American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 210 The epidemic doctor appears and kills the Tianlong people

Using powerful weapons to scare others away from resistance is something Tony Stark is all too familiar with.

He himself relies on Iron Man equipment to deter criminals.

But he is not crazy enough to rely on this ability to bully others.

"This is very similar to our country."

Then Natasha suddenly spoke.

"Isn't our country domineering in the world by relying on its strong military strength? If only the United States had nuclear weapons, it would be even worse."

Natasha said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Hey! Natasha, don't say bad things about your country!"

Nick Fury's face darkened and he immediately scolded.


After hearing this, Natasha shut up obediently, but her expression showed no sign of regret.

This doesn't make Nick Fury look good.

He felt that Natasha's recent speeches were becoming more and more arbitrary, and she began to look down on the government. Although Nick Fury himself was similar, he was not so blatant.


Rogers looked at Natasha in confusion. He still didn't fully understand what kind of country he was playing for.

"Hey Fury, can I ask you something."

At this moment Tony Stark suddenly looked at Nick Fury.

"I'm very curious. S.H.I.E.L.D. is nominally to maintain world peace, but privately it shouldn't be for the interests of the United States, or it may be serving a certain plutocrat."

Tony Stark's question made Nick Fury take a deep breath and almost want to punch someone.

"Let me tell you again, the purpose of SHIELD's existence is to maintain world peace. It is not affected by any plutocrats or politicians. Instead, it wants to show our face!"

Nick Fury retorted forcefully.

After hearing this, Tony Stark just shrugged and turned around, then looked at the screen.

Many people are quite dissatisfied with the actions of the Tianlong people.

Naruto: "That Mr. Whitebeard? I want to ask, if I don't pay the heavenly gold you mentioned, then I won't be protected by the World Government. What will happen?"

Whitebeard: "The end would be terrible. If that country doesn't have the ability to protect itself, it will become a criminal paradise for pirates, human traffickers, and various underworld forces. It will even be deprived of resources by other countries launching wars at will."

Whitebeard: "I have lived for such a long time, but I can see very clearly that in many places, because they cannot pay the heavenly gold, they can only be bullied. In some places, even if you ask others to protect you, the world government will send the navy as a seafarer. Deal with it like a thief, they won’t allow anyone to dare to do the same thing as themselves.”

Naruto: "This is too much."

Akainu: "Hey! This is not because of pirates' wanton behavior! Without pirates, there would be no persecution in those places."

Whitebeard: "Oh, really. Then why do some navy go to places that are not a member country and do mischief? I have seen a lot of them. Because it is not a member country, even if the navy robs the local area, it is not a crime. In the world In the eyes of the government, those who are not members of the participating countries are not even human beings!”

Rogers: "What! As soldiers, you actually condone robbery!"

Warring States: "That's just some scum, Whitebeard! You, a pirate, have no right to make irresponsible remarks. Pirates plunder more seriously than anyone else!"

Whitebeard: "Maybe, but at least we are not as dirty as you."

Orochimaru: "Sure enough, no matter where you are, there are dark and disgusting things, right, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya: "Don't drag me into this!"

Diana: "Your place is simply synonymous with chaos. Someone needs to bring order to the chaos!"

Loki: "Indeed, you need a real god to guide you in the right direction!"

Thanatos: "Why should we guide such stupid humans? We can just destroy them. They call themselves gods. What a ridiculous ant."

Aaron: "If I were in that world, I would definitely give them the salvation of death."

Nobita: "Fortunately our world is not like this."

Doraemon: "It is true that this kind of thing should be eliminated."

Fengyuan: "Stop talking about this, where is the epidemic doctor?"

After seeing Fengyuan's words, everyone remembered the most important thing.

He quickly looked at the screen.

I saw a man in robes and a beak mask walking out on the road in front of the Tianlong man.

Compared with the kneeling crowd around him, he looked particularly conspicuous.

"Where am I? Will there be a plague in this world?"

The epidemic doctor looked around with a puzzled face, not knowing why.

"Who are you! Why do you still dare to stand in front of me!"

When the Tianlong people saw that someone dared to block their way, they instantly became furious!

At this moment, everyone looked at the epidemic doctor, and their expressions became particularly ugly, as if they had seen something terrible.

They all subconsciously believed that this daring man was doomed.

"Me? If your legs are not for standing, what are they for?"

The epidemic doctor replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Hearing the almost ridiculing words of the epidemic doctor, everyone's faces became particularly ugly at that moment. The other party was a Tianlong. How dare this guy do this!

"Are you looking for death?"

The Tianlong man's face was distorted with anger at these words, and he immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at the epidemic doctor.

Don't hesitate to shoot!

When the bullet hit the epidemic doctor's mask, it did not penetrate the epidemic doctor's head as expected, but fell directly to the side.

This made Tianlongren's expression change.

"Hey, you actually fired a gun during the first meeting. You are much ruder than the people in the shelter."

The epidemic doctor's tone became particularly strange, and then he slowly walked towards the Tianlong people.

"Sure enough, no matter which universe you are in, plague always exists, and you seem to be the most serious one, so let's take care of you."

"Hey! What are you doing! Did I ask you to come closer to me!"

When the Tianlong people saw the epidemic doctor walking towards them, they became furious and roared continuously.

"Stop! You rude guy! Do you know who is in front of you!"

At this time, the guards immediately took action, surrounding the epidemic doctor with weapons raised high, and without any explanation, they struck directly at her!

However, something strange happened at this moment. When the guards' weapons touched the epidemic doctor, nothing happened and the epidemic doctor was killed.

Instead, their bodies fell down involuntarily, without even a breath.

This scene was so weird that everyone had to open their mouths.

"You! What did you do!"

The Tianlong people pointed at the epidemic doctor and shouted in shock.

"It's nothing, it's just that people who touch me will basically die. Of course, I will also touch people."

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