American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 164 Another Batman, a way to leave IKEA.


After Diana saw someone helping her, she did not directly treat her as a comrade, but was vigilant.

The other party did not speak, but squatted down with his back to Diana.

He had a black cloak on his back and a metal helmet. The shape and stripes on his body made Diana feel very familiar.

"You may be shocked, but please listen to me."

The other person slowly turned around. When Diana saw his appearance clearly, her pupils gradually dilated and her mouth gradually opened.

The image of a victorious woman that she had always maintained was gone in an instant.

"Bruce Wayne!"

The opponent turned out to be Bruce Wayne's Kamen Rider Night Rider form, and at the same time, his cape turned back into a Dark Winged Bat, which increased Diana's certainty.

Not just Diana, but anyone who saw this through the screen had to be shocked.

Luffy: "Hey, that Batman ran out, that's great."

Bruce Wayne: "That's not good! I didn't come out at all! I'm still at IKEA!"

Tsunade: "What are you talking about! If you are still at IKEA, then who is this person?"

Nick Fury: "Impostor! Someone has assumed your identity!"

It was dawn in IKEA at this time, and the night battle finally came to an end.

Bruce Wayne looked at his other self on the screen angrily.

Who is so arrogant! Dare to pretend to be yourself!

Could it be those old rivals of mine?

Clayface? No, clown!

But the most important thing is, why does the opponent also have Night Rider armor, and what's going on with the Dark Winged Bat!

If he hadn't seen that he was still wearing the Night Rider armor and the Darkwing Bat was eating the corpse of the Sound Beast next to him, he would really doubt his life.

DC Universe, Gotham City.

Diana took out the truth lasso vigilantly.

"You can try to resist, but I'll make you tell the truth."

"Wait a minute, Diana, I don't have time to fight with you. Can Doraemon see what I'm saying!"

Another Bruce Wayne spoke anxiously.

Bruce Wayne (2): "Doraemon can't see what I'm saying!"

Zoro: "Huh? How come even the impostors can see our screen?"

Zhu Xingdan: "This is a bit weird."

At this time, Doraemon was dealing with the monster employees in IKEA, and was called by Bruce Wayne to look at the screen.

Doraemon: "Eh? What's going on! Why are there two Bruce Waynes!"

Bruce Wayne: "Who the hell are you!"

Bruce Wayne (2): "You may not believe it, but I traveled from the future. Doraemon, please take out your time belt and let Gaara and I go back to the time when they came in!" "

Doraemon: "Wait a minute! How do you know my props? Don't tell me! I understand!"

Strange: "What the hell! What are you talking about?"

Diana: "Please tell me what is going on."

Doraemon: "I have a prop called a time belt that can travel through time. As long as we go to the place where everyone came in at the beginning and adjust the time to that time, we can leave IKEA before the entrance disappears!"

Ancient One: "What! You actually still have this kind of prop. Do you have more than one time-traveling prop!"

Doraemon: "There is indeed more than one."

Bruce Wayne: "Other me, did you really travel back from the future and leave IKEA?"

Bruce Wayne (2): "Yes, I didn't lie to you, come on."

Diana: "Wait, if you really traveled to the time when Bruce entered IKEA, then where were you before?"

Seeing this question, others also reacted.

Yes, if it really came out at the same time, then with so many things happening now, why didn't he speak up until now?

Bruce Wayne (2): "Because when I came out, I saw the Joker's people sneaking around. I sensed some conspiracy, so I went to follow up and investigate. It's only now that everything has been dealt with. I just threw the Joker to Commissioner Gordon will take care of it and come over. If you don’t believe it, you can try it yourself.”

Bruce Wayne hesitated when he saw this. It sounded very dreamy and he didn't know if it was true or not. However, Doraemon promised that there was indeed a time traveling prop, which made him suddenly confused. He didn't know if he should believe it 100%. Another of his words.

Bruce Wayne (2): "I don't have time to continue explaining, there are more humanoid monsters to deal with! Diana, if you want to help, don't get in my way."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, he immediately jumped up, transformed into a dark wing bat and flew to other places to pursue other humanoid monsters.

"Don't even think about escaping from under my nose."

Diana immediately chased after him after finishing speaking.

Diana: "Anyway, I will keep an eye on him, Bruce from IKEA, hurry up and try."

Bruce Wayne: "I know."

Naruto: "Hey, that's right! Lustful Sento, did you see Gaara and the other three when you left the Sand Ninja Village?"

Jiraiya: "Yes, I saw them walking out of that shopping mall before I left, but I left without paying much attention. Are they still there?"

Naruto: "Hey! Is this really the case? Doraemon and Bruce Wayne, the three of them are still at IKEA!"

Doraemon: "Of course I am."

Naruto: "Ah, lustful immortal, why don't you ask a few questions? If you did, you would know how to make them leave."

Jiraiya: "How do I know they came back in time! I always thought they were no longer at IKEA!"

Tsunade: "You idiot."

Jiraiya: "Hey! What's wrong with me!"

Tony Stark: "Haha! So what are you waiting for? It seems that this method is really feasible. Go and try it quickly!"

Doraemon: “No problem, I’ll hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

At this moment, Doraemon suddenly burst out laughing. He didn't know why his stomach was so itchy, and he was lying on the ground rolling back and forth with his stomach in his hands, laughing non-stop.

Seeing Doraemon like this, everyone around him was confused. Did he encounter something funny?

"Doraemon, what's wrong with you?"

Shizuka quickly came up and asked what was going on.

"I don't know, my stomach feels so itchy, I don't know who is messing around in there!"

Doraemon forced his smile back and reached inside to explore, then grabbed something and took it out with force.


When everyone saw what Doraemon was holding, their faces turned aside.

The only difference is that Fat Tiger and Gaara stepped back in disgust when they saw something.

Next to him, Bruce Wayne and the audience from other worlds looked shocked.

Because what Doraemon brought out was actually the Sleep Killer!

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