportunity? Do you think you can defeat me just because I'm feeling a little uncomfortable now?"

Vegeta shouted in displeasure.

"Who knows."

Sun Wukong still maintained a calm smile, without any fear at all.

Then he eats a fairy bean and returns to his prime again, and becomes even more powerful!

"Vegeta, I will definitely defeat you!"

After Son Goku finished speaking, he rushed towards Vegeta with all his strength again!


After Vegeta roared angrily, he also rushed towards Sun Wukong. He didn't care whether his body was fit or not, he just wanted to quickly deal with Sun Wukong and avenge his shame and win!

The two sides once again launched an extremely fierce battle!

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