Bruce Wayne: "Damn it! There's a humanoid monster in Gotham City, but I'm not there!"

When it comes to the race that they least want to face, many people will definitely choose humanoid monsters. Their reproductive capabilities are really terrible, and they can't even leave any eggs.

And finding them is particularly troublesome, and undoubtedly consumes the most energy, material, manpower and time.

But it happened anyway.

The most irritating thing is Bruce Wayne, who is now trapped in an IKEA store and unable to protect Gotham City at all!

"More employee monsters are coming!"

"There are also those beasts that imitate sounds, destroy them quickly!"

It is now night in the IKEA store. Because the supplies recovered today were mixed with the arm of an employee monster, it is said that there will be thousands of employee monsters attacking tonight, some large and small, and huge employee monsters exceeding 30 meters. All.

And the beast of mimicry is also fishing in troubled waters.

In the past, the pick-up town with only a few hundred people and no thermal weapons would have been unable to fight against it.

But they have Doraemon, Gaara, Bruce Wayne and the others, so there is no need to be afraid.

With their help, the pick-up defense was impregnable and would not be breached at all.


At this time, Xiaofu Fat Tiger and Temari flew back with melancholy expressions on their faces.

"No, the exit that appears is not to our world, but to Europe in the last century."

The husband said quickly.

"Oh my God, how can I go back like this?"

Temari was a little discouraged now, no one knew how long she would stay here.

"By the way, when we came back, we saw a lot of employee monsters everywhere, and the town at the vegetable market we passed yesterday was destroyed. There were a bunch of mimicking beasts eating corpses."

Fat Tiger quickly reported what he saw when he came back, which made people feel horrified.

"Little Dora, how can we go back?"

Shizuka looked at Doraemon anxiously.

"I don't know either."

Doraemon is also quite melancholy. Not only can he not go back now, but it is also very dangerous there. How can Nobita alone be able to deal with the contained objects?

"It would be great if Dorami came."

Doraemon had to hope that his sister would play with him and Nobita at this time, so that Doraemon could protect Nobita on his behalf and deal with those contained objects.

Bruce Wayne: "Diana, can you help me protect Gotham City?"

Diana: "I've already gone, and it's not about your city, it's about the whole world!"

Bruce Wayne: "Thank you. I will repay you when you get out. By the way, you can go to Wayne Group to find Lucius. As long as you tell me my name, he will use all the technology of Wayne Group to help you find the Beast of Mimicry." , and prepare the police.”

Diana: "To be honest, I really want to have something to do with your rich company, but now it seems I have to do this."

At this time, Diana was already heavily armed and rushing towards Gotham City, hoping that she could arrive as soon as possible to avoid the situation from getting worse.

dragon ball universe

"Okay, let's go and destroy those humanoid monsters!"

Sun Wukong said as he bumped his fists against each other.

Although there is no strong man, he still has to take action in order to protect mankind.

"But are those monsters angry, and how to find the eggs?"

Krillin told the key to the problem.

The monster itself is easy to find, but the problem is the egg, which can't be felt by gas.

"Leave this to me."

At this moment, a fairy voice appeared in their minds.

"There are now strange monsters attacking humans in the Western Capital. There are dozens of them. This should be related to the containment objects you mentioned."

The god can see everything on the ground, no matter what it is, nothing can hide from his eyes, and he can point out the location for Sun Wukong and the others.

"Then I'll leave it to you, God! Let's go!"

After Monkey King finished speaking, he immediately took off.

Piccolo, Son Gohan, Krillin, Leping and Tenjin Fan followed closely behind!

"I never thought Piccolo would fight alongside us."

Tianjin Fan looked at Piccolo next to him in surprise.

"Hmph, don't get me wrong, I just think those creatures will become an obstacle for me to invade the earth. When the containment objects are solved, you will be next."

Piccolo said coldly.

Sun Wukong just smiled at this.

"By the way, I remember Bulma also lives in Xidu, so I need to inform him quickly."

Krillin reminded.

"Well, it's true. Speaking of which, I called her two days ago. She said that she picked up a seriously injured person and put him at home to take care of him. It was really random."

Leping was a little dissatisfied when he said it.

"Eighty percent of it is because you hooked up with other girls again, so she was deliberately angry with you like this."

Klin was speechless about this. How come such a person has a girlfriend, but he doesn't?

"Then you can't be so messy!"

Leping couldn't help but get angry after hearing this.

This kind of noise relieves the tense atmosphere a little.

Marvel Universe S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Huh, luckily there is a kind of creature on an alien planet that is not under our control."

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the screen. Although the Sleep Killer has weird abilities, humans can deal with it. Now they have another reward.

Nick Fury looked at the experimental building on display, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"It's not a good place, but there is an antique from the last century sleeping!"

Nick Fury couldn't help but jump up and curse. If something went wrong with that thing, he would be in big trouble!

"Natasha, Hill, let's go quickly! Notify the people over there immediately, wear night vision goggles and fight with guns!"

Nick Fury immediately called the two women and rushed to the experimental building.

Tony Stark: "Hey, Nick Fury, that seems to be your S.H.I.E.L.D. experimental building. You don't have any secrets that cannot be exposed to the light."

Nick Fury: "This is none of your business!"

Tony Stark: "Don't be nervous, I'm just going to help you solve your trouble. It's just a visual phantom that appears on an alien planet. I don't know where it is. Is it Asgard?"

Odin: "Unfortunately, not here with us, nor on other nearby planets."

After Odin learned that a visual fantasy beast appeared on a planet in his own universe, he immediately asked Heimdall to search for it. As a result, he searched all nearby planets and found nothing. It was obviously in a more distant place.

Although this is a good thing, you will miss out on rewards.

So he still asked Heimdall to continue searching.

Tsunade: "Damn it, he actually appeared in other ninja villages! There are still three of them!"

Jiraiya: "I'm now using my shadow clones to rush to other ninja villages to tell them the seriousness of the matter. I hope it's too late."

Naruto: "Come on, the lustful immortal, especially that humanoid monster, we can't let them continue to reproduce!"

Jiraiya: "I know this!"

At this time, Jiraiya had already divided into two clones, asking them to go to Kirigakure Village and Kumogakure Village respectively, while he went to Iwagakure Village.

I don’t know how many humanoid monsters have appeared, I hope there’s enough time!

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