Whitebeard looked quite bad, looking at the sky in shock.

There were originally a large number of small air jellyfish, but now they have merged into such a huge form.

This was completely beyond Whitebeard's expectation.

Among all the creatures he had seen, there was nothing so outrageous.

"What the hell is this? Is it really a jellyfish, or is it a devil fruit user?"

Margao looked shocked. He had never heard of this kind of jellyfish.

"Fusion? I remember that there was a user with the ability of the Fusion Fruit on Roger's ship before."

Bista thought for a moment and said.

"No, it's not the same thing at all."

Whitebeard immediately shook his head.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!!"

At this moment, the huge air jellyfish waved its tentacles vigorously, causing a large and violent explosion of air.

Even if the tentacles haven't touched anything, the terrifying energy explosion directly shattered two pirate ships!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

It's just that the aftermath is so terrifying, not to mention the tentacle itself.

Hearing the continuous screams, Whitebeard's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Bastard thing!"

This made Whitebeard so angry that he didn't even have to do anything to make everything around him tremble.

Every move he makes seems to be capable of destroying heaven and earth!

"Dad! Your body!"

Margao noticed something strange about Whitebeard and had to scream.

Now Whitebeard is no longer as brave as he used to be. He is seriously ill. The battle just now would have worsened. If it continues to be more intense, there will be big trouble.

"I am in charge of my body!"

Regarding Margao's kindness, Whitebeard roared, scaring Margao so much that he dared not speak out.

"Stinky jellyfish, if you dare to hurt my son, be prepared to die!"

When Whitebeard said this, he squatted down slightly with his legs, raised his arms, and clenched his fists, compressing the force of vibration into his fists.

The next second, Whitebeard punched the air with all his strength, creating a huge crack.


"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The next second, the huge air jellyfish was hit countless times by something unknown all over its body.

Every attack would compress the soft body inside, even causing the surroundings to vibrate continuously.

One after another, the air jellyfish was beaten into disgrace, and some unknown liquid even spilled out.

"woo woo woo woo!!"

The shrill, deep, and weird screams resounded all around. It was obvious that the power of Whitebeard's punch had successfully caused damage.

It's just that the giant air jellyfish is not a vegetarian. All its eyes were focused on Whitebeard, revealing extremely strong killing intent.

Whitebeard just smiled.

"If you have the guts, come and try it!"

At this moment, the abyss-like mouth of the giant air jellyfish opened, revealing countless ferocious and sharp fangs.

Then an extremely strong air flow was emitted from it, turning into a huge and terrifying tornado, sweeping everything around into the sky and tearing it into pieces.

Even seawater is sucked into it. If you look closely, you will find that creatures in the ocean and even sea kings are sucked into the tornado and enter the body of the giant jellyfish.



Many of the other crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates were swept into the air and even torn into pieces by the terrible storm.

Only some people can find ways to stabilize their bodies, but they can't hold on for long.


At this time, Whitebeard raised his hands, bent his fingers and exerted force, black thunder and lightning burst out from his whole body, and then pulled his arms down hard.

His fingers actually drew clear traces in the air.

"Buzz buzz!!!"

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly shook continuously. Not only the earth, the ocean, and the sky were also shaking, and the vibration frequency became more and more intense.

Under this shock, the power of the tornado was forcibly offset, unable to blow everything away smoothly.

At this moment, earthquakes and tornadoes, these two natural disasters, are colliding fiercely!

At this time in Leo Universe.


The melee between Leo, Gunteras and the four disc creatures is not over yet.

Although it looked extremely fierce, Leo and Gunteras clearly had the upper hand, and the four disc creatures were beaten back.

Zhu Xingtan, on the other hand, led the MAC team to deal with the air jellyfish.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The team members shot at several air jellyfish in the sky and knocked them down one by one. They no longer knew which one they were.

They couldn't believe this kind of creature at first, but when they actually saw it, they had to refresh their views again.

Air jellyfish were originally difficult to find, but Zhu Xingluan used his extraordinary telepathy to find their locations one by one.


At the same time as Zhu Xingtuan shouted, several air jellyfish released strong air currents, rolling up several Mac team members and trying to swallow them up!

Seeing this, the star clusters immediately used their ultra-psychic power to interfere with the jellyfish in the air, interrupting their airflow, causing the team members who were rolled up to fall down one after another.

Although the fall was painful, it was better than being eaten.

After rescuing the people, Zhuhoshidan quickly fired to eliminate the jellyfish in the air.

"There are many?"

Zhu Xingtuan looked around, feeling quite worried. They had eliminated more than twenty air jellyfish along the way, and they didn't know how many were left.

But his sixth sense told him that it wasn't over yet.


At this moment, he suddenly noticed something and looked around suddenly.

Wherever you can see it with the naked eye, air jellyfish are popping up all the time!

Dozens, hundreds, thousands! Even more than 10,000.

And the size of each one is different!

Such a large number of air jellyfish keep popping up, which makes people's scalp numb.

"How come there are so many!"

One team member had to scream.

Why are there so many monsters lurking on the earth and no one notices them?

"What do they want to do!"

A female team member couldn't help but tremble when she said this.

I saw this group of air jellyfish gathering together, and then merging together like the air jellyfish in the pirate world.

Finally, it turned into a huge air jellyfish with a volume of more than 100 meters.

The densely packed pupils, countless tentacles, and the translucent body make it look quite weird.

"It's bigger than the one in the Pirate World!"

This made Zhuxinguan have to take a breath of cold air.

He took the time to look at the situation in other worlds, especially the pirate world where air jellyfish also appeared, and then he knew that air jellyfish could merge.

But I didn't expect that there would be more aerial jellyfish on my side, and they would be even bigger when combined!

In the next second, the huge air jellyfish released a terrifying air current and turned into a terrifying tornado!

No grass grows wherever the tornado touches!

The buildings that can be seen with the naked eye are being destroyed continuously, and the rubble and people are being sucked into the body of the giant air jellyfish.


Seeing this scene, I didn't know what was going on.

Zhu Xingtuan quickly led the team members and ran towards the distance immediately.

"Ah ah!"

Leo, who was shaking with Noba, was startled when he saw the giant air jellyfish's movements. Then he immediately threw Noba away, jumped up hard, used Leo's flying kick, and turned into a meteor and rushed towards the giant air jellyfish! !

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