After the epidemic doctor finished speaking, he quickly stretched out his hand.

Before anyone could react, her hand was already on the Celestial Dragon's neck.

The next second, the Tianlongren's originally frightened expression froze, and then fell to the ground helplessly.

The appearance of this strange scene made the entire environment extremely silent.

The surrounding people, as well as the guards of the Celestial Dragons, stared at the fallen Celestial Dragons in shock!

"What did you do! Do you know who he is!"

A guard ran over anxiously to check on the Tianlong people.

As a result, his expression became extremely ugly.

"Dead, actually dead!"

The guard's words made everyone in the audience take a breath.

How is this going? Why did this inexplicable woman just touch the Tianlongren's throat and kill the Tianlongren?

No, the point is that she actually dared to kill Tianlong!

"Ahhh! It's over now!"

"Run away!"

The crowd was frightened at this moment. Although they wished the Tianlong people would die, they could not afford the consequences.

So they all ran away, trying to stay as far away from the scene of the incident as possible.

Navy Headquarters.

Warring States looked extremely ugly now. He didn't expect that the epidemic doctor would kill a Tianlong as soon as he appeared. Now things would get serious!

"What a great job! I accomplished something I've always wanted to do but couldn't!"

However, Garp was the only one who laughed out loud, completely heartlessly.

"You idiot!"

Seeing Garp applauding so blatantly, Sengoku was so angry that he quickly punched Garp in the head to tell him to shut up!

"Do you know how serious this matter is! You are still saying yes here! If you are heard, you will be in big trouble!"

Sengoku was so angry that he roared at Garp.

Garp didn't think anything after hearing this, he just rubbed his head with a displeased look on his face.

"Find out immediately where this epidemic doctor is! Notify the nearest navy to arrest her!"

Warring States calmed down and ordered.

"How can you tell? We can't recognize all countries."

Qingzhi shrugged helplessly.

"It's better to wait for the guard over there to call us."

Kizaru said.

At this time, the epidemic doctor is over there.

"You bastard, how dare you kill a Celestial Dragon! This is the god of the world! You rebellious beast!"

"Go to hell! Be buried with the Celestial Dragons!"

The Celestial Dragon guards became more and more angry one by one.

They are the guards of the Tianlong people. Usually, whenever something happens to the Tianlong people, the guards will be implicated.

Now that the Tianlong people are being killed under their noses, they will definitely not survive!

Since he can't survive, he must capture the culprit and bury him with him!

And if they are lucky, they may get some mercy from other Celestial Dragons, allowing them to survive.

So this group of guards went crazy and rushed towards the epidemic doctor to attack!

When the epidemic doctor saw so many people attacking him, he knew that there was no point in surrendering now and could only resist.

"Although I have strong abilities, my fighting skills are very poor. I hope I can do well."

After the epidemic doctor thought of this, he was preparing to resist.


Suddenly there was a strong wind all around.

The fierce wind that came from nowhere made it difficult for the guards to stay standing, even holding their weapons.

Some of the guards wearing heavy armor were even blown into the sky!


Seeing this scene, the epidemic doctor tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what was happening now.

"Hey, madam, can you come with me?"

At this time, a man wearing a gray robe appeared behind the epidemic doctor. This man had many strange patterns on his face, which was unforgettable at first glance.

"Huh? Who are you? Did you do this gust of wind just now?"

The epidemic doctor looked at the other person curiously.

"You look like you don't have the plague."


The other party looked confused and didn't understand what the epidemic doctor was talking about.

"Anyway, I owe you a favor. I should have told you my name, but unfortunately I have forgotten it a long time ago. Just call me the epidemic doctor, whatever you want."

The epidemic doctor was quite talkative and asked about the person's life.

"Dragon, Monkey D. Dragon."

Garp: "What! It's actually this guy Long! Why is he there!"

Qing Pheasant: "Is there a revolutionary army there? Is there a revolution going to be launched there?"

Akainu: "Damn it! We can't delay that anymore, we have to get there quickly!"

Kizaru: "The guards of the Celestial Dragons have already called the insects. We know the location."

Warring States: "Then hurry up and set off! We can't let that guy Long be successfully contained! Otherwise, the growth of the revolutionary army's strength will be a huge trouble!"

Tony Stark: "Why are you so nervous after seeing this person? Who is this dragon?"

Robin: "Monkey D. Dragon is the most vicious criminal in our world because he is a revolutionary and has gathered many people to overthrow the tyranny of the world government Draco and transform the entire world. It is said that his free thoughts have overturned several the political power of a country.”

Rogers: "So there are some of you who dare to stand up against tyranny! That's a good thing!"

Rogers was originally quite displeased to see the high-level government officials in the pirate world being such a jerk. At the same time, he felt powerless. After all, he couldn't do anything across a universe.

But now he feels happy to see someone dare to stand up against this unreasonable rule.

Akainu: "What a good thing! The revolutionaries are just the largest criminal organization. It sounds nice, but in fact they cause a lot of trouble and will only destroy peace!"

Loki: "The peace you are referring to is just stability that is obviously in your interests."

Akainu: "On the surface, stability is also peace! Just because of the revolutionary army, many countries have fallen into huge civil strife, so what's the point!"

Diana: "Revolution does come with sacrifices, but for a better life in the future, necessary sacrifices are necessary!"

Akainu: "Haha, better? Who can guarantee that the revolutionary army can make the world a better place? If it gets worse, who can bear the responsibility! Maintaining the status quo is the best!"

Bruce Wayne: "This, I have to say, does make sense."

Rogers: "Huh?"

Bruce Wayne: "Not every revolutionary is a person capable of ruling. I don't know about your side. There have been many people who overthrew tyranny in our history. As a result, their rule was not much better. If the revolutionaries follow up, If the ruling ability is not as good as that of the previous people, it really doesn’t mean much.”

Rogers: "But if you don't try, how will you know if it works? Are you going to continue living the tyrannical life of the past without making changes?"

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