American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 163 Vegeta appears again, Bulma becomes hostage

At the big explosion, a figure gradually came out.

"Is this a new containment object? It looks like that. It's really ridiculous."

The voice was male, full of arrogance and dominance.

When he heard this voice, Leping could no longer control himself. He was breathing heavily and might want to kneel down at any time.

"How is it possible? Why is this guy here?"

Leping stared at that person in disbelief, his heart beating wildly.

Because this person is none other than the Saiyan who invaded the earth, Vegeta!

"What's wrong, Leping, why are you so scared?"

Bulma asked confusedly when she saw Leping like this.

"Idiot! He is the Saiyan who invaded the earth some time ago!"

Leping was so angry that he shouted anxiously.

"What! He is a Saiyan!"

After hearing this, Bulma turned pale and almost lost consciousness.

"Didn't you see his tail?"

Leping was so angry that he had such obvious characteristics. If he wasn't a Saiyan, why would he still be like this?


Just then Leping discovered something unexpected.

That is Vegeta's tail actually broken.

"What are you looking at? I want to know where my tail went. Wasn't it destroyed by Kakarot's move?"

As soon as Vegeta said this, he couldn't help but feel so angry that his whole body trembled and his veins popped out.

Although he tried his best to escape, he was still affected. His tail was destroyed by the terrifying turtle style Qigong, and he was seriously injured.

Because of this, it was a blessing in disguise that Bulma did not recognize Vegeta as a Saiyan and took him home for treatment.

"Don't even think about messing around, Wukong will defeat you!"

Leping bravely shouted that the only thing he could do now was to wait for Sun Wukong and Piccolo to come over.

"Kakarot, don't underestimate me! I am the Saiyan Prince, he can become a Super Saiyan! So can I!"

Vegeta roared angrily, and the terrifying pressure surged out like a tide.

How could Leping withstand Vegeta's terrifying aura? He was blown away, and Bulma was also blown away to other places.


Just then Sun Wukong arrived in time, along with the other Z warriors!

"Damn it, now is not the time to have a conflict with Kakarot!"

Although Vegeta wanted to take revenge, he also knew that his current strength was far inferior to that of Sun Wukong and he must leave immediately.

But now it seems to be surrounded. Hmm! Bulma's position is the breakthrough!

So Vegeta immediately disappeared, appeared behind Bulma, and picked her up directly.

"If you don't want her to die, don't move!"

Vegeta actually took Bulma as a hostage.

It really worked, so Sun Wukong and the others didn't dare to mess around.

"Are you kidding? Just a woman is nothing!"

However, Piccolo is not so easy to be soft-hearted and will take action whenever he opens his mouth.

"No, Uncle Piccolo, Bulma will die!"

Son Gohan quickly grabbed Piccolo's arm to stop him.

"Let go! Idiot!"

"Help me! What are you doing!"

Bulma was so frightened that she cried. She kept waving her arms and legs and struggling, but she couldn't get rid of Vegeta.

"You ungrateful guy, I picked you up for treatment, is this how you repay me?"

Bulma shouted angrily!

"Shut up! It's a great gift that I didn't kill you!"

Vegeta yelled back angrily, scaring Bulma so much that she didn't dare to speak.

"What do you have to do to let Bulma go?"

Son Goku calmed down and stared at Vegeta.

"Of course, wait until I'm safe before letting this woman go. If you don't want her to die now, don't move."

Vegeta said with a sneer.

"Are you kidding! Who will listen to you!"

Piccolo's violent temper came up immediately, and if Son Gohan and Krillin hadn't been suppressing him, he would have taken action long ago.

"I promise you, as long as you let Bulma go, I won't move."

Sun Wukong agreed to Vegeta's request and stared at him looking for opportunities.

"Humph, that's fine."

After Vegeta finished speaking, he instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared, along with Bulma.

Seeing this scene, everyone realized that something was wrong.


"Kakarot! You are so naive to miss such a good opportunity! You should just do it like the Namekian said! You are so stupid to even care about the safety of the hostages! Give it to me Just wait, I will definitely become a Super Saiyan and take revenge on you!"

"By then, none of you will be able to survive!"

Vegeta's voice echoed around, carrying strong murderous intent and ridicule.

Sun Wukong looked particularly embarrassed when he heard this.

"Sun Wukong! You idiot!"

Piccolo was so angry that his face became more and more embarrassed, and he had to vent his anger on Sun Wukong.

"Why don't you do as I say! Now we have lost the best opportunity! We don't know what kind of trouble it will bring to us!"

Sun Wukong didn't say anything, but kept trembling all over.

"Hey, Lord Tenjin, do you know where Vegeta went?"

Sun Wukong looked at the sky anxiously and shouted.

"Unfortunately, his speed is so fast that I can't catch up with him."

The god's face was also particularly ugly. He focused all his attention on staring at the lower world, but he couldn't see Vegeta.

"Goku, it's all your fault for being too naive! If you hadn't left that woman alone, you would have eliminated that Saiyan long ago! If he ran away, if he really turned into a Super Saiyan, we would be in big trouble. !”

Piccolo was so angry that he roared at Sun Wukong.

"Are you kidding me! Are you going to kill Bulma!"

When Leping heard this, he was immediately angry!

"That woman's life or death has nothing to do with me!"


While everyone was arguing, many people screamed around.

"Stop arguing now. I'll find a way to track Vegeta while you continue to deal with those humanoid monsters."

Finally, Sun Wukong calmed down and said, and then immediately flew into the sky.

Seeing this, everyone else had no choice but to do their own thing.

In the DC Universe

Diana was hunting down humanoid monsters everywhere. At first, she could not care about such weak creatures, but as time went by and the number she saw increased, she felt tremendous pressure.

"If one of these leaks outside, we'll be in big trouble."

Diana thought seriously.

Then he waved the Sword of Victory and released countless light points to kill a large group of humanoid monsters.

"Ma'am, although this is not a good thing to say, you should speed up. The thermal imaging reactions of these monsters are increasing, and the police are too busy."

Lucius' nervous voice came from the intercom. He had never seen such a terrifyingly fertile monster.

"I see."

While Diana was talking, a group of humanoid monsters suddenly descended from the sky and launched a sneak attack!

Just when Diana came back to her senses, a black shadow like a drill passed by and pierced these humanoid monsters!

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