"Brand new armor, a little weird."

Robin looked at the new armor that was replaced on his body.

There was a white ribbon, and the color of the armor was gorgeous, which looked much better than the Heavenly Wheel Armor.

Even though the chest was only half covered, it still exposed a lot, which looked very eye-catching.

Kid and Law's men couldn't help but bleed from their noses, especially Sanji who was almost in shock!

"I'm more curious about what this Horest is like!"

Zoro pointed in shock at the front, a beautiful woman with a plump figure and long light blue hair who was almost jumping out of her chest, was greeting Zoro respectfully.

"Hello, Lord Zoro, I am your Valkyrie, please teach me."

Horest greeted Zoro very politely.

"Hello, hey, wait a minute, why is my reward a woman!"

Zoro shouted in shock!

"What! Woman!"

Sanji woke up instantly after hearing this. He was still in a coma, and no matter how Chopper and Nami treated him, he couldn't wake him up.

But when he heard the word "woman", Sanji woke up!

When he saw Horest's beautiful appearance and broad mind, he immediately had a nosebleed.

"Hey! Green algae head! What's going on!"

Sanji shouted at Zoro with great dissatisfaction.

"How should I know!"

Zoro didn't understand what was going on.

"We should be the ones to ask what's going on!"

"What's wrong with that sound just now, and what's going on with the extra things and power!"

Law and Kidd kept shouting at the Straw Hat Pirates to find out what was going on.

"Leave it to me to explain."

Robin took the initiative to come forward. She was probably the only one in the Straw Hat Pirates who could explain things clearly.

"Eustace Kidd's fruit ability is called the Magnetism Fruit, which can release magnetism and control all metal materials. After awakening, he can add magnetism to objects that cannot be controlled by magnetism and make them accept his control."

"Trafalgar Law's fruit ability is called the Surgery Fruit, which can create a space called room and control all creatures in the space. If the medical knowledge is sufficient, various medical operations can be performed."

"The Explosion Fang is a weapon in a certain universe, which is extremely destructive. The creatures hit by the Explosion Fang will be constantly broken, even if they have amazing self-healing abilities, they will be constantly broken and unable to heal."

"Whirlwind Iron Fist is the fist of a top martial artist in a certain universe. When attacking, it creates a sharp gust of wind, cutting off everything, even steel. shattered. "

"The Armor of God Tianyi is a very powerful magic armor in a certain universe. The original conditions for wearing it were very strict and required strong magic power. However, this screen allows Robin to consume energy instead. Wearing the Armor of God Tianyi, the combat power is stronger than the Armor of Tianlun. "

"Horist is a Valkyrie in a certain universe. She is responsible for receiving the heroic spirits to become the fighting power of gods. She has the power to refine artifacts and turn herself into an artifact, so that ordinary people can hurt gods. "

"The Green Lantern Ring is a ring of the Green Lantern Corps in the DC universe. It can use the power of the green light of will in the emotional spectrum to control all elements of physics, gravity, magnetic field, optics, etc., and visualize the imaginary things. The strength of the Green Lantern Ring is determined by the imagination of the user. "

The electronic sound of the screen sounded, explaining the role of these rewards.

Let everyone have some understanding of their new abilities.

"Interesting! Visualize the imaginary things! Sure enough, it is the same as Bruce Wayne's yellow lantern ring!"

After Luffy learned about the power of the Green Lantern Ring, he couldn't wait to put it on to test the power.

Release green light to create all kinds of things, and have a lot of fun.

"Luffy, stop playing!"

Nami complained helplessly, now is not the time to play.

"Valkyrie, artifact refining, hurting gods?"

Zoro looked at Horest in shock, digesting this information.

"Yes, the duty of our Valkyrie is to guide the Heroic Spirits to the Hall of Valor. As warriors who protect the heavens, in order to enhance the power of the Heroic Spirits, our Valkyries will be one with the Heroic Spirits and make themselves into artifacts. If Lord Zoro needs it, I can turn into your artifact at any time."

Horest explained with a smile.

"How can this be! How can a lady become a weapon!"

Sanji shouted excitedly after hearing it.

"What does this have to do with you!"

Just then Horest put on an angry and unhappy expression and stared at Sanji, and this change scared a lot of people.

"Ah, sorry, I have two powers, so I have two personalities."

Horest immediately switched back to her original gentle appearance and explained.

At this time, the screen was discussing these rewards.

Odin: "So there are Valkyries in other universes, but the refining of this artifact is a bit outrageous. My Valkyries don't have such power at all."

Danadus: "Don't talk about your place. I have never heard that the Valkyries in our Norse mythology have such power! A mere servant of the gods actually has the power to harm the gods. It's simply audacious!"

Dohko: "How powerful will the Valkyries be if they refine themselves into artifacts?"

Manigot: "Maybe we can beat up our gods."

Danadus: "Foolish human, put away your stupid fantasies!"

Natasha: "This screen can actually reward people. It's a bit funny."

Zoro asked Horest immediately after seeing Natasha's comment.

"Why are you here? Do you know the containment?"

Sauron wanted to get more information about the containment and herself from Horeste.

"I'm not sure. I remember that before I appeared here, I was supposed to pick up qualified heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor, but I suddenly heard a voice. There was a brave warrior who needed my assistance. I'll wait until he dies in the future. Then guide me to the Hall of Valor, and I will appear here after I regain my consciousness."

Horeste replied that there was not much useful information.

"Ah, is it like this?"

Zoro scratched his head after hearing this, not knowing what to say.

"Then we have a new companion?"

Usopp could only understand it this way.

"It seems so."

Nami didn't know what to say. She was shocked by the inexplicable bonus of a living person.

"Brave warrior, I am obviously very brave too, why don't I have such a beautiful woman as a reward?"

Sanji shouted unwillingly, he thought his performance was also very good, but why wasn't there a woman to reward him?

"How do I know this? If you can, just ask the screen."

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