Then he immediately saw the screen and noticed a lot of messages sent by Doraemon, and finally knew what was going on.

"Ah, Doraemon is trapped in a containment object, what should I do?"

Nobita looked at the six sleep killers with his whole body trembling. How could he, a timid little boy, dare to face the contained objects by himself?

Now my legs are shaking all the way down to my toes, and I can't move at all, so I can only stand dumbly.

IKEA store.

"Ah! No way, Nobita can deal with the contained objects on his own!"

After seeing Nobita's situation through the screen, Doraemon rubbed his head anxiously, not to mention how distressed he was.

He now regrets more and more that he was not fully prepared.

"I'm an idiot, I'd better smash myself to pieces."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he took out a big hammer from his pocket and wanted to hit himself.


Fat Hu and others next to him saw this scene and rushed to stop it.

"Calm down! It's useless for you to do this."

Bruce Wayne didn't expect Doraemon to be so impulsive, and hurried to stop him.

I have to be a little more impressed with this advanced robot full of emotions.

At this time, Nobita looked at the six sleep killers with a horrified look on his face, because his screams had woken them up. He slowly stood up and stared at Nobita with his big eyes and small eyes.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

A sleep killer couldn't help roaring.

They have always been the ones who force people to sleep, and whenever they make themselves sleep together, nothing happens to the other party!

This is a huge shame for them!

never mind! No matter what you are used to! Let’s get started!

The six sleep killers all raised their claws and rushed towards Nobita.


Nobita was so frightened that his hair almost left his scalp, his face turned pale, and he kept screaming.

Subconsciously he took out the wand from his lower back.

He has been learning magic under the supervision of Doraemon these days. Although there has been basically no progress, he finally learned a magic spell.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

At this moment, Nobita had never been so grateful to himself for studying so hard. He could swear that the accuracy of the incantation and the strength of swinging the wand at this moment were both top-notch!

As soon as he finished speaking, his paw almost touched him.

At this moment, the tatami in the room suddenly lifted up automatically, causing six sleep killers to rise one after another, hit the ceiling, and then fall heavily to the ground.

"Hey! I succeeded!"

Nobita was so excited when he saw that he could use magic so smoothly, and that it was the first time he used magic in actual combat with such great effect.

Tears were about to flow out, and I couldn't even help but cheer on the spot.

"Long live! Long live! Doraemon, have you seen it! I did it!"

Doraemon: "Run, you idiot!"

At this time, Nobita suddenly felt something was wrong. He saw the sleep killers slowly standing up. How could they possibly capture them if they fell like this?


Only then did Nobita realize that he had missed the best opportunity to escape and was about to do the same thing.

The claw of a sleep killer came over and knocked his wand away.

Looking at the empty hand, Nobita's mouth grew into an O shape and he didn't react for a while.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

This time, the sleep killers were furious. Even though this was just a primary school student, they failed!

How can we vent our anger if we don’t tear it into pieces?


Nobita was so frightened that his eyes and tongue were about to fly out, and he wanted to run out, but the door was blocked, so he ran into the cupboard in a panic and closed the cupboard door tightly.

Krillin: "Ah, this kid is dead."

Tony Stark: "He was so stupid that he missed the best opportunity to escape."

Diana: "Don't say such sarcastic things! He's still a child."

Chopper: "Nobita doesn't want to die!"

At this time, Nobita was shivering in the cupboard with his head in his hands, not knowing what to do.

Without the wand and Doraemon not around, he had no ability to deal with the contained objects.

"What if there is Doraemon's secret prop."

When Nobita said this, he suddenly thought of something and looked at the pillow in front of him, his eyes gradually enlarging.


The next second, the sleep killer's claws opened the cabinet door and was about to catch Nobita inside.

But I saw that Nobita had a cannon in his hand, and it was facing the face of a sleep killer.


The air cannon fired immediately, six times in succession.

Six air cannons accurately hit the heads of the six sleep killers, knocking them to the ground one by one.

Now the six sleep killers fainted and foamed at the mouth.

Obviously, even if they are not human, they cannot withstand the power of the air cannon.

"Fufufu, great."

Nobita breathed a heavy sigh of relief, then looked at his other hand, and found that there was also a fourth-dimensional pocket.

Strange: "How come Nobita also has a fourth-dimensional pocket!"

Doraemon: "Yes! I have a spare pocket. Fortunately, Nobita thought of it in time."

Rhodes: "Spare pocket, what does this have to do with the cannon? What did it fire?"

Tony Stark: "That's an air cannon. There's another dimension inside that pocket. There are many high technologies you can't imagine."

Rhodes: "If you can tell it's high-tech, it's definitely awesome."

Luffy: "No matter what, I hope Nobita is fine. It's really scary."

Naruto: "Yeah, I thought he was going to die."

Although they have never touched each other, it is undoubtedly fate to meet each other in this way. I really don’t want such a child to die like this.

Garp: "Hahaha! Such a brat has already taken down the containment object. We have to work harder in the Warring States Period!"

Sengoku: "But don't demolish the entire naval headquarters!"

In the world of pirates, half of the current navy headquarters is in tatters.

The main reason is Cap.

In order to improve efficiency, Garp simply attacked on a large scale at all costs.

It was true that some visual monsters were killed, but it also caused the Navy Headquarters to almost collapse.

Sengoku was so angry that he couldn't help but send a shock wave to Garp to calm him down.

"I don't know what's going on with Whitebeard."

Warring States has not forgotten to pay attention to Whitebeard's situation. If the world's strongest pirate gets any reward, it will be a huge trouble.

So he couldn't relax for a moment.

When he looked at the screen showing Whitebeard, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Is that a jellyfish?"

At this time, a very huge air jellyfish appeared in the sky over Whitebeard, which was larger than the size of the island.

You can clearly see the outline of each tentacle, as well as the densely packed eyeballs.

"Hey, hey, hey, they can still fit together."

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