Orochimaru is very interested in these monsters and wants to use them to conduct experiments on the C virus and the synthesis of super beasts.

"These creatures are quite interesting. I wonder if I have a chance to catch them."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he looked at some of the synthesized monsters in the laboratory and couldn't help but lick his lips.

"The next kind of monster will be considered by the containment committee to be the most troublesome and a terrifying monster that can bring disaster to human existence."

At this time, the sound on the screen sounded. When they heard this, everyone came to their senses, wondering what kind of creature this was and how it could be described like this.

None of the three monsters that appeared before have been described in this way.

Is there any more terrifying ability?

Now everyone's eyes are glued to the screen, wondering what it is.

Then the screen switched, revealing a picture of a strange monster.

"The humanoid monster can detect rooster, orangutan, human and other DNA in its DNA. The structure is quite complex. Because it is a bipedal creature, its appearance is somewhat similar to humans, so we simply call it a humanoid monster."

Sanji: "What the hell! This kind of monster doesn't look like a human being!"

Leping: "Just like Kelin and Tianjin Fan, they are bald."

Tianjin Fan: "Hey! What you said is so rude!"

Natasha: "I don't know what abilities this creature has, and it can cause catastrophe to mankind."

"The humanoid monster does not have the silent super speed of the visual beast, nor does it have the invisibility and ability to capture sleep like the sleep killer, nor does it have the hunting ability of the aerial jellyfish."

The electronic sound appeared and began to explain the characteristics of the humanoid monster. This was very confusing. Isn't this far inferior to the previous three monsters?

"However, it has an extremely troublesome ability, which is to attack mammals, especially humans, within a radius of 600 meters at all costs. The speed of a juvenile humanoid monster is as high as 25KM/H, and the speed will be even faster when it becomes an adult. It’s terrifying. Each one has the ability to reproduce. It can form eggs in its body and then ovulate them for reproduction. There is no upper limit to this reproductive ability. The time it takes for the egg to break out of the shell is no more than an hour.”

"Humanoid monsters reproduce very fast. The Conception Society once calculated that a humanoid monster can lay out 30 eggs in an hour. The eggshells are so strong that they are difficult to destroy even if they are shot with a machine gun or soaked in strong acid. "

"The larvae that emerge from their shells are very aggressive from the beginning. As long as they have enough food for half a day, they can become adults and start to reproduce."

"One humanoid monster can give birth to 30 humanoid monsters in one hour. After half a day, the thirty humanoid monsters can produce 900 humanoid monsters, and then after another half day, 27,000 humanoid monsters can appear. That is to say In less than a week, the number of humanoid monsters can exceed 100 million, enough to pose a terrifying threat to human existence. "

Seeing this, everyone began to feel their scalps numb. What kind of terrifying reproductive capacity and growth rate is this? In addition, this thing is also very targeted at humans, which is enough to kill hundreds of millions of humans!

"Humanoid monsters are very good at protecting their offspring. They will not accumulate offspring in the same place, but will be distributed in different places and unexpected corners. This greatly increases the difficulty of extinction."

"It can be said that after 100,000 were eliminated, there were still millions of eggs that had not been discovered. In order to completely solve the problem of humanoid monsters, the containment society used various means to cause huge fluctuations covering the whole world, risking The risk of exposure was reduced by one-third of the global population due to humanoid monsters, and all humanoid monsters and their eggs were finally destroyed.”

"In that universe, there are still two humanoid monsters being kept in the shelter for research. Once they breed eggs, they must try their best to destroy them. If this is not possible, the young must be destroyed quickly."

"Such a monster cannot be released into the outside world, otherwise it will only take half a day to create a huge disaster."

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. Now they finally understood why the humanoid monster could still pose such a terrifying threat even though it clearly lacked the strength of the previous three.

That reproductive ability cannot be described in just two words: terrifying.

If the screen didn't lie, then ten days would be enough for billions of humanoid monsters and even more eggs to appear. With such a huge number of hostile races, one person could wipe out the human race in one day.

Everyone couldn't help but feel numb at the thought.

Nami: "What kind of monster is this! It can reproduce by itself! So fast, and it looks so disgusting."

Sun Wukong: "Can you lay eggs to reproduce by yourself? It feels like Piccolo."

Piccolo: "Hey! Don't drag me into this!"

Jiraiya: "This is no joke! Monsters that feed on humans or any animal can grow to such a large number at once and can definitely destroy most species!"

Kizaru: "Really, but they are weak, aren't they?"

Warring States: "Please! Don't forget that civilians are still the majority! They are still a big threat!"

Diana: "Such a monster, if we try to kill them all in a short time, we will never be able to eliminate the danger!"

Tony Stark: "Oh my god, if a monster like this appears, I will have to use satellite thermal imaging to locate it immediately."

Nick Fury: "Can that lock the egg?"

Tony Stark: "I'm afraid that won't work."

Strange: "If it's Master Ancient One, is there any way?"

Ancient One: "This is not difficult. I have several magics that can track where objects are."

Nick Fury: "That's really reliable!"

"Now let's start predicting the universes where these creatures appear."

Just as everyone was talking non-stop, the sound of the screen sounded again, making everyone quiet down immediately.

"Marvel Universe, a sleep killer will appear in a certain experimental building of SHIELD, and a visual phantom beast will appear on a planet in outer space."

"DC Universe, a humanoid monster will appear in Gotham City."

"Dragon Ball Universe, a humanoid monster will appear in the West Metro."

"Doraemon Universe, a sleep killer will appear."

"Aerial jellyfish will appear in the Ultraman Universe."

"One Piece Universe, an aerial jellyfish will appear on an uninhabited island, and a visual phantom beast will appear in the Navy Headquarters."

"Naruto Universe, a visual phantom beast will appear in the Hidden Cloud Village, an aerial jellyfish will appear in the Hidden Mist Village, and a humanoid monster will appear in the Hidden Rock Village."

The preview on the screen appeared, and the various universes were changing.

Jiraiya: "What? Even other ninja villages are involved! And humanoid monsters appear in our world! This is a big trouble!"

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